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Ask Me No Questions, and I'll Tell You No Lies

by Blackraven 1 review

A Spike OC story where Spike finds love in an unlikely place. Please read, and remember this is back in the day when it was just Angel, Cordy, and Doyle. So Spiky was evil.

Category: Angel - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Humor,Romance - Characters: Alan Francis Doyle,Angel,Cordelia,Spike - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-12-08 - Updated: 2007-12-09 - 260 words

I remember when I was a little kid. I was reading this book about a King who had to select an heir to his throne. I remember thinking, ‘I don’t give a damn what happens when I’m gone. If I was that King I would just die and not announce an Heir. Make it more interesting that way.’ That was before I learned that I wouldn’t die like everyone else.

My name is Darien Violet. I’m seventeen, and will be seventeen forever. Well okay, one day I might look twenty. But seriously, that’s about it. I won’t age. I won’t get sick. And I won’t die. So I guess I have to give a damn. So anyway, enough of my sap story. You really don’t want to hear about that. I bet you want to know why you’re reading this. Why you picked this up, or why you’re even sitting down now to take an interest. I’ll tell you why.

Because this is my story. This is my story of how I learned to give a damn, and truly from one of the most un give a damnest people in this world. In actuality, I wouldn’t call him a person. But you know what? If you ask me no questions, I’ll tell you no lies. And since you’ll never see me, never talk to me, never even know how to write, I’ll tell you everything. After all, you have nothing better to do, right?
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