Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Seconds Counting Down Until I See You Again

Chapter 11-The Chair by the Window-June 30

by rejected_smurf_god 3 reviews

Pete and Kendra finally get together...for now... (psst! this is my favorite chapter in all the chapters of this book!)

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama - Published: 2007-11-29 - Updated: 2007-12-19 - 1069 words - Complete

Seconds clicked by. Minutes dragged on. I sat in an unknown chair in an unknown hotel room. I fiddled nervously with a loose button on my shirt. He should be here soon.

Days had passed since Pete had asked me to be with him and the urge to be wiht him heightened as days went by. Finally I told Gerard that I was going to go sleep over at Amy's apartment with Leslie and Amy. He smiled at me, kissed me good-bye, and I walked down the hall to the elevator, down just one floor to room 128. The room card Pete had left at Brendan's house, weither it be by mistake or because he'd knew that I would come I'd never know, clutched in my hand let me in easily and I sat there in the chair by the window waiting for him to come.

Hours ticked by. Three to be precise. No Pete.

Just as I was about to give up the door opened and he stepped in. He turned into the bathroom and thew his hoodie out onto the halway. I sat frozen in the chair by the window. He ran a hand through his hair and stared at himself in the mirror after he walked out of the unused bathroom. Then he stripped off his shirt and examined his skinny torso in the mirror before sighing and turning towards his bed.

Our eyes locked and he froze.

"Kendra." He whispered.

"Pete." I replied.

I stood up and walked to him. I ran my fingers numbly over his tatoo on his collar bone. He closed his eyes and sighed.

"Kendra, if this is all just play to you, please, don't try it with me. I don't want that." He murmured weakly.

I leaned up to his ear and whispered, "You want me though.

He wimpered quietly. "Yes."

I looked at his still closed eyes and smiled. I placed my lips on his and murmured. "Good. Cause I want you."

He opened his eyes and stared at me. "You shouldn't. You can't. You-"

"Do." I cut him off.

His eyes danced in happiness. He wrapped his skinny arms around me and held me in an embrace. I was pressed into his warm chest. I could hear his heart beating excitedly in his chest.

My shirt came off first, thin his jeans, then mine, and then everything else.

Soon we were both collapsing upon the unmade hotel bed breathing heavily.

Pete buried his face into my neck and tried to catch his breath. My heart was racing at what we'd just done. It wasn't right but it felt it.

He found my hand under the covers and graspted it gently before pulling it up to his lips. He smiled at me.

"I love you." He whispered.

I smiled back at him and with my free hand I ran it through his hair.

"I love you too." I replied. "I never stopped."

He smiled wider and a happy tear trickled across his ceek into his ear as he turned to his side to look at me.

"Do you think things will ever be the same?" He whispered. "As before? When we were younger. Just innocent teenagers?"

I shook my head. "No. I don't think so. But we can make it just as good."

He smiled. His white teeth glinting in the moonlight. I placed a kiss on his perfect lips and smiled at him.

"You're not going to run out on me again are you?" I joked.

He tucked a piece of my hair behind my ear. "Only if you do." He replied.

I scanned his hazel eyes. They looked happier than they had ever been before. I smiled wider. "I won't."

He curled his fingers around my waist, rested his tired, sweaty head on my shoulder and quietly fell asleep. I smiled at him and shoved the thought of Gerard staring disappointedly at me to the back of my mind, then, I too, fell into the world of sleep.


The next day, for the first time since-well, never-I woke up to Pete awake next to me smiling.

"You sleep like an angel." He whispered. "Good morning beautiful."

"Hey sexy." I mumbled wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

He got out of bed, walked to his dresser and picked out clothes for him to wear. Still butt-naked he walked to the bathroom for a shower.

I slowly sat up and smiled at the memory of last night. I looked towards the direction of the bathroom and laughed quietly to myself. Pete had left the door open. Just in case I had wanted to come in I'm guessing.

"Hey Panda?" I called.

"Yeah Dra?" Pete replied.

"Do you have my clothes?" I asked. I heard Pete laugh.

"Course I do. Second drawer." He called. "Have fun."

"I will." I exclaimed back.

I walked towards the dresser and pulled open the second drawer. Jeans mostly but there was also a few shirts I hadn't seen since I was in 10th grade. Then there was the hoodie Pete couldn't let go. I left that alone.

Finally I chose a pair of jeans and my "Drop Knoledge Not Bombs." tee-shirt I had until it mysteriously disappeared when we were in 11th grade.

Pete stepped out of the bathroom juat as I was pulling on my shirt. His hair was drooping and wet and water was still dripping down his naked chest.

I wrapped my arms around him even though he was still damp. I smiled at our reflection in the mirror.

"You were right." I stated finally.

"Oh? How was I right?" He said jokingly.

"We do look good together." I whispered.

He smiled so big I thought his face would tear in half.

I glanced at the clock on his end-table. It read 11:30 am. Sighing sadly I looked back at Pete.

"Panda, I gotta go soon." I said reluctantly.

He sighed and his smile crumbled. "Oh. Alright."

He sat down in the chair by the window and sighed again. I brushed my hair and teeth frantically and then, just as I was about to walk out the door I turned back to Pete.

"Same time next week?" I asked.

A smile crawled onto his lips.

"It's a date."

Ooh, sexi Pete.

Oh god, I love this chapter. I bet, just bet, you did too. But that's just a guess.
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