Categories > TV > Buffy the Vampire Slayer > Season 8

Ep. 2 - Ch. 5 Willow's Spells

by sailorchick321 0 reviews

willow cast spells to find the new slayers

Category: Buffy the Vampire Slayer - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Characters: Dawn,Willow - Warnings: [!!!] - Published: 2007-11-15 - Updated: 2007-11-16 - 1210 words

Willow’s Spells1

Buffy, Xander, and Kennedy sat in Willow and Kennedy’s new apartment watching Willow prepare to cast the first of her spells. It was now the middle of July and all the arrangements had been made. Now all they had to do was find the slayers. The first spell Willow would do was to give the slayers the dream. Willow had drawn a pentagram on the floor. Each point had a different color candle and in each of the cardinal directions lay a different element. Just as she sat down Dawn burst in.

“Did I miss it?” Dawn panted as she leaned against the table next to Kennedy.

“Nope.” Kennedy told her as she nudged her with her shoulder. “Just about to start.”

Dawn put her books down on the table and addressed Willow. “Can I help? You did promise to teach me.”

“Sure.” Willow answered. “Sit here facing me.” Willow patted the floor in front of her and dawn made her way over to her and sat down.

Willow handed her a lighter. “Light the candle I say when I say to. Make sure you have the picture I describe firmly in mind when you light it or the spell wont work. Also when I pause repeat what I say. Got it?”

Dawn nodded to show she understood. Willow stood and began to speak. “Normal dream spells affect one person one time. We want ours to affect many people, we don’t know how many, and to affect them every night until they act on it and come to us, or until we find them. Therefore, the spell is modified. Dream spells normally only uses one candle and a small amount of the four elements. We have raised that to five candles and large amounts of each element.” Willow explained as she walked to the pile of dirt.

“Alright, Dawn face me and look at the element I am in front of and repeat after me.”

Lord and Lady I ask of thee

Give me the ability to send forth this dream

Across the Earth or water's bound

Whether she be in the sky or on the ground

By the powers of fire to let it shine bright

By the powers of earth and air to send it tonight

By the powers of water to sweep within dream's door

And by the powers of 3 so mote it be

Willow slowly walked around the circle stopping brief behind the pile of dirt, cup of water, lit incense, and lit long stem match. She paused at the end of each line to let dawn repeat it, and then continued.

“Alright Dawn pick up the picture and stair at it until you can see it with your eyes closed. Let me know when you’re ready.”

Dawn held the picture of the New Watchers Council outside of Wolfram & Hart. “Alright.”

“Now, picture yourself fighting a vampire or a demon. Make sure the vision you send is realistic, but also don’t use the scariest one you can. The girls need to realise that it is dangerous, but we don’t want them so scared that they hid form us. Make sure you kill the vampire without him hurting you too badly. Tell me when you’re ready.”

Dawn pictured herself and her sister in a pit surrounded by zombies fighting back to back.2 It was the first time she had ever fought beside her sister, and as scary as it was it was one of her favorite memories. “Alright”

“Good, now keep both the picture and the memory in mind and light this White candle. As you light it say, ‘that they know the truth and the truth sets them free’” Willow waited ‘til Dawn had done this before moving to the next candle. “Now the Red, ‘that they find the strength to win the battles they will face.’ Good, good. Now the Green, ‘that luck be their constant companion in every fight.’ Now the Pink, ‘that they may face their destiny with honor.” And last the Purple, “the power walk with them and lend strength to their endeavors.’”

When Dawn had finished and sat back in the middle again Willow addressed Buffy. “Place one drop of blood onto each of Dawn’s hands, then both of you repeat what I say.” She waited until that was done then said,

Now there are many, but once there was one

Dream of me until I say you are done

Blood to blood, I summon thee

Blood to blood, return to me3

When both of them had said the spell a wind rustled through the room, blowing out all the candles. “Does that mean it worked?” Dawn asked.

“We’ll know tonight, if Buffy and Kennedy have the dream. Congratulations by the way.” Willow replied.

“On what?” Dawn asked her.

“On casting your first spell.”

“I only helped.” Dawn waved her off

“No” Willow insisted. “I showed you what to do, but you did it. If it works and I’m sure it will, it’s because of you.”

Dawn stared at her flabbergasted. “Why would you let me cast such an important spell?!?”

“Because the absolute worst that could happen is nothing. There was not way anything bad could have happened to you, and worst case scenario is we wasted half and hour and I had to do it again. You wanted to learn. This is the type of spell you use to teach.” Willow beamed at her and said “But you should leave this next one to me for now.”

They moved to the kitchen table where a map was lain out. “If you want to help, Dawn, you can change the map after each casting. We’re only doing the American West for now so there shouldn’t be too many. Maybe after you’ve seen it several time I’ll let you try.”

They all walked to the table. “This spell is adapted also. A normal location spell is temporary, you see the location and then it’s gone. To make this permanent we are using a map instead of a glass of water. Also we are using four incense instead of just one. Normally you use Jasmine. We are going to use Jasmine, Sandalwood, Myrrh, and Thyme.” As she said each she pointed to the unlit incense. Each of next to a Blue candle.

“Just watch for now and put on a new map when I tell you.” The first map was of California. Willow lit all for candles and their corresponding incense. That done she began to chant,

Show me what I wish to see

Let the slayers be reviled to me

The forth time she repeated this, several bright dots appeared. “Label” Willow said to the map. Summers, B and Hamilton, K appeared together as one dot being as they were in the same room. Martin, G was at Wolfram & Hart. There were no other Slayers in California. “That’s what I thought. I just wanted to make sure that Buffy, Faith, and Kennedy were the only ones here in California. Ok hand me the next one.”

1 Spells adapted from Buffy the Vampire Slayer Season 6, Episode 22: Grave Original Air Date: 21 May 2002

3 Adapted from Charmed.
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