Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Drabbles

Think Life Sucks? Try Death

by ghostwalker 1 review

Sirius Black - PG-13 for language Sirius contemplates [OotP spoiler]

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst, Drama - Characters: Sirius - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2006-01-10 - Updated: 2006-01-11 - 100 words

Sirius Black did not enjoy being dead. In fact, he was rather displeased. All those years in Azkaban; escaping to find his godchild; nearly (in his dreams anyway) being cleared of the crimes against him; fighting the bloody Death Eaters. Now, because he had stepped (been shoved, damnit. He was shoved) on the wrong side of a veil, he was dead? Fuckingbloodygoddamnhellbitchwhore I was screwed fuck fuck.

He had things to do, damnit! A boy to watch over, Death Eaters to fight. Voldemort to kill. Besides, this place was dull.

Shit. He'd really been screwed in that whole "life" deal.
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