Categories > Anime/Manga > Naruto > Chains And Whips (SasuNaru) Chapter One


by DarkPriestess 0 reviews

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Category: Naruto - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Horror,Humor,Romance - Characters: Naruto,Sasuke - Published: 2007-12-02 - Updated: 2007-12-03 - 1441 words - Complete

"Sasuke, Sasuke what's wrong?!" asked Naruto bringing me out of my dazed like state. That's when I knew what I had to do, I turned to Naruto and said. "I'll explain to you soon, just listen to me and do not argue when we get home pack what's most important to you." "Why?" asked Naruto. "Like I said, I'll explain later." I said hurriedly as we turned on the street Naruto lived on. I couldn't afford to make any mistakes or I could lose Nao again, and even if it killed me in the end I'd make sure Itachi never got a hold of him again! Finally we arrived, at Naruto's I ushered him inside and helped him pack that's when I began explaining. "I'll tell you the rest later, but your coming home with me someone is out to get you the reason can wait till later just hurry up." I said hurriedly.

Naruto looked more confused than ever, but he would have to be for the moment because we needed to get out of here fast. No telling when Itachi would make his move, and I wanted to be fully prepared by the time him did. About thirty minutes later we had everything packed, and we rushed from the house, we would go to my house luckily it was well hidden so Itachi wouldn't find it so easily. Well that's what I hoped for anyway, on the way Naruto asked. "Can you tell me now?!" "Not yet, just be patient I'll tell you when we have reached our destination." I said hurriedly. I was trying to keep my cool so I wouldn't flip out on him this was no time to be fighting especially when Itachi could be on his way here at this very minute. He would not get Naruto this time, I would die before that would happen, at that point I made sure to be on my guard especially after every corner we turned on that's the last thing I needed Itachi turning up at the corner before Naruto and me could escape. After we raced through the woods we came to my mansion, once Naruto caught sight of it he let out a startled gasped. "Damn Sasuke its so big, and cool!' shouted Naruto.

"Calm down, and get inside its unlocked." I said hurriedly with annoyance in my voice. So Naruto ran up the steps and into the house, I followed quickly behind him I then switched on the light and said. "Set your bags down, and come with me then I'll explain everything to you." I would tell him everything, even about his past I had wanted to wait for him to remember but since it looked like he wasn't going to be remembering anything anytime soon I would have to because, should Itachi ever find a way to talk to Naruto I didn't want him telling Naruto anything he might decide tell Naruto a bunch of lies and screw Naruto's head up so he'd hate me and I couldn't have that. I then led Naruto into my bedroom, and I locked the door behind me and double checked all the windows to make sure they were locked. Once that was done, I sat down on the bed, and said. "What I'm about to tell you is the truth, even if it sounds far fetched its true, but first before I tell you the story I will tell you this my brother is coming for you, the story will explain why."

"Well your a vampire, so I don't think anything can shock me at this point." muttered Naruto. "Wait till after I tell you the story, before you make that assumption." I said. "Alright whatever, just get on with it." said Naruto with impatience. "Okay, okay you once lived a long, long time ago your name was Nao and you knew me as well but what you didn't know was that I was a vampire but we were still the best of friends we hardly ever fought, its weird how we fight so much now well anyway. Then it happened one night, you were with your family and I was out walking with my older brother Itachi well I never really trusted my brother but when he said he wanted to walk alone I didn't think anything of it.

Well anyhow I decided to go visit you even though it was late. Well I started off towards your house, well just as I got to your house I heard your mother scream so I raced in to see the bodies of your family members and Itachi coming after you, well before I could catch him he raced off into the night, and you were out cold well I brought you back to my place and I found that Itachi had escaped so he wouldn't be coming back to the house, well anyhow I laid you down on my bed and waited for you to wake up. When you finally did I had told you, that Itachi slaughter your family and I also told you the truth that I was a vampire. Well you were crushed, and you vowed to kill Itachi but the part about me being a vampire you didn't seem to mind. What I didn't tell you back then was the fact, that Itachi was the one that sired me into a vampire.

Over the next few months we became more than friends, we became lovers and I loved you so much back then you were my everything and Nao I mean Naruto I love you now and you are still my everything. Now for the hardest part of my life to talk to you about it was a warm night and you were outside hanging out our clothes and I was inside resting. Well apparently while I was resting Itachi managed to lure you away, and once deep inside the forest he raped you by the time heard you loud screams I had arrived too late there you were bleeding and near death. I then wanted to make you into a vampire but your refused and said that you were just happy being able to love me, and that you didn't want to mess with fate. You thought it was fate, that you were to die but I didn't, and I begged and begged for you to let me give you eternal life but you wouldn't allow me to.

So you died there in my arms, and every since then I hoped you'd come back to me so I wandered this Earth and waited for you to come back to me. I was never with anyone else because I considered that cheating on you and I didn't want to have you come back and then know always in the back of my mind that I had been with others. I had about gave up on you ever coming back, until we met at school that one spring day. If you don't want me calling you Nao anymore its okay I'll continue to call you Naruto, but its all up to you." I replied.

I looked up into Naruto's eyes and he looked utterly shocked though, I didn't know if it was from my confession of love, or my story or maybe it was both. "Do you believe me?" I asked after a few minutes. Naruto blinked, and said slowly. "So that would explain the dreams, I had so they were true huh, wait a minute did you just say you loved me?!" I smiled and kissed Naruto's lips softly. I hadn't expected him to actually believe me right away but was glad that he did. "Yes I did, and I do tell me this is it Nao or Naruto?" I asked. "Uh well Naruto cause that's my name for now and Sasuke I like you a lot but I'm not sure that I love you I mean I must have in the past but right now I'm unsure please don't be mad." said Naruto hurriedly.

"Naruto it is then, and no its okay I'll be patient for you." I said quietly. It hurt just a bit, but I had got him to believe the truth so I should at least be grateful for that. "Thanks Sasuke." replied Naruto as he laid his head down on my shoulder. "Sure its no problem." I said as I stroked his hair lightly. Oh Naruto you mean the world to me, maybe one day I'll have your love in return but no matter what I promise to protect you. I thought silently to myself.
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