Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Back To The Future

Pedophile, Serial Killer, Rapist

by GoogleGeek 3 reviews

Is there really anything wrong with the color yellow?

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-11-20 - Updated: 2007-11-21 - 1487 words - Complete

The bus driver trudged back onto the bus and sunk down into the front seat just as Pete walked over to him. They had stopped at the playground for at least half an hour which let Andy and Pete have some time to plan things. They were about to start traveling in Andy and Patrick's bus again once everyone got back on.

"Hey, is there,like, a place to shop around here, somewhere?" Pete asked.

The driver frowned. "You want to go shopping?"

"Uhh, yeah, sort of." Pete replied, blushing a little. "You know Patrick? Well, his kind of having a baby, well no, not physically but..."

"Look," the drive cut in with his gravely voice. "Do you want me to stop or not?"

"Yeah, if you could." Pete replied.

"You're lucky we're not far off." he retorted.

"Thanks." Pete smiled before running back to Andy.

The driver beeped his horn impatiently at the others who were still hanging around the playground. He checked his watch before beeping his horn again.

"That guy is scary." Pete whispered to Andy. "I went to ask him if we could stop and yeah, he's intimidating."

"I talked to him before." Andy said "He was actually pretty cool."

"Pretty cool?" replied Pete, shocked. "I don't think so. Ten bucks this guy's a pedophile."


"I'm serious, Andy."

"You're telling me that this normal,average bus driver is a creepy, psychotic pedophile?" Andy asked, shaking his head in disbelief.

"Well, I never said psychotic but now that you mention it, I can see your point." Pete agreed to Andy's sarcasm. "Word of warning, keep him away from Cameron."

"Keep who away from me?" Cameron piped up as he sat down next to them. He was followed inside by Patrick and Mel while Joe slowly walked towards the bus, alone.

"Nobody." answered Andy. "Pete's just being silly."

"Pete, who were you talking about?" he asked, dismissing Andy's response.

Pete grinned cheekily. "I was talking about..." he could feel Andy's frowning eyes glare at him. "I was talking about nobody."

"Well, that's stupid."

"Yeah, it is." Pete agreed, smiling."You know what else is stupid?"


"It's sort of a secret so you can't tell anybody, alright?"

Cameron nodded his head eagerly. "Promise." he replied as Pete leaned in next to his ears.

"I can't tie my shoes." Pete whispered.

Cameron looked up at him with an open, wide mouth which then closed to a frown. "Huh?"

"I can't tie my shoes." he repeated, a smile curling at the corners of his mouth.

"But," he wrinkled his nose in confusion. "All grown-ups can tie their shoes."

"Yeah,I know." he nodded. "That's why you have to keep it a secret."

"Can Patrick tie his shoes?"

"I don't know, ask him." Pete suggested as Joe finally climbed onto the bus. He walked straight passed them all and locked himself into Andy and Patrick's bedroom area. While Cameron hopped over to Patrick, Pete went up to Mel who was also staying silent.

"Hey, is there something wrong with Joe?" he asked worried.

"I'm not sure." she lied not making eye-contact. "Why do you think there's something wrong with him?"

"Well, when he came into the bus he came in incredibly slow and he didn't say a single word to anybody." Pete shrugged. "Maybe, I'm just over-analyzing things."

"Yeah, probably." she agreed quickly, gazing down guiltily at the carpeted floor.

Pete smiled. "Mel?"


"Don't you reckon that our bus driver is a pedophile?"

Mel's head shot up as she looked at him. "What?" she asked cracking a sort of 'what is he talking about' smile.

"I'm serious." Pete urged. "He looks like a pedophile, sounds like a pedophile and he was way nicer to Cameron then he was to me."

Mel laughed at his explanation. "I don't think he's a pedophile." she replied, shaking her head.

"Well then, what is he?" Pete shot back. "And, don't say 'a bus driver' either."

"Fine." She bit her bottom lip as she concentrated. "How about a serial killer?" she challenged.

"A serial killer?" he smirked. "Explain."

"Most serial killers are undercover, right?" she started. "So, this guy must be undercover as a bus driver which is where he finds all his victims."

"What do you mean?"

"O.K, imagine that everybody gets off a bus except for one person." she said, excitedly. "The bus driver pulls into a quiet alley and stops. He gets up from his chair, pulls a knife, stabs the passenger to death and then gets off the bus and walks away."

Pete stared at her, confused. "Let me get this straight." he said. "You're telling me that our bus driver kills people in his bus when they're alone and then walks away?"

"Yeah." she giggled.

Pete gazed over at the bus driver. "Oh, my god, he's going to kill us!" he whispered. "He's a pedophile, serial killer!"

"And, and, there's more!" Mel nodded her head, eagerly. "When the last person on the bus is a girl, he rapes them first."

Pete's eyes went wide. "Oh, my god, he's going to rape you! He's a pedophile, killer, rapist!" He dragged Mel over to Andy who had stolen Patrick's laptop when he wasn't looking.

"Andy!" Pete cried as he crashed down next to him. "Guess what we just figured out?"


"That our bus driver is a pedophile, serial killer and a rapist." Pete said, proving his point by nodding his head.

Andy stared at them. "Who thought of this plan?

"Mel." Pete said, innocently.

Andy shook his head. "Have you ever considered going out with Joe?" he asked, looking directly at Mel.


"Well, only Joe could turn an innocent, normal bus driver into a serial killer." he laughed. "You two click."

"You sound lame." Pete said, rolling his eyes.

"But, it's true." Andy smirked. "Have you thought about it?"

"Umm, no," she replied softly. "I've already got a boyfriend."

Andy and Pete exchanged glances. They both looked at each other and then looked out where Joe had disappeared too.


Pete and Andy trawled through the nearest shopping mall that the bus had stopped at. The group had split with Patrick staying behind in the bus with Joe, Cameron and Mel going off somewhere.

"What about this?" Andy asked, picking up a yellow, baby's t-shirt.

"Yellow?" Pete shook his head. "I won't allow Patrick's kid to wear yellow."

"Why not?" Andy asked, still clutching the small shirt in his hands.

"Because, what if he has a boy." Pete pointed out. "Boy's don't wear yellow."

"Yeah, they do." Andy disagreed. "And Patrick can decide whether or not he'll let his son wear yellow, I mean, if he has a son."

"Andy, do we seriously have to buy yellow?" Pete pouted.

"Hey, when you start designing clothes again then you can tell me what to buy, alright?" said Andy, rolling his eyes. "And, there is nothing wrong with yellow. "

Pete rolled his eyes and began shifting through the pile of baby clothes. He wasn't sure why but while he was looking through everything, his throat seemed to clench up and tighten.

"Fine, if you don't like yellow, what about this?" Andy asked, spinning around to show Pete the black and white striped top he had found. But, Pete hadn't even noticed him. Even though his eye's were shut, slow tears still managed to escape from them.

"Pete?" Andy said, leaning towards him. "Whats wrong? Is this about the yellow thing?"

Pete shook his head as he opened his eyes. "Don't worry about it, Andy." he managed to get out. Pete pointed to the outfit Andy was holding. "That one's cool."

Andy raised his eyebrow. "Are you sure you're O.K?"

Pete nodded. "Let's go pay for this and then we'll go back to the others."


"Joe." Patrick called as he walked over to were Joe had collapsed before hand while Andy and Pete were still there.

"Joe, get up." Patrick ordered as he tried to pick up Joe's head. "It's boring by myself."

"Mph mmppphh mphh mphh mph mmpph" Joe said, his head still face down on the pillow. He lifted his head up a tiny bit and said "You could've gone with the others" before lying back down.

"No, Andy and Pete wouldn't let me." Patrick said. "But, thats beside the point. What's wrong?"

"What do you mean 'what's wrong'?" Joe asked, sitting up.

"Why did you walk away all sad and quiet?" Patrick asked. "You're never quiet."

"Sometimes I am."

"No, you're not." Patrick pointed out. "Seriously, whats wrong?"

"Nothings wrong." Joe argued.

"Yes, there is."

"No, there's not." he replied. "Now, can I get some sleep, I'm tired.

Patrick sighed. "Fine." he said, standing up. "Somethings wrong." he sang quietly.

"Nothings wrong." Joe replied in the same sing-song voice.

Patrick rolled his eyes. "Yes, there is." he added once he was out of Joe's earshot.
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