Categories > Celebrities > Panic! At The Disco > Hopscotch and Butterfingers

Broken heart

by lyssaleigh 0 reviews

Dating a celebrity is not always a piece of cake even if you've known them your whole life.

Category: Panic! At The Disco - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-11-14 - Updated: 2007-11-17 - 775 words


“Why can’t I find a decent guy?” I screamed into the phone. My cousin, Jon, was listening intently on the other side. I told him everything. He was like a brother and that’s not just because his family took me in after my parents death. Aunt Kelly lost a sister but gained a daughter.
“Lys calm down. What happened this time?” I told him about the guy who just broke my heart, again. He was the drummer of a rising band. His name was Andy and hailed from Chicago, as myself. He was sweet; a real gentlemen. But then his band started to become famous or go ‘mainstream’ as some fans called it. After two years of our on and off relationship, he broke things off…for good. Claiming that it wasn’t me but him. And that the band was too popular, he wouldn’t have any time for me. But if it wasn’t for me dating Andy at the time Pete was signing this band to his label and the band’s bassist not having the heart to continue music as a full time job, Jon would not have had the opportunity he did. “Brendon will be happy.” was his reply to my freaking out. Brendon Urie was the 19-year-old lead singer and guitarist of Jon’s band. Ever since he first saw me, he took interest into liking me.
“Thanks for comforting me.” I replied sarcastically. I sat down on my bed in a huff.
“You know how I feel about Andy.” Yes, he was not too fond of him for breaking my heart so many times. He has been trying to hook Brendon and I up. Brendon is a nice boy but I don’t know if I want to date a rock star, again. Brendon might claim it’s the road and I need a man in my life. “Why don’t you come and spend the weekend with us in Vegas. Bring Cassie.” Cassie is his girlfriend and my roommate at college.
“Jon I don’t know if I want to date another rock star. I don’t want to get my heart broken.” I confessed. Just then I heard keys rattling and the door flung open. Cassie just came back from her afternoon classes.
“Hey!” she called to me. I just waved. “Is that Jon?” she asked. I nodded. “Please tell him to call me when you two are done please.” I did.
“Lys I understand where you are coming from. All I’m asking is to go out and get to know the guy.” Jon told me. “He is head-over-heels for you and you barely know anything about him.” I thought for a moment. I have nothing against him. Jon thinks he’s right for me. Might as well give it a shot.
“Alright, I’ll go out with him and get to know him better.” I finally replied in the phone. By now Cassie was online and had her music playing.
“Thanks Lys! Please try to not to think about Andy. He’s not worth it.”
“Ok I’ll try. You can give Brendon my screen name if you like..”
“Will do.” he said. “See you tomorrow. Love you!”
“Yea see ya then. Love you too!” We hung up the phone and Cassie bombarded me with questions.
“He’s coming home?” I shook my head no.
“We’re going there.” she shrieked. I think it’s been about month since she last saw him. “We’re leaving after our classes tomorrow.”
“Yay!” she exclaimed. “I need to pack.” and ran to her closet to pull out some clothes. “How long are we staying?”
“Just the weekend.” I informed her and hopped onto my computer. “I have date with Brendon.”
“What happened to Andy?” Tears started to swell in my eyes. I thought I could handle this but I can’t.
“He broke up with me. This time for good.” I softly stated. Instantly arms flung around my shoulders and hugged me tightly.
“Aww sweetie. I am sorry but Brendon is an amazing guy, He’ll treat you right.” I thanked her and hugged her back. “It’ll turn out all right in the end. You’ll see.”
“That sounds like a line from Beauty and the Beast.” I laughed. Which is my favorite Disney princess movie.
“It does!” she laughed then her phone rang. “Must be Jon.” she lunged onto her bed to search through her purse for her phone. “Hello.” I heard her say and I slipped back onto my computer. In about five seconds an im popped up. It was Brendon.
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