Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

The Hoosiers

by Silvana 3 reviews

A songfic to the song Worried About Ray by The Hoosiers.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Ray Toro - Published: 2007-11-04 - Updated: 2007-11-04 - 432 words - Complete

The truth be told, the truth be told
I'm worried about the future holds,
the future holds

They’re going downhill rapidly. And when I say rapidly, I mean they’ve gone into free fall. Their fans are all falling away; the record company is thinking of dropping them.

I'm starting to worry about Ray

I’m starting to worry about him.

The truth be told, the truth be told
I'm worried about the future holds,
the future holds

Because the band is his life. If they break up which I think is likely then he’s likely to have a break down.

I'm seriously worried about Ray

I’m so worried about him.

They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall
They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall

Course I’ll stick by him. I wouldn’t leave him. I need him. I love him. I’ll be there for him, but I’m just so worried.

The truth be told, the truth be told
I'm treading on my tippy toes, my tippy toes

At the moment when I’m around him it’s like walking on eggshells. He’s so touchy. I guess it’s just getting to him but man, is it awful.

I'm starting to worry about Ray

I’m really worried about him.

The truth be told, the truth be told
I'm treading on my tippy toes, my tippy toes

I’m just constantly wary of what I say in case it upsets him.

I'm painfully so worried about Ray

And it hurts me to see him hurting. And I know that’s cheesy, and corny, but it’s also true.

They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall
They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall

I won’t let him go through it on his own. I wont let him destroy himself.

They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall
They say the future's out to get you
You know that I won't let you fall

The future's out to get you, the future's out to get you,oh
The future's out to get you, the future's out to get you, oh

The truth be told, the truth be told
I'm worried what the future holds, the future holds

I'm so tired of being worried about Ray

I’m so worried about Ray.
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