Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > The Sharpest Lives Are The Deadliest To Lead

With Foam Lips, A Black Kiss, Your Dead Heroin I Miss

by frankxgerard

“Frankie, save m-me…”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Horror,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [?] - Published: 2007-11-18 - Updated: 2007-11-18 - 1261 words - Complete


Title from "One Love" - Aiden

Frank was automatically on the floor of the other side of the room, watching Gerard.
Gerard dropped to his knees and choked on a sob, dragging himself up to the bodies.
He furiously ripped at their skin, crying and screaming at anything and everything. He was suddenly against Frank, pushing him back against the wall, his bloody lips meeting Frank’s.
“Frankie, save m-me…,” he whispered.
Frank kissed him back, tasting the blood on his mouth, wanting more of it. If he wasn’t going to stay a vampire, he’d make the best of it while it lasted. It was so wrong. So wrong, but perfect. He couldn’t help but crave the substance. It was irresistible.
“Gerard…,” he moaned, sucking Gerard’s lips and grasping the front of his shirt.
Gerard finally pulled away. He was shaking, still leaking tears. He hauled the woman’s body to the corner with him and just sat there. Staring at the daughters and Frank.
Frank knew what this was. He knew why they’d thrown the villagers in with them.
It was a freak show. Gerard was kept in the building, all day and all night, save for when they decided to let him out and beat him up a little. The captives were food. Like snacks. They treated him like a pet.
Gerard was hungry. Obviously. Frank didn’t know how hungry a vampire could get. Even with a decade without blood, Aiden had supplied it straight into him by way of medical supplies.
Gerard could have gone for God knows how long without it, and here the humans were, feeding him maybe once a week.
Gerard was covered in the stuff, smeared on his face and hands. He would lean down every few minutes, sniffing the corpse, maybe drink what little it could supply him and then push it away a few inches.
“Starving…,” he gasped.
Frank didn’t understand why Gerard didn’t kill the girls. He didn’t want him to, but they were right there. Fresh blood, flesh, life.
“Gerard,” Frank said.
Gerard laughed, a hint of insanity behind it.
“Nope… This is never gonna work…,” he said lazily, biting absently on the dead wife’s neck, obviously savoring the crunch it made.
He ripped his teeth from it, tearing more flesh and spitting it out again, sucking at the blood spilling again.
Frank didn’t bat an eyelid. It wasn’t grotesque cannibalism, humans were humans, and vampires were vampires. Blood was blood.
And Frank was the epicenter of Gerard’s addiction.
Frank stepped closer to the abused creature, shoving the body away from him and kneeling in front of Gerard. He pushed the messy hair from his face, brushing his cheek. Gerard turned away, looking downcast at the ground.
“Gerard, please…,” Frank murmured.
Gerard picked up Frank’s hand gently and traced the veins with his finger.
“Look at you. You’re ruined,” he said with a lighthearted laugh.
The kind of laugh you could hear in museums, the kind of laugh in coffee shops in the streets in London, the kind of laugh on New York subways, lonesome train rides to Colorado. It was the kind of laugh you uttered when you had something to laugh about, or when you didn’t. A safe laugh.
Frank leaned in and kissed Gerard again, tongues meeting briefly.
“Are you going to kill them?” he asked simply.
“Not yet… Save them… you know. Could be another month,” Gerard said stonily.
A month?!
“They won’t last that long,” Frank said.
“Yeah… they will…,” Gerard said, “I can… keep them alive long enough. But… b-but there’s more… There’s gonna be more. They’re coming back… It’s funny to them. They just-just get homeless poor people and –and throw them in here. It’s a game to them…”
Gerard licked his red flecked lips. He stood and unbuttoned his shirt. He was so pale. Paler than Frank remembered.
The two others had dutifully passed out next to the corpses.
Frank pressed himself to Gerard’s chest. There were scars all over his skin.
Frank didn’t realize how dark it really was in the room. The girls probably couldn’t even see anymore. Well, if they were conscious.
Gerard’s skin was cold. Frank straddled his lap, running his fingers lightly over Gerard’s arms, over his neck, his face, every part that should be alive. Should have been alive for centuries.
Gerard shook against him. Frank could feel the tears. Cold.
They were dying.
Gerard rested his forehead against Frank’s, their mouths less than an inch away from each other. He leant in a little more and stayed that way, softly against Frank’s lips.
He was still crying. Frank felt the wetness on his own face when Gerard decided to move, tongue, teeth, and everything he’d been missing.
“Gerard…,” Frank hissed.
Gerard’s lips found Frank’s neck, kissing gently, and then harder, fangs pressing his skin, finding the pattern in his veins until Frank was gasping and moaning against him.
“Fuck… God, I- Uhhh, FUCK…,” Gerard panted, tongue and teeth pushing at Frank’s delicate, delicious skin, harder, but not enough to break the skin.
Frank thumbed over Gerard’s zipper, pressing just there to make Gerard growl and buck his hips up against the heel of Frank’s palm. He locked his arms around Frank’s back, fingers entangled in Frank’s hair, crushing their mouths together.
Frank pressed again, slipping his hand down the front of Gerard’s pants further.
“Frankie… Jesus fuck, Frank…,” Gerard moaned, clawing at the ground.
He pushed Frank to the dirt, pinning his hands over his head and pulling off his shirt. Frank struggled from his grasp and pressed him up against the stone wall, crawling up and shoving him along until they were above the ground. The wall was the floor to them, gravity didn’t matter. Gerard unzipped his own pants and pushed Frank’s down his legs until he was grinding into the flesh of Frank’s ass, shoving him against the wall. He bit the back of Frank’s neck, blood red spilling down the sides. Frank’s body tensed and he struggled to keep his hold on the rock.
Frank turned around, licking at the blood on Gerard’s jaw, down his neck and on his chest. Gerard’s head tipped back and the younger man’s teeth grazed the skin, scraping his Adam’s apple, at the same time pushing his pants off completely, letting them fall to the floor
-yeah, that was it. It was the floor. Honey-colored carpet. Because that was what the floor was made of. And it always had been. Carpet and hardwood-
so Frank jerked himself off, slowly, hanging onto Gerard’s shoulder with one hand. Just as he was about to come, he stopped himself, pushing down onto Gerard’s erection just enough for it to be uncomfortable. His head swam until he finally let himself down completely, settling down into Gerard completely, his knees sinking into the softness of the sheets underneath the,.
“Last… last time…,” Gerard muttered, kissing Frank tenderly.
Frank nuzzled his nose briefly into Gerard’s neck, moving his hips a little until the initial sting was gone, then gasping in relief. Finally he was fucking himself on Gerard, deeper and harder. His teeth were in Gerard’s throat, sucking the blood from his neck, sweeter than he’d had in years.
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