Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Dead On Arrival

its not gossip if its the truth

by watch_the_sky 3 reviews

a poor attempt at a broken heart ..

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres:  - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2007-12-05 - Updated: 2007-12-06 - 2024 words - Complete

Fluorescent lighting generates an unnecessary and slightly obnoxious buzzing noise that slowly eats away at your very last nerves until you’re on edge, ready to snap; three gentlemen, young men if you will, were currently feeling the effects of said illuminating devices, littering the emergency department waiting room of the Banner Good Samaritan Medical Center in Arizona. One Cobra and two fifths of the Academy Is were currently sprawled out, rather uncomfortably, across the hard, plastic chairs they were provided with, all anxiously awaiting what they would hope to be good news; holding down the fort while their two friends searched the hospital for some sort of refreshing beverage.

Gabe returned almost immediately to pacing the room, springing up from his once seated position on the arm of a chair; the sound of his shoes shuffling over the worn, faded linoleum floor reverberated quietly off of the walls as he made his way from one end of the room to the other. In the corner of the waiting room, Mike Carden instructed his fingers to dial familiar numbers on his phone once again, his pursuit continuously coming up empty handed.

“Still no answer?”

Gabe stopped his pacing only momentarily when the head of the Academy and a fellow Cobra shuffled back into the waiting room after their hot pursuit of a functioning vending machine, the voice of William Beckett quietly filling the small room. Mike shook his head lightly, before fidgeting once again with the phone in his hand as Gabe’s feet picked their pace right back up.

“The sound of these lights is driving me insane!” Adam was the first to breakdown from the confinement, the other inhabitants of the room could only laugh at his seemingly random outburst.

“Seriously” Sitting up straight in the mock-up folding chair, Adam eyed his just as worried friends as the sound of Nate’s soda can cracking open echoed through the room, “Is that buzzing really not aggravating anyone else?’

All four other men in the room just shrugged their shoulders, all of their heads and eyes almost simultaneously dropping to the floor, the walls or something else to amuse them for the time being. Minutes, but what felt like hours later, a middle-aged nurse came shuffling through the doors, her name tag clearly stating that her parents had once saw it fit to dub her as Phyllis. Almost immediately all five men were on their feet, their eyes searching the face of the woman before them, looking for any immediate indications or answers.

“That was a nasty bump to the head, but medically, she will be fine. We had to put four stitches in her head and two in her cheek, in about a week she could probably have them taken out, but that nasty bruise on her left cheek is going to take a while to heal. Until the concussion subsides, she’ll probably suffer from nausea and some wicked headaches, but with all of that aside, she’ll be fine; we’re releasing her within the hour.”

All five men let out a breath none of them had realized they were holding; if something major had happened to her at one of their shows, no one knew how they could live with themselves, but thankfully, they could all go on living just fine.

“She’s awake and could use a familiar face, unfortunately only one person is allowed at a time …”

Before Phyllis could finish her explanation all of the men had already made their decision, Mike taking the initiative to speak up quickly, “Gabe, go!” And before any of them could blink twice, Gabe was at her side, intently following Phyllis back through a set of heavy double doors.

One year ago, Anabella Stumotrolazera was a total nobody, just another nameless face in the crowd; trying to get by in the race we call life. Today, Anabella Stumotrolazera was waking up in an emergency room in Phoenix because today, today Ana was Patrick Stump’s girlfriend, and today she learned first hand that holding that title seemed to almost go hand in hand with having the plague.

The fluorescent bulbs hanging above her were causing an unnecessary increase in the intensely pounding pain in her head, and her eyes were having far too difficult of a time adjusting to the light, but that was nearly minor compared to the pain her left cheek and right shoulder. Unable to remember the major details of what had happened, Ana was barely able to piece together the events that were likely to have led up to this current moment, but at that moment, a familiar face stuck through the crease in her privacy curtain, and remembering didn’t matter because maybe he would have the answers that she needed.

“Gabe!” Never in her life had she been happier to see a familiar face than when waking up alone in an unfamiliar hospital. Frowning hard, Gabe gingerly took a seat on the edge of the gurney she was laying on as the nurse pulled the privacy curtain shut tight behind him.

“Oh Moto, baby; I’m so glad you’re okay.”

Ana shook her head feverishly in confusion, but the shaking caused pain and the pain caused uncontrollable wincing in discomfort. With a heavy sigh, she dropped her head gently back against the bed, “What happened? Are we still in Phoenix?”

Gabe nodded, his eyes were still frowning, now searching her face for some sort of recollection, hoping that he didn’t have to explain it all back to her, “Remember when I told you that fans can sometimes be insane? Well, today, one of them proved that true.”

Ana’s face scrunched up almost immediately in disgust, that had sparked her memory and unfortunately the events of the past night came back to her. Remembering an argument with a fan in the crowd, Ana was almost positive that her relationship with Patrick was not the cause of the argument, but had held its ground in the overall structure of the confrontation.

“My camera!?”

Gabe almost laughed out loud at her jumbled priorities, but opted to just shake his head lightly, squeezing her hand sympathetically as he broke the news to her.

“No sweetie, I’m sorry. It’s in two hundred pieces on the floor of the club. But that’s not important right now, we can get you a new camera, we just can’t get you a new head.”

Breaking through the coated layer of pain her entire face was experiencing, a smile spread slowly across her lips as Gabe laced his fingers gingerly with hers as he smiled down at her, relief flooding his normally calm eyes. Relief was not the major character in Ana’s eyes however, her smile faded almost immediately and the pleading sadness in her eyes immediately gave her away. Gabe could read her like a book and it broke his heart to answer the question that he knew she couldn’t force herself to ask, “We can’t get a hold of him, his phone is off and no one else is answering.”

Hot tears immediately pricked the corners of her eyes but she didn’t break down, she just nodded her head in sad understanding. Returning quietly and almost unnoticed at that moment, Phyllis pulled the privacy curtain back to reveal a nervous looking William, concern flooding in to his normally quiet eyes.

“Billy!” Ana shrieked jokingly in a sing-song manner as he hurried to wrap his arms around her, hugging her for deal life, thankful that she was okay.

“Alright my dear” Phyllis was a patient and cheerful women, and Ana immediately liked that about her. Instructions were stapled to Ana’s prescription sheet, which Phyllis handed over to William as she reviewed the procedure with her patient. “We’ve prescribed you some painkillers to dull the effects of your injury but you’re still going to suffer from some headaches and nausea on account of your concussion. Besides from that, you’re going to be fine, in about a week you can have the stitches removed and just ice the bruise as you normally would. I’ll print your release forms out now and you’ll be on your way home in no time.”

“Thank you” Ana smiled politely as Phyllis shuffled off, her eyes almost immediately wandering from one guilty face to the next. Studying the features of her two very dear friends, her eyes were picking apart all possibilities and attempting to figure out how they had plotted and tip-toed around the restrictions of the medical system.

“How did you get them to release the information to you?”

Both men were smirking wildly now, proud of the scheme they had developed and its overall success, “We told them Bill was your step-brother; your parents married when you were kids and your dad was really, literally going to kill him if anything happened to you.”

Shaking her head with an amused smile on her lips, Ana was content with the lie for the time being, “As long as one of you isn’t my husband or once Siamese twin, I’m okay with it.”

“Speaking of husband …”

William’s voice cracked with discouragement and Ana’s eyes were immediately and hopefully glued to him, “We got a hold of Bob who is trying to get a hold of someone who can get in contact with Patrick.”

Ana nodded sadly in understanding, this wasn’t a life altering emergency, but it was discouraging to know that in the case of an emergency, it would never be guaranteed that contact with Patrick would be possible. It was hard to even think that this could very well be the last straw that would break down the walls of their relationship, but at the moment, a broken heart would just be another ailment on the list of Ana’s problems.

After countless attempts at reaching her other, not nearly better half, the boys had all give up, but now Ana’s fingers were dialing the all too familiar numbers on her own. Gabe and Nate had just tucked her peacefully in to a bunk on the bus, providing her with water, painkillers and an abundance of pillows; one of the three which would soon knock her out for the night, so before the medication took affect, she needed to leave a message of her own.

Straight to voicemail was a painful form of rejection, meaning that nothing was important enough for him to at least have the chance of answering the call; Ana never understood the point of having a cell phone, if you’re just going to turn it off. Regardless, he would get the message eventually, and the pain stung just a little worse as the voicemail picked up, it wasn’t even a personalized message. Instructing her to leave a message, in hopes of her message being returned the automated voice echoed through her eyes and Ana did as she was instructed.

“Hi, it’s me. I just wanted to tell you myself; I had my head cracked open tonight by one of your adoring fans.”

With a bitter laugh, Ana found it slightly amusing, “Funny thing is that it wasn’t even at a Fall Out Boy show, who would have thought. But I figured that maybe you would want to know that I’m going to be fine. I have a concussion, some stitches and my face is going to be a mess for weeks but besides that, I’m alive. Obviously, you must be busy beyond belief and that sucks but I guess, fortunately, this isn’t a life threatening emergency. I guess, call me back if you can manage to find the time.”

With a heavy sigh, Ana snapped her phone shut and buried it somewhere near her mountain of pillows. The medication was beginning to take affect and as the rumbling of the bus against the highway ushered her to sleep, Ana could only hope that the medication would also help numb the pain in her heart.
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