Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Seconds Counting Down Until I See You Again

Chapter 5- Bob/ Cheating: part 1- June 10

by rejected_smurf_god 3 reviews

Gerard and Kendra meet Bob. Yes, she finally cheats.

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-11-13 - Updated: 2007-11-13 - 1100 words - Complete

Frank and I almost were no more. Sure, he still kissed me and hugged me, but it didn't seem like he was into it. Besides Ray told me he had met this girl named Jamia and was spending a lot of time with her. I smell a cheat?

Oh well. At least for once it's not me who's doing it.


Gerard and I have become good friends since I've been getting the right amount of sliepp. I haven't needed to steal drumsticks and throw them at his head so we've seen no reason to hate each other. He's even shown me some of his drawings but I have yet to see that picture of me.

Matt has officially left MCR. Currently Gerard and Ray are scouting for a new drummer and until then the playing of the drums had to be done by Andy or no playing at all. We all miss it.

Bob came to us in no time. He was sort of pushed into it. Don't get me wrong, he loved My Chemical Romance but he had a well-paying job working as the sound guy for the Used.

It started like this, Gerard and I were hanging out in a Starbucks in dwontown Chicago. I hate Starbucks but Gerard wouldn't be able to live without it so we were sitting at a table close to the register. We were just kinda looking around for something to talk about when a blonde guy with a beard and a black hat walked in and stood at the counter. As he waited he started drumming out a beat that only skilled drumists could drum*.

Instantly me and Gerard smiled and looked over at each other. He was perfect.

I got up to throw away my empty coffee cup and stopped next to this blonde drummer.

"That's a nice beat." I stated inwardly cringing at how stupid I sounded.

He looked at me and then at his hands and back at a me. "Uh...thanks." He replied.

I waited until he placed his order and then I took action. Gerard still sat at our table as my Plan B if this didn't work out.

"Ok. Here's the thing," I said sitting donw acrose from the blonde. "We need a drummer."

"Why are you following me?" he asked, eyeing me warily.

I laughed. "You're funny-um, you're name here?"

"Uh. Bob. Bob Bryar."

"Well, then Bob Bryar, you're heard of My Chemical Romance right?" I asked. He nodded his head slowly acting as though I were a dumb person. "They're in dire need of a drum player and you seem like the person they need."

Bob stared a minute, his eyes wide and at first I thought he believed me but then he shook his head and looked out the window muttereing something about how I escaped from some phyciatric ward.

"Fine." I said glancing at Gerard and ever so slightly shaking my head. He nodded and drained his coffee before wiping his mouth and walking over to Bob's table.

bob didn't look up. He muttered something about more of the circus and then Gerard rested his hands on the table and leaned over.

"Bob was it?" he asked. Bob looked up slowly. His jaw dropped and nmbly he nodded. "She was telling the truth."

Bob looked back at me. "Who are you again?"

"Kendra. Kendra Moore." I said. Bob's eyes lit up with recognition.

"I saw you! You were in one of the magizines my mom looks at!" He exclaimed.

I sighed. "Yeah. That's me, Magizine Girl."

Gerard sat down next to me and stared at Bob. "Do you want to be part of My Chemical Romance?"

Bob looked up at Gerard and smiled. "Of course I do."

Gerard and I smiled identical smiles and we looked at eah other.

"Perfect." We said.


After we had taken Bob to mee the rest of the guys we took Bob to dinner. When we were done everyone left except for Gerard, Bob, and I.

"Thanks guys." Bob said happily as we walked down the middle of a deserted street at 10 that night.

"No problem." I replied "I think we made the right choice."

Gerard led us to the local bar and ordered us a round to celebrate. One more round led to another and another and before I knew it we were wobbling down the street laughing drunken laughter.

We dropped Bob off at his apartment and me and Gerard wobbled back down the street to the hotel.

Somehow we found a way to the elevator and back to our rooms. Gerard was one room over from me and Frank so he stopped me in the hallway, right in between the two doors.

"I had a lot of fun with you tonight." Gerard slurred happily.

I smiled a drunken smile. "Me too. We should do it again sometime." I slurred back.

We stared at each other and then, just as I was about to bid him adu, he punced and placed his lips on mine. It was messy and sloppy but we were drunk and I loved every minut of it.

"We should go to your room." I whispered. "Frank's probably in mine right now."

Gerard nodded and then picked me up brdal-style and stumbled drunkenly over to his room where he threw me onto his bed, reached over, and turned off the lights*.


The next day I woke up with a horrible hangover and a heavy heart. I kissed Gerard's forehead gently and rolled out of bed and dressed as quickly as I could.

With one last fleeting glance, I looked back at Gerard, still fast asleep. I couldn't bear to leave without notice so I ppulled out a napkin and wrote,


"I'm so sorry to walk out on you. I hope I didn't break your heart like I've broken others.

"Thanks for caring.

"See you at band practice.

"Love, Kendra."

I wasn't too happy with it but it would have to do for now. Until I could stop this horrid headache and I could gather my scrambled thoughts.

Once again I turned back to Gerard, who shifted in sleep, and I smiled softly.

"Sweet dreams, Gerard." I whispered and then I closed the door and went back to Frank.


Duh duh DUH!!! I've caused some drama...

Ok well here are my notes...

*= for those of you MCR know-it-alls yea I know that they didn't meet Bob that way. It was the only thing I could think of.

**= it sounds so CHEESY!!!!

*= i use that saying WAYYYYY too much.
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