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That Which Drives You

by ghostwalker 1 review

What drives the man within the beast? Remus Lupin - G Disclaimers: char is hers, writing is mine

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Lupin - Published: 2006-01-12 - Updated: 2006-01-13 - 97 words

Remus Lupin - G

It wasn't grief that drove him. He missed them, he would always miss them. They had been his family and his sanity, his closest companions and confidants. The moments were rare when he didn't miss them to some degree.

Still, it wasn't grief that drove him. Grief was a monster and it would devour you if you allowed it. He had enough monsters already. It was their memories. The laughter and the love in the memories kept him going.

Maybe that was cliché-ish but maybe Dumbledore was right; love was a greater power.
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