Categories > Games > Kingdom Hearts

Don't Forget

by Moon_Shadow 1 review

Roxas has a nightmare. Axel is there to console him (in a PG way!) summary sucks, but whatever. another AkuRoku oneshot among the millions. ^^

Category: Kingdom Hearts - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst - Characters: Axel,Roxas - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-11-13 - Updated: 2007-11-14 - 1029 words - Complete

Disclaimer: oops, i forgot to put this on my other story. oh well, so sue me.
yes, i'm tetsuya numaru and i own kingdom hearts and everything about it.... ok, no, but whatever. i can dream, can't i?

“Choose, Roxas.” Axel said. “You have to choose one of us. Her… or me.” Roxas looked around in confusion. Namine stood on one side of the street, Axel on the other. Rain poured on all three of them.
“Roxas!” Namine called desperately. “Roxas, please.” she held a rain-soaked hand out to him. As if in a daze, Roxas started walking towards her.
“No! Don’t believe her!” Axel yelled to his friend. Roxas gave him one last sorrowful look before taking Namine’s hand. She smiled shyly up at him. Then she hugged him. Roxas looked over her shoulder to Axel. Betrayal filled the redhead’s eyes, and he turned away.
“Fine.” he whispered. He started to walk away, leaving Roxas behind. He took one last look back, and his eyes widened in horror. “Roxas, watch out!”
Roxas turned in time to see a glint of silver in Namine’s hand, then he felt a sharp pain in his back. He screamed and fell to the ground. Pain lanced through his body. His breath became heavy and uncertain. Namine stood above him, holding a bloody dagger in her hand, grinning coldly.
“Wrong choice.” She hissed.
“ROXAS!” Axel yelled. He ran to help his fallen friend. Namine turned and aimed. Then she threw the dagger at him. He didn’t have time to dodge it, and the knife went right through the place his heart would have been if he had one.
“No!” Roxas screamed. Axel gasped, and his eyes widened for a moment. His hands went to the dagger. In slow motion it seemed, he dropped to his knees.
Axel fell to the ground a few feet away from Roxas, the knife still sticking out of his ribs. The rain made the street run red with his blood. He took a few shuddering breaths before becoming silent. “No!” Roxas repeated softly. He dragged himself over to his fallen friend. Axel’s bright blue-green eyes stared lifelessly at him. His body started to disappear…

“NOOO!!!” Roxas woke with a start. He realized he had been yelling in his sleep. His face was drenched in a cold sweat. Unconsciously, his hand touched his back, which still seemed to hurt even though nothing had really happened.
He heard someone move in the room, and shot up. Axel was there, looking at him in concern. “Roxas?” he asked. “What happened?” Roxas looked at him uncomprehendingly for a few moments. Why was he here? Then he remembered. Axel’s room was being renovated, and in the meantime, he was sharing Roxas’s room. And he wasn’t hurt.
Before he knew what he was doing, Roxas’s arms were around his friend. Axel gave him a look, but didn’t back away. “You’re not dead.” Roxas murmured. “Not dead.”
“Hey, it’s okay.” Axel said in a low voice. “Nothing’s wrong. I’m fine.” he reached up a hand and wiped away a tear. Roxas hadn’t even realized he’d been crying. He pressed his face into Axel’s chest, and breathed in his friend’s familiar scent. It calmed him slightly.
“There was so much blood…”
“Don’t worry. It was just a dream.” he heard Axel whisper softly. Roxas looked up at him. Axel grinned. Roxas returned the grin hesitantly. The redhead got up to leave, but Roxas grabbed his arm. Axel looked at him questioningly.
“Please… Don’t leave yet.” He said quietly. Axel nodded obligingly, and sat back down. Then he held the younger boy close to him. They stayed like that for what felt like hours.
Finally, when Roxas was almost asleep again, he pushed himself away. Axel glanced down at him. The younger boy turned away, embarrassed.
“I’m sorry.” he muttered. “Crying over something as stupid as a nightmare. I must have seemed like I was five years old. I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
“I don’t mind.” Axel said. Roxas looked up at him. “It’s okay.”
“Still…” he said. “I feel pretty dumb.”
Axel nodded slowly, as if he were thinking about something. Then he turned Roxas’s face to him, lifting Roxas’s chin slightly. And he kissed him gently on the lips.
The boy’s eyes widened for a moment, and he almost involuntarily jerked back. But Axel didn’t let go. Roxas closed his eyes, and wrapped his arms around the Flurry of Dancing Flames. “I don’t think you’re dumb.” Axel murmured. He kissed Roxas again, this time holding it longer.
“Don’t leave, Roxas.” He said. “Please, don’t go. You don’t need Sora. Or a heart. You don’t need any of it.” Roxas opened his eyes, and broke away.
“Axel…” he started.
“Roxas, please. I need you here. You’re the only reason I stay here. If it weren’t for you, I probably would have just let Xemnas kill me after Castle Oblivion. You… you’re the only reason I have left. Nothing else in this illusion of life matters.” He pleaded.
Roxas couldn’t meet his eye. “Axel, I’m sorry…” He looked up, but Axel wasn’t looking at him anymore. “I’m sorry. I have to go.”
He thought Axel was going to leave, but instead, he turned back to his friend. “I understand.” he whispered. “You have something out there. You don’t have to suffer this damned life like we do. And I don’t blame you for wanting to get out.”
“Axel, don’t--”
“Promise me one thing, though.” he said. Roxas stared at him. “Don’t ever forget me.”
Roxas gave a small smile, and embraced Axel again. “I would never forget you…”

Roxas left the next week.
A year later, Axel found his way to DiZ’s simulated town.
Roxas didn’t even know his name.

there. loved it? hated it? wanted to burn it? (call axel, not me) CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM appreciated. greatly.
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