Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Heart of the Warrior Book V

Chapter 28: Nobody's Fool

by madnesspersonified 0 reviews

Ninja Turtles 2003/Harry Potter Crossover. Sequel to Books I through IV. With Voldemort returning to power, Harry encounters some of his most dangerous perils yet. Can he survive?

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: R - Genres: Crossover,Drama,Sci-fi - Characters: Ginny,Harry,Hermione,Lily,Umbridge,Voldemort - Warnings: [!!] [V] [?] - Published: 2007-11-24 - Updated: 2007-11-24 - 8179 words - Complete

Chapter 28: Nobody’s Fool

Outside of a jewelry store, two thieves ran from the store, with their loot in hand, cackling madly. They turned around the corner to the back alleyway towards the warehouse where their hideout was located.

“Man, by the time the cops get there, we’ll be long gone,” said one of the thieves in a pleased voice.

“Yeah, but seriously, look at all of this loot!” yelled the other thief, as he pulled out several jewels out of the sack he is carrying. “When we sell this stuff on the black market, we’ll make a fortune.”

The two thieves laughed madly but their laughter was rather premature. A grappling hook shot out of no where and hooked the sack of one of the thieves. The thief spun around to see the bag being pulled out of his hand.

“What the…” started the thief but a fist to the face caused him to drop to the ground before he could finish his sentence.

The other thief backed up a couple of steps, as he saw the source of his partner’s attacker. A mysterious caped figure dressed completely in black stood at the other end of the alleyway menacingly. The thief gave an involuntarily shudder before pulling out a handgun and pointing it towards his mysterious caped vigilante.

“Stay back,” cautioned the thief in a shaky voice. “I ain’t warnin’ ya again.”

A loud bang echoed through the alleyway as the thief fired his gun at the dark caped figure. The thief blinked and to his astonishment, his target was not standing where he was about five seconds ago.

“Huh,” stammered the thief before he was grabbed by his arm from behind and flipped backwards onto his face. He spiraled down to the alleyway and the gun was kicked out of his reach.

The thief whimpered as his attacker stood over his downed body.

“Who are you?” demanded the thief but the caped vigilante didn’t answer. “Who the hell are you, man!”

“I’m Nobody,” said the caped vigilante, who was apparently known as Nobody. Nobody punched the thief right in the face, knocking him out cold.

A second after Nobody had accomplished this task, sirens echoed throughout the street right in front of the alley way. A car skidded to the stop and the doors opened, allowing two police officers to walked out. Their flash lines shined into the alley way and revealed that the two thieves had been tied together, moaning in agony. The loot they had swiped was sitting right next to them, ready for the police to return to their rightful owners.

Sitting safely on the rooftops high above the city, Nobody watched as the police hauled away two more deviants that he had brought down. Yet, while he felt as if he was helping to clean up crime in New York, the real threats to the city where still out there. Namely, the person that had caused him to become Nobody. This person had ruined his life but now Nobody would make him pay for his crimes. One of these nights, Nobody would catch up to this vile man and bring him to justice.

Back at the Potter residence at New York late in the evening, close to Ten Thirty at night, Harry was bent over a written account of Lucius Malfoy’s plans to “improve” Hogwarts. He read every word carefully, many of them bringing a look of disgust of his face.

“It seems to be that Malfoy is playing a very carefully orchestrated game, but I think I can figure out what he’s up to,” remarked Harry to Ginny who was sitting beside him. “Reading between the lines, this looks like an attempt to break the will of all the muggleborn, in the most degrading way possible.”

“Lucius Malfoy would do something sadistic like that,” remarked Ginny darkly. “If he had his way completely, I don’t doubt he’d make Muggle hunting legal.”

“Yes, but if this plan doesn’t completely succeed, it will at the very least reduce the confidence of all of the muggleborns of Hogwarts,” said Harry. “Malfoy is playing a very crafty game, making it seem like he is helping the muggleborns. We both know that is the furthest thing from the truth, as it would greatly help Lord Voldemort if about half of the people who are likely to oppose him be not aptly prepared to fight him when he decides to kill them.”

Harry surveyed the paper with disgust. Malfoy was being vague enough to inadvertently taunt Harry with his intentions but at the same time, he was crafty enough to advertise his intentions in a way that Harry could expose his intentions as a follower of Lord Voldemort to the public and discredit him, so Harry could clear his, Ginny’s, and Hailey’s name.

Harry jolted straight out of his thoughts by the familiar sensation of an incoming call on his two way mirror. He reached into his pocket and pulled out his mirror to answer it. The tired and moody looking face of Hermione was on the other end.

“Harry, thank goodness I managed to catch you before you got to bed,” whispered Hermione as softly as she could possibly manage.

“Hello, Hermione, I trust this isn’t a social call and you seem rather frantic, so just tell me what you think I need to know Hermione,” said Harry calmly as Ginny watched over his shoulder with a curious expression.

“Harry, things are going to get bad around here rather soon, not to say they haven’t been bad enough right now,” said Hermione in a quiet voice without taking a breath. “I trust you’ve heard about Lucius Malfoy’s little speech to Hogwarts by now.”

“Oh, I’ve heard Hermione,” said Harry curtly.

“Anyway, he has cut off the muggleborns from the rest of Hogwarts Harry today, and from the way that wretched Inquisitorial Squad has been bragging underneath their breath, we won’t see much of the rest of the school or have many freedoms at all. They stuck us in the deepest, darkest, foulest corner of Hogwarts they can find and we aren’t allowed to leave from there, Harry! In fact, the Inquisitorial Squad has already confiscated most of our possessions, it was lucky I managed to smuggle my mirror out of their sight. Really lucky. They even took the wands of the muggleborns so Umbridge could put blocks on them to restrict us from using all spells but the ones the Ministry of Magic has deemed appropriate,” said Hermione quickly without taking a breath. Harry couldn’t help but notice his friend kept darting her eyes from side to side to make sure no one was spying her on.

“Hermione, I’m really sorry I had to go, this is all my…” started Harry but Hermione swiftly interrupted him.

“Harry, you wouldn’t have done you much good if you would have been thrown out of Azkaban, now you have more of a chance to regroup and figure out how to force Voldemort and his Death Eaters into the opening,” said Hermione quickly, as her eyes continued to dart from side to side. “Anyway, I have something really important to tell you other than the horrid conditions that are forcing upon muggleborns at Hogwarts. I managed to somehow steal a letter from Pansy Parkinson because of some crazy hunch I had that she was in contact with Draco Malfoy and it turns out that I was right.”

Hermione paused as Harry nodded, motioning for her to quickly continue.

“Anyway, the letter said briefly mentioned a plan that Voldemort had and how Lucius was in a towering rage because Voldemort was keeping him out of the loop,” said Hermione quickly.

“I thought the Ministry was checking all mail coming in and out of Hogwarts,” said Ginny in a curious voice.

“Not mail addressed to members of the Inquisitorial Squad apparently,” said Hermione in a revolted tone of voice as if she was absolutely disgusted about the Ministry going out of their way to turn a blind eye to the situation. “To cut to the chase, it appears that Voldemort wants to get his hands on that falsified piece of clap trap that he thinks is a prophecy.”

Harry just nodded.

“Thank you for the information Hermione,“ said Harry in an unemotional tone of voice.

“Harry, I’ve got to go,” whispered Hermione quickly and with that, the mirror went completely blank.

Harry sat for a minute, looking thoughtful before Ginny decided to break the silence.

“What do you think Harry?” asked Ginny.

“The prophecy, probable, but I don’t think that’s it,” said Harry swiftly. “Voldemort seems to be playing a very cautious game and I think he wants everyone to think he is obsessed with the phony prophecy. I doubt Voldemort would expend so much effort on something like a prophecy.”

Harry rose to his feet and paced around the room, thinking madly.

“There is some piece of the puzzle, something that I’m missing but I have a theory,” said Harry. “The two people who could match Voldemort in power is myself and Dumbledore. We were both at Hogwarts until Lucius decided to make us fugitives from the law. Voldemort wanted me out of the way and he wanted Dumbledore out of the way, because there would be no one at Hogwarts to match his power. No one at Hogwarts. Voldemort is after something at Hogwarts!”

“Of course!” exclaimed Ginny nodding in agreement. “Hogwarts has a lot of secrets and there must be something important there to Voldemort, something that he values that we don’t know about it.”

Ginny grew quiet for a second before looking up at Harry cautiously.

“Could Voldemort have hidden something in the Chamber of the Secrets?” asked Ginny in a slow voice.

“Possible, but I’m guessing no,” answered Harry. “I’ve been down there a few times since the incident down there and I haven’t found anything of value. I’ve combed the place from top to bottom, but still nothing. The only thing that was ever down that Voldemort might have found of interest was the Basilisk but that’s long gone.”

“Hogwarts is supposed to be secure, so even if Voldemort wanted something, he would have a hell of a time forcing his way in,” said Ginny. “Granted, he got by during your first year but only because he was a bodiless spirit and then there was the diary but…”

“Ginny, I really didn’t want to alarm anyone but here is the reason why I was hesitant to try and find a way to get rid of Dumbledore even through he was manipulative and quite dangerous to everyone that I care about,” explained Harry in a slow, serious tone of voice. “The truth is, according to the diary of Salazar Slytherin, the defenses around Hogwarts had some drawbacks, despite constant years of hard work and modification by the founders. Despite numerous tweaks, the defenses around Hogwarts are only as powerful as the Headmaster or Headmistress that is in charge of the school. Dumbledore, for better or for worse, has a mostly secure school because of his power, with a few minor security breaches that harmed a student within the walls, most of which were me, but that is neither here nor there. Voldemort could walk into Hogwarts without breaking a sweat so easily with someone with negligible power such as Umbridge. Even if she tried to defy Voldemort, he would roll right over her in no time.”

“Wow, Harry,” said Ginny in an awed voice. “That’s definitely not in any of the books…all they say is Hogwarts, at least in the walls, is safe and secure, no matter what but I was beginning to wonder given certain incidents that have happened since you came to Hogwarts..

“The Ministry wants you to think that, in fact the Ministry wants you to think a lot of things that are complete and utter lies,” said Harry shortly. “Still, nothing is fool proof and if Voldemort really applied himself, even if with Dumbledore there, he could find a way into Hogwarts.”

Ginny yawned suddenly, shaking her head and looking a bit tired.

“I really hope we can figure this out somehow Harry, but maybe a good night’s sleep will help. After all, it’s been a long day,” said Ginny in a tired voice as she rose to her feet and made her way towards the stairs. She turned around and looked at Harry. “Coming Harry?”

“No, I’m going to go for a walk to clear my head,” answered Harry. “Just for a walk this time I hope but we both know how well that turns out.”

“Okay, Harry, just try and stay out of trouble, even if that does tend to be a foreign concept,” said Ginny as Harry walked over and kissed her goodnight. Ginny walked up to bed as Harry turned and opened the door before walking onto the streets of New York.

Harry walked around without rhyme or reason for what seemed like a long time but was only a few minutes. He went over everything that had occurred over the past couple of weeks in his head. His conversation with Hermione was a rare occurrence, as his friends at Hogwarts were apparently being watched, as no doubt Lucius Malfoy wanted an excuse to arrest them as well. Harry hadn’t even had any contact with Daphne and Theodore since the night that Harry, Ginny, and Hailey were forced to flee from Hogwarts to avoid being thrown into Azkaban. Harry didn’t want to be the one to make the contact, as he couldn’t risk them being overheard by Umbridge’s little Inquisitorial Squad.

Harry jolted out of thoughts at a sudden loud crashing sound from behind him. He spun around, pulling out his weapon while having his wand up his sleeve ready for quick draw just in case the attacker is magical. Harry looked around wildly; ready to attack the first instance of a threat to his safety.

“Harry?” asked an uncertain voice and out of the shadows walked Leo, Mikey, Don, and Raph who had their weapons drawn and looked to have just been involved in some type of altercation. Harry quickly relaxed at the sight of his brothers.

“Hey guys, fancy meeting you here,” said Harry with a smile. “What exactly are you doing here?”

“Purple Dragons,” grumbled Raph shortly.

“Yeah, we got in a scuffle with a bunch of them, funny how we tend to run into them on a regular basis,” said Mikey quietly.

“We just lost them a few seconds before you showed up but I think they went that way,” said Don, pointing down a side street with his Bo staff. “What I want to know is what is in that crate they were carrying in the back of the truck.”

“Let’s not waste time talking, if we run across the rooftops, we can cut them off because that side street only runs one way,” said Leo and without further ado, the Turtles found their way up to the roof tops. Harry quickly followed his brothers, as he didn’t want to pass up a chance to batter some Purple Dragons goons. He found in the past it was a good way to relieve stress.

On the roof tops high above New York, the Turtles and Harry circled around for a bit but Leo pointed to a large truck recklessly driving down the street.

“Jump down, three rooftops down, then we’ll be able to cut them off,” muttered Leo as he pointed forward, and as a result, Raph, Mikey, Don, and Harry followed Leo to the destination point of where they could cut the truck off. When the four turtles and Harry reached that point, they made their way back down to the streets.

Leo pulled both of his swords out and swiped them, slicing a light post from its foundation so it flew out in front of the truck, slowing it down. The driver of the truck slowed to an abrupt halt.

“What the…” muttered the truck driver but the window on the driver’s side smashed open by a well placed swing of Don’s Bo staff. The driver pulled his arms up over his hands as his two passengers pushed the door open, and pointed laser blasters at the Turtles and Harry.

Raph crammed his Sai right into the laser blaster, causing one of the Purple Dragon thugs to stagger back while Don sprung up and jabbed him roughly in the face with his Bo staff, causing him to land on the ground with a thud.

The other thug found his laser blaster being sliced into a half a dozen pieces by one swing of Harry’s blade and Harry grabbed him by the shirt, before flinging him down to the ground. The driver attempted to creep out of the picture but Raph and Leo stepped in front of him and Mikey stepped behind him, leaving him no where to go. Desperately, he reached into his pocket to pull out a switch blade but Leo’s sword swing knocked it cleanly out of his hand before backing him off with his blades and pinning him against the side of the truck.

Don and Harry walked towards the back of the truck and pried it open, to reveal a stack of crates.

“Let’s see what exactly these Purple Dragons punks are hording here,” said Don as Harry sliced the hinges of one of the crates open with his blade but much to his surprise, there was nothing inside the crates.

“Okay, there’s nothing here,” muttered Harry in a confused voice and he quickly moved to three of the other crates, slicing them open to reveal that they were empty as well.

The driver of the truck started to snicker but Raph placed his Sai close to his face which caused him to wince.

“Spill it, sleazebag!” snapped Raph in a threatening voice, which cause the Purple Dragon to cower in fear.

“It was a diversion, I swear, I don’t know who is hauling the real stuff,” stammered the Purple Dragon as Raph had his Sai about a half of an inch away from the thug’s right eye. “The boss, did not want you freaks to interfere so he made us create a diversion to throw you off of his master’s plan.”

Raph glared at the Purple Dragon angrily but Leo grabbed his arm.

“We need to track down the real truck Raph, but it can’t be far,” declared Leo.

“Maybe if we go back to where you first got into a scuffle with the Purple Dragons tonight, maybe we can track down the real truck,” suggested Harry.

“Good idea, Harry,” said Leo and without another word, the Turtles and Harry set off quickly as they could manage to attempt to figure out exactly why someone who go to the trouble of throwing them off track with a truck full of crates without anything in it.

Less than ten minutes later, Harry, Mikey, Raph, Don, and Leo stopped short.

“Okay this is where we encountered the Purple Dragons earlier tonight before we chased that dummy truck,” declared Leo as he looked around but he stopped and raised his hand in the air at a loud whooshing sound from upwards. “Stay on your toes guys, someone’s close. Really close.”

No sooner then Leo closed his mouth, a truck turned around the corner and a large grappling hook on a rope sailed through the sky, clasping onto the back of the truck. In the blink of an eye, a dark mysterious caped figure swung around and landed firmly on the back of the truck, as it sped down the highway.

“Who in the hell is that?” muttered Harry underneath his breath, surveying the mysterious figure with a bit of distrust in his eyes.

“Cape, mask, trendy costume, cool gear, it just has to be a super hero!” exclaimed Mikey gleefully.

“Don’t you start,” grumbled Raph.

“Start what?” asked Mikey in an innocent tone of voice. “Anyway we need to follow him, we just have to!”

Mikey bounced up and down like a kid at Christmas time, his comic book obsession becoming clearer than ever before to anyone who would choose to look.

“Right, Mikey, we should follow some nutter in his long underwear, while there is some major criminal activity going on in this city,” remarked Harry in a sarcastic tone of voice. “Way to stay on task, bro.”

“At any rate, we should follow him, but not for the reasons that Mikey want to,” said Don.

“Right Don, he could be a shady character and could be a part of what of the Purple Dragons are mixed up again,” answered Leo.

Harry nodded mutely in agreement but in the back of his mind, he wondered if this was another diversion to throw them off the real objection of who they were dealing with tonight. Still, it was worth a shot and Harry followed his brothers in the direction of where the truck was heading.

Inside the truck, the driver looked up after hearing a thumping sound on the roof and turned to his two passengers.

“Some costumed weirdo is hitch hiking on our truck,” grumbled the driver in a harsh voice.

“Well if he wants to go for a ride, send him for a ride, through the air,” suggested one of the passengers and as a result, the driver veered to the side slightly before slamming on the brakes of the car.

Nobody was on the verge of following these goons to their hideout and he had a strong suspicion about who they worked for. In a flash, Nobody found the truck skid to a stop and slid off the side. He barely hung onto the edge of the truck, his feet swinging from side to side dangerously from the truck.

Leo, Raph, Mikey, Don, and Harry ran onto the scene. Don picked up his Bo Staff and tossed it right towards the wield shield of the truck.

“What the…” started the driver, as he saw a large Bo staff spiraling toward his truck. The Bo staff impacted the wield shield and shattered it.

One of the passengers pushed the passenger side door of the truck opened and pointed a pistol towards Raph, Mikey, and Harry.

“Time to say good night, you meddling fools,” said the passenger in a gruff tone of voice as he prepared to pull the trigger and blow Harry, Raph, and Mikey away.

“Look out!” exclaimed Nobody as he shot his grappling hook towards the side of the building behind where Raph, Mikey, and Harry were standing and swung over, pushing them out of the way just as the thug shot at them. Nobody winced as the bullet impaced right into his shoulder. The caped vigilante dropped to the ground, with a bit of a pained expression.

“Let’s get out of here,” barked the driver and he put the truck in reverse before blasting down the road, past the Turtles, Harry, and Nobody, who was on his knees and gingerly pulled himself to his feet.

“Are you alright?” asked Leo in a concerned tone of voice.

“My armor managed to block most of the shot,” answered Nobody curtly.

“Just who were those punks anyway,” said Harry in a curious voice. “Those three didn’t look like Purple Dragons, so they must be working for someone else.”

“Yes,” answered Nobody before he slipped off into the shadows to track those goons back down.

“Quite the chatty fellow, isn’t he?” remarked Don casually.

“That was so cool, he saved us,” said Mikey in an excited voice, bouncing around like a three year old on a sugar high. “And you didn’t want to trust him Harry.”

“Okay, I admit it, this guy might be…alright,” said Harry grudgingly which caused Mikey to give in a scandalous look. “At least better than certain other inept self appointed vigilantes that pollute this city. But we are getting off task.”

“Harry’s right, I think we should try and pick up the trail of that truck, because I have a feeling that truck wasn’t a false lead,” said Leo before the Turtles and Harry set off once again attempting to find out what exactly was going on tonight.

Just shortly after Harry, Raph, Mikey, Don, and Leo had set up, the truck had arrived at a gate outside of Prime Fishery Warehouse. The driver reached out the window and pressed a button on a stone panel next to the gateway.

“Boss, it’s us, we got the stuff,” said the driver.

“Were you followed by the caped vigilante,” said a curt voice at the other end of the intercom.

“We took care of him boss, I doubt he will be able to catch up with us any time soon,” replied the driver.

“Very well, you may enter,” said the voice at the other end of the intercom and the gate creaked open to allow the truck entry through the gate.

Nobody crept out of the shadows and quickly moved through the gate towards Prime Fishery Warehouse before it shut. He looked from side to side, ensuring no one was coming before he proceeded to move up towards a window to the roof so he could get a better look at what was going down inside the warehouse.

Outside of the warehouse, a limousine pulled up through the garage off to the side of the Prime Fishery Warehouse, where there was several men unloading the truck that had just arrived. A man with light brown hair and glasses, along with a blue sweater vest and dress pants watched the proceedings, with a pair of large bodyguards to either side of him. The limo came to a stop and the man wearing the sweater vest stepped forward, as the door opened to reveal the man mountain right handed man of Oroku Saki, known as Hun.

“Ruffington, what is going on?” asked Hun in a threatening voice, looking at the man in the blue sweater vest, named Ruffington. “You told us that you would have the goods ready by tonight, yet our barge is only half full. I want answers and I want them now.”

“Relax, Hun, my men ran into some difficulities with a costumed freak but that has now been eliminated,” said Ruffington in a casual voice.

Nobody watched from the roof, clutching his fists. It was just as he suspected, his old enemy Ruffington was involved with this. Before he could get inside to put a stop to this, he heard footsteps behind him and three guns were pointed to the back of his head.

“Game’s over, vigilante,” declared a harsh voice. “We’ll make you pay for interfering in our boss’s plans. Now put your hands behind your head or you’ll suffer the consequences.”

Nobody slowly raised his hands as instructed, but he slowly reached his fingers over and prepared to activate his grappling hook built into his wrist band but he stopped when he heard the unmistakable sound of the three goons behind him hitting the ground. Nobody slowly turned around to see who had attacked his attackers.

Raph, Mikey, Leo, Don, and Harry stood behind Nobody with the three goons down. Harry picked up the weapons of the three henchmen and tossed them off the roof, into the water below.

“Not that I don’t appreciate the assistance, but exactly what are you five doing here?” asked Nobody.

“We could ask the same to you,” replied Harry coolly but before Nobody could reply, Don frowned as he looked through the window.

“Uh, guys, maybe you should take a look at this,” suggested Don and as a result, Leo, Mikey, Raph, and Harry walked over to the window and they saw the unmistakable form of Hun standing inside the Prime Fishery Warehouse.

“So Hun’s here and that means there can only be one person behind this,” remarked Harry as he watched intently as Hun turned away and walked towards his limo.

“THE SHREDDER!” exclaimed the four Turtles.

“The Shredder?” asked Nobody in a quizzical voice.

“Oroku Saki,” replied Harry. “You know the current…savior of New York.”

Harry spat out the last word with distain as he saw his brothers looking curiously at the man that Hun

“What I want to know is who that dweeb in the sweater vest is?” asked Mikey.

“His name is Ruffington and he is bad news,” explained Nobody.

“It sounds like you have some history with this Ruffington guy uh…” started Raph.

“I’m sorry but we don’t really know who you are,” said Leo.

“Thanks to the politicians in this city in Ruffington’s pocket, I’m Nobody,” replied Nobody. “At one time I worked for the New York Police Department and had uncovered some information about Ruffington.”

Five years ago in the headquarters of the New York Police Department, a cop would would one day become Nobody leaned over the desk to glare at his supervisor.

Does my evidence count for nothing,” declared the cop in a harsh voice. “Ruffington is obviously behind the incidents of smuggling that I had just investigated.”

Well, the Mayor says and I agree, that your evidence was not solid enough to convict Mr. Ruffington,” said his supervisor in a bored voice.

Look, Ruffington’s dirty and he can’t be allowed to remain a free man!” snapped the cop.

He’s also very powerful, after all, you don’t become New York City’s leading weapons dealer without having a few influential friends,” said the supervisor, surveying the cop with narrowed eyes before she dropped a paper down on the desk. “Ruffington has been cleared of all charges and you are off the force due to your mishandling of this case.”

The front headline of the paper read “Overzealous Cop Reprimanded for Actions”

“Throwing me off the force wasn’t enough, Ruffington wanted to ruin my life because I came so close to exposing his misdeeds,” concluded Nobody. “I have been chasing after him ever since but he managed to stay one step ahead of me, until I found him tonight.”

Without another word, Nobody looked around to see that no one was coming before prying open the window on the roof and slipping into Prime Fishery Warehouse. Harry and the Turtles exchanged looks before coming to a silent agreement to follow. If the Shredder was involved in this, it would not be that bad of an idea to have a look around.

Nobody crouched behind a crate as two muscled goons walked past. The Turtles and Harry stuck to the shadows and when the coast was cleared, Nobody pried the crate open, revealing some very familiar contents.

“A Triceraton blaster!” gasped Don in a horrified voice.

“And looks as if Ruffington’s made a few modifications,” said Leo, looking over the weapon closely. “Some rather dangerous modifications at that.”

“You mean Ruffington’s selling these things on the black market,” muttered Nobody in a horrified tone of voice.

“Sure looks that way, doesn’t it,” answered Mikey.

“How do you work this thing anyway?” asked Nobody.

“Oh that’s easy you press…this button,” said Mikey without thinking as he pressed the button and caused a jet of green light to blast from the gun, completely melting the wall.

Ruffington, who was standing on the other side of the incinerated wall, turned around to see the four Turtles, Nobody, and Harry standing right in the middle of the room.

“What is with it with the costumed freaks tonight?” asked Ruffington to no one in particular as he motioned for a couple dozen of his goons to slowly circle the six intruders. “Wipe them all out. Let no one live!”

Ruffington’s henchmen moved forward for the attack but Leo and Mikey leapt up, swinging his nunchucks and cracking the jaw of one of the henchmen with his weapon. The henchmen flew to the ground. Leo swung his swords, slicing the laser blaster one of the henchmen.

Harry sprang up, darting between two of the henchmen who had their weapons at ready. They fired their stun lasers at Harry but Harry ducked up out of the way at the last second. The two lasers ricocheted off of each other, distracting the two henchmen long enough for Don to whack one across the back of head with his Bo Staff while Raph tossed his Sai upwards, slicing a wire and causing a large net to drop on the second henchmen, taking him out of the fight.

One of the strong armed thugs faced off against Harry, with a pipe in each hand and charged at the Boy-Who-Lived. Harry side stepped the charge and kicked the henchmen, causing him to spiral forward and land headfirst into a large tub of fish guts.

Four henchmen advanced on Nobody, who still had the Triceraton laser blaster in his hand. They shot their guns at the vigilante, who quickly made his way behind a solid metal barrel to avoid the gunfire. He pointed his weapon upward, before incinerating a support beam. A section of the roof collapsed, crushing his four attackers.

Back at Foot Headquarters, in a cavernous chamber underneath Oroku Saki’s mansion, Saki sat with the container containing the remains of one Baxter Stockman, with its holographic head and robotic arm, as Hun walked into the room with a bit of trepidation to make his report. His master had been a bit moody as of late.

“You wish to see me, master,” said Hun in a tentative voice.

“Hun, what is going on with the weapons shipment?” prompted Saki in a curt voice. “What is the delay?”

“Well you see Ruffington is housing the goods at his warehouse until..” started Hun in a shaky voice but Saki held up his hand to silence his minion.

“This matter is out of control,” said Saki curtly. “Stockman has already hacked into Ruffington’s security system.”

“Oh has he,” said Hun sharply, narrowing his eyes at the holographic head above Stockman’s container.

“Well you know me, I’m always happy to lend a hand,” said Stockman as he pressed a few buttons to reveal live video footage of the Turtles, Harry, and Nobody fighting with Ruffington’s henchmen.

“The Turtles and Potter!” exclaimed Hun in a surprised voice.

“I do not tolerate failure, Hun,” said Saki in an icy cold tone of voice that made Hun wince.

“Sir, if you just let me…” started Hun but Saki cut him off.

“No, I will rectify this manner personally,” said Saki as he walked over to the next room and opened the door. Before Saki walked through the door way, he turned to Hun. “And for your sake Hun, you better hope I can fix this.”

Saki walked off as Stockman’s holographic head looked towards Hun with a shrewd smile. An angry glare from Hun caused Stockman to straighten up quickly.

Back at the warehouse, one of the goons was knocked backwards by a kick courtesy of Don. Raph and Harry hoisted up a crate and tossed it towards two of the goons, knocking them backwards before Harry sprang up and kicked a third thug squarely in the chest. Another goon raised a baseball bat right near the back of Harry’s head but Leo blocked it with his sword, before slicing the bat in half and flinging the goon right into a wall.

“Thanks Leo!” yelled Harry as he barely side stepped a shot with laser blaster before throwing a shuriken at the right hand of his attacker. The thug clutched his hand and Harry grabbed him by the shoulder before pushing him back. The thug fell to his knees, completely unconscious from Harry’s attack.

Don and Mikey avoided the attacks of three more henchmen. The henchmen looked around dumbly but before they could realize where the two Turtles went, Don and Mikey leapt down, swiftly knocking the three goons out with swings from their respective weapons. They plummeted to the ground with a resounding thud that echoed throughout the entire warehouse.

Nobody was blown backwards and the Triceraton blaster flew out of his hand. It began to smoke and two of Ruffington’s henchmen moved forward, but Nobody tossed the weapon at them. The two goons scattered, as the weapon blew up, filling the entire warehouse with smoke.

The two goons coughed as they were pulled deep into the smoke and were punched out. They dropped to the ground and when the smoke cleared, Leo and Raph walked from the smoke, looking down at their downed opponents with a satisfied expression on their faces.

High above, Ruffington looked on nervously. His henchmen were losing badly and it was just a matter of time before he was thrown into harm’s way.

“Mr. Ruffington your helicopter is ready,” said one of Ruffington’s subordinates.

Ruffington made a quick dash for the stair well that lead to his helicopter out back. He needed to get away.

“Oh no you don’t Ruffington,” declared Nobody and quickly moved out a side entrance to cut him off.

Nobody raced outside just as Ruffington’s helicopter went into the sky. Ruffington looked at the vigilante with disgust and pulled a level, aiming a pair of large cannons that he had custom built onto his helicopter and aimed them towards the caped vigilante. Ruffington pushed a button, sending a pair of high speed missiles at the vigilante.

Nobody threw himself behind a stack of crates behind the warehouse to avoid the missiles, which blew a large hole through the docks. The helicopter turned and flew off but Nobody shot his grapping hook towards the helicopter, hooking it to the bottom.

“You won’t escape me that easily you worm!” exclaimed Nobody as he pressed another button on his wrist band causing the line from the grappling hook to retract, pulling him up towards the helicopter as Ruffington attempted to give him the slip.

At the front entrance, Harry and the Turtles walked outside, looking around curiously.

“So, did anyone see where Nobody went off to?” asked Raph in a frustrated voice.

Harry opened his mouth to answer but a very familiar and quite sinister laugh stopped him in his tracks.

“Shredder,” said Harry coldly as he saw the Shredder walk up towards the Prime Fishery Warehouse with his red eyes glowing sinisterly as he surveyed Harry, Don, Raph, Leo, and Mikey

“Potter,” replied the Shredder. “And the Turtles as well. I think you will regret meddling in my affairs on this evening.”

The Turtles and Harry pulled their weapons out, ready to do battle with the Shredder, who just laughed at them.

“Elite Foot Ninja to me,” ordered Shredder and a cloud of gray smoke appeared, signaling the teleportation of the Foot Elite. “Destroy the Turtles. Leave Potter to me!”

The Foot Elite jumped into battle. Leo barely managed to hold back the battle axe of one of the Foot Elite. Raph dodged a trident shot of the second Foot Elite guard and Don avoided the double edged sword attack of the Foot Elite. Mikey found his legs swept out from underneath by the Spear Foot Elite. The Foot Elite raised his spear but Mikey rolled out of the way and the spear clanged to the ground.

The Shredder swiped his gauntlet at Harry but Harry avoided the Shredder’s attack. Harry sprang up and kicked the Shredder in the back. The Shredder barely staggered a step before knocking Harry back with the palm of his right hand. Harry staggered back and leaned back first into a stack of crates. Shredder punched at Harry but Harry rolled out of the way and he punched a large hole through the crate. Shredder had his hand stuck for a brief second, allowing Harry to take a free shot at the back of his leg. Shredder angrily wrenched his arm loose and swung at Harry, knocking him to his back. Shredder raised his blade into the air and aimed it towards Harry’s throat before bringing it down. Harry blocked the Shredder’s blade with his weapon at the last second and rolled out of the way. Another attempt at the blade and Harry once again barely held back the attack of the Shredder before somehow finding the strength to push him back. Harry aimed a lethal blow towards the stomach of Shredder’s exosuit but Shredder managed to block it with his arm before leaping up and back handing Harry causing him to spiral to the ground.

High above the fight in Ruffington’s helicopter, Nobody pulled himself up, as Ruffington carefully piloted the copter to one of his other buildings. He spun around to see the caped vigilante.

“Who the hell are you anyway?” demanded Ruffington.

“Thanks to the politicians in your pocket, I’m Nobody,” answered Nobody as he advanced on Ruffington.

“Then you won’t be missed,” declared Ruffington savagely as he pushed Nobody to the ground and attempted to punch at him but Nobody blocked the swing with his wrist. Ruffington kneed Nobody across the side of the head and prepared to try to strangle him with a piece of wire that was lying on the floor of the ship.

Back on the docks, the Foot Elite and Shredder continued their fight with Harry and the Turtles. Don leapt into the air and slammed his Bo staff into the gut of the Double Edge Sword Foot Elite. The Foot Elite Guard fell to the ground as Mikey sprung up, wrapping his nunchucks around the spear of the Foot Elite Guard he was fighting. Don sprung up and kicked the Foot Elite Guard backwards. The Elite Guard slammed into the wall with a sickening crack. Raph blocked the trident with his Sai and rolled around on the ground, before kicking the Elite Guard in the shins. He kicked the trident out of the hand of the Foot Elite guard he was facing and knocked him back, before tossing his Sais, pinning him to the wall with his wrists. Mikey cracked the Foot Elite guard right across the skull with his nunchucks. He slumped to the ground, injured.

The Battle Axe Foot Elite swung his weapon to Leo but Leo ducked down and the ninja lost his balance. Leo knocked the weapon out of his attackers hand before kicking him flush in the chest. The Turtles looked pleased as the four Foot Elite Guards were out of commission.

The Shredder charged at Harry who was lying on the ground and attempted to slam his metallic arms into Harry’s skull but Harry managed to roll, to block the assault with his feet and push the Shredder back. Harry picked up his weapon and swung at Shredder but Shredder deflected the attack with his arm which caused Harry to stagger back and lose his balance

“We finish this right now Potter!” declared the Shredder as he aimed his gauntlet at Harry’s throat, preparing to deliver the final blow.

Leo leapt up and sliced his sword right through the top of Shredder’s helmet, causing sparks to fly in every which direction as the helmet was sliced halfway from the top.

“WHAT!” exclaimed the Shredder as Mikey and Raph sprung up, knocking Shredder backwards. Harry pulled himself back up and got back into the fight, jabbing his weapon right towards the stomach of Shredder but Shredder barely avoided it. Harry somersaulted into the air, landing behind Shredder and kicked his legs right from underneath him, causing Shredder to crumple to the ground for a brief second.

The Turtles and Harry moved towards the Shredder, preparing to finish him off once and for all when he was stunned. Don swung his Bo staff towards the Shredder who caught it in his hand.

“Playtime’s over children,” remarked the Shredder in a cold voice before hoisting Don up into the air by his Bo Staff and flinging him into Raph and Mikey, causing the three Turtles to spiral to the ground with a loud crack. Leo jumped straight up into the air but Shredder blocked both of Leo’s swords with his gauntlet before doing a back flip and landing on his feet before punching Leo in the chest as hard as he could manage. The blue bandanna clad turtle flew backwards, both his swords and his body landing on the ground with a thud.

With all four Turtles down on the ground it was now Harry one on one against the Shredder once again. The Shredder knocked Harry backwards and swung at Harry but Harry leapt up and attempted to kick Shredder in the face but Shredder ducked down and Harry managed to set his legs to land firmly on his feet. Shredder punched Harry right in the face, causing his nose to crack. Blood splattered everywhere and Shredder delivered another vicious punch which caused Harry’s legs to buckle out from underneath him towards the edge of the dock, right by the icy cold water. Shredder savored the moment before leaping up and slicing at Harry’s face, opening two large cuts on Harry’s face. Harry fell backwards, plummeting into the frigid water below.

“Harry!” yelled the Turtles weakly in horrified voices as the Shredder turned around and pulled out the same sonic gun that he used to kill an Auror during his trip to Azkaban and aimed it directly at the Turtles.

“Now, Turtles, you will perish! You four have been thorns in my side for far too long!” boomed the Shredder but behind the Shredder, Harry Potter, shivering and bloody but still alive pulled himself up from the icy cold waters to the dock. He looked horrified at Shredder and pulled his wand from his pocket, before aiming it towards the gun just in time and blasted the sonic weapon into dust with a well placed Reducto curse. The backlash of the curse sent Shredder spiraling backwards.

Harry advanced on the Shredder who once again pulled himself up to his feet. The Boy Who Lived glared at the Shredder through his blazing emerald green eyes hatefully, with blood dripping down his face where the Shredder slashed it. Shredder gave an angry bellow and charged at Harry but Harry ducked Shredder’s assault. Harry looked up at a whizzing sound and saw Ruffington’s helicopter spiraling toward the ground. Harry jumped forward, and motioned for his brothers to quickly move. They pulled themselves to their feet and ran as the helicopter crashed to the ground, the explosion sending the Shredder flying backwards and right into the water to the side of the docks. The water laid still the moment after the Shredder splashed in.

“Do you really think the Shredder is…” started Leo but Harry shook his head to cut off his brother.

“We can only be so lucky,” said Harry darkly. “He’s survived worse, after all.”

Off a few yards from the wreckage, Nobody stood over a shaken up Ruffington, handcuffing him to a pipe sticking out of the ground on a concrete structure.

“Who are you anyway?” demanded Ruffington as Nobody walked away. “I have to know!”

“I’m…somebody,” declared Nobody shortly before turning his back on the handcuffed Ruffington and walking off into the shadows.

Back on the dockets, Harry and the Turtles looked around. It appeared the Foot Elite had given them the slip and had vanished sometime during either their battle with the Shredder or the explosion. Looking up, Harry and the Turtles saw Nobody standing in the shadows, briefly acknowledging them with a nod before walking off.

“I wonder if we’ll ever run into that guy gain,” said Mikey happily as the others seriously nodded in a more reserved manner.

Back at Foot Headquarters Hun stood in the Shredder’s throne room, looking rather nervous as the door pushed open. The door opened to reveal the Shredder walking into the room, covered in seaweed and other assorted muck with his armor covered in burn marks, dripping water on the floor. Shredder walked straight towards Hun, giving him a look that indicated that he blamed Hun completely for this.

“Master…” started Hun in a tentative voice but the Shredder raised his arms up into the air and viciously smashed them down onto the table, causing the table to collapse to the ground to dust. Hun cowered against the wall as the Shredder gave him one last menacing and quite threatening look before Shredder walked from the room without a word.
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