Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Vampires Will Never Hurt You ( I Promise )

43. And Maybe When You Get Back I'll Be Off To Find Another Way

by frankxgerard 0 reviews

“You really love him, don’t you?”

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2007-12-07 - Updated: 2007-12-30 - 318 words

This is the chapter I forgot.


*Title from “I Don't Love You" - My Chemical Romance

Frank had gotten up once Gerard had finally fallen asleep about 10 minutes later, rummaging in the duffel bag and pulling on his black ripped jeans and a black shirt over an undershirt. He took Gerard’s sweatshirt and fingerless gloves, shoving them in the old messenger bag he had used when he met Gerard in the graveyard almost a decade ago. He sighed and shoved his black diary into the bag along with his phone. He paused and pulled the notebook back out, setting it on the bed next to Gerard. He kissed his oblivious lover’s lips and looked over at the bed next to Gerard’s and his. Cody was awake and looking alertly at him despite the would-be fatal hole through his stomach. He had probably seen the whole scene from the beginning, hearing Frank’s accusations and how Gerard did nothing to defend himself or deny.

“You really love him, don’t you?”

Frank nodded and bit his lip. He left the room and stopped at the hotel room door when he noticed the younger Way. He was lying disheveled on the sofa, glasses askew on his face. Frank breathed out heavily and left, making his way to the main streets in the dark. He sat in the subway tunnels until 5:30AM when people were soon filling the station, on their way to work. He could still smell the scent that had been all over the lab and his house. He was really leaving. He stood on the platform holding the ripped out article from the newspaper. He find out what was going on whether it meant life or death, or not. He got on the train when it stopped in front of him and disappeared into the mass of people flooding the streets of New York.
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