Categories > Original > Fantasy > La Beaute est la Bete

Important Note

by MakaiKitty 0 reviews


Category: Fantasy - Rating: G - Genres: Fantasy - Published: 2007-11-07 - Updated: 2007-11-08 - 104 words

For some reason, when I uploaded this originally, it didn't work quite right. And, as a result, there are two entries for this story up on FicWad. I'm sorry for the confusion, but since I have reviews for both versions, I don't want to delete either one. Just go to the other entry to see the completed version.

Oh, and btw, the title is not meant to translate to "Beauty and the Beast". I've gotten more than one person trying to be helpful by fixing the title for me, but I actually do know what it says. Thanks anyway guys, it's appreciated anyway ^-^
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