Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Dish Soap?!

by Jessicat 4 reviews

Okay, first story, second time (hopefully it will work). It's a crazy dream I had.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-11-07 - Updated: 2007-11-07 - 400 words - Complete

Bob changed the channel again, there was nothing good on.
Ray flipped another page over in his latest book, Stephen King’s “Everything’s Eventual”.
Mikey tapped rapidly at the buttons on his game boy, playing his pokemon game.
Frank stared blankly at the ceiling.

They were staying in a hotel, which was quite large, actually more like an apartment, it had bedrooms, a bathroom, a living room and even a kitchen.

The peaceful silence was shattered by a loud BANG, and then the smoke detector went off. A black smoke wafted in through the doorway and with it a horrible smell. Then came the sound of shuffling footsteps, and the smoke detector was shut off. They all stared at the door.
“What is that smell?” Ray wrinkled his nose. Bob shrugged.

There were several more bangs and scattered “ouches”. Frank stared wide eyed. A moment later, Gerard stepped in through the door, his slightly blackened, oven mitts on his hands and plate of cookies.
“Hey guys! I made cookies!” Gerard smiled.
“You what?” Frank raised an eyebrow.
“I made cookies! Want some?” Gerard held the plate out.
“Gerard have you tried your cookies?” Mikey asked, blinking at the oddly black cookies.
“No, I could never like them if you guys didn’t.” Gerard grinned innocently.
“Um, okay, we’ll try them…” Mikey took one nervously.
“Are they chocolate or something?” Bob asked, biting into one.
“You could say that…” Gerard smeared the black soot on his face. Bob started choking.
“Bob! Are you okay?!” Gerard frowned, “You do like my cookies don’t you?”
“Um, yes… He loves them… He-uh- likes it so much that he’s trying to eat it all in one bite…and-now he’s choking…” Ray blocked Gerard’s view of Bob while he choked down the bite, stopping slowly.
“Oh, ok.” Gerard turned to Mikey, “Do you like?”
“They…um…They’re…very…cookie.” Mikey struggled to keep a straight face.
“Why don’t you try one?” Frank held out his half-eaten cookie.
“Mmkay.” Gerard took a bite and chewed thoughtfully. “They’re okay, but they could use more dish soap.” Bob began choking in the background again.
“Dish soap?! What else did you…? Wait, don’t tell me.” Ray sighed.

Please review, first time, actually second time ‘cause the first time didn’t work right . Anyway, I’ll be forever grateful for reviews.
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