Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Give 'Em Hell Kid

Intro and Dedications. Sorry for being a bitch.

by frankxgerard

Sequel to the sequel of Vampires Will Never Hurt You (I Promise). Frerard.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Angst,Romance,Sci-fi - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] [X] [R] [?] - Published: 2007-12-06 - Updated: 2007-12-15 - 375 words

Okay, I'm back and I'm going to be serious this time. Really. I'm sorry about that.


Title: Give 'Em Hell Kid

Author: frankxgerard

Pairing: Frank Iero || Gerard Way

Rating: NC-17 / R

POV: 3rd

Summary: Can Gerard face himself for being the cause of the end of the world? How will Frank spend the rest of his life if Gerard won't toughen up and let Frank in? Does this summary make this sound like a cheesy soap opera? And do obnoxiously long story titles make you want to throw up?

Disclaimer: I don't own anything godamnit. No one does.

Author Notes: Yeah, I'm really trying to get over this HUMUNGOUS bout of writer's block I've been having. I am a sucky writer. I hate myself, and I don't deserve to be alive. Thank you.

Dedications: Everyone in the whole entire world. And the teenies especially. I love you. You make my life worth living. :|

Oh, and Gabby (WHO BY THE WAY HASN'T CALLED ME IN FOREVER THANK YOU). But yeah. They're amazing.

I'm trying to post alot of my stuff on LiveJournal in my writing journal thingymabob that no one cares about, so if you have an lj, go friend me and I'll talk to you. If not, you should totally make one because I need people to stop me from being suicidal. I'm very insecure about my writing right now, if you didn't notice, because I read it, and it's horrible. It's just complete shit and I can't stand to try and write more or even look at it. It really hard. So, yeah.



There was a major error in the first story. I forgot to put in a chapter and then named the one before it wrong.

Go look.

the new chapter is "Maybe When You Get Back I'll Be Off To Find Another Way"

And that was what I accidentally named the chapter before it, which was supposed to be "I Don't Wanna, But I Gotta Let You Go".


Go reread if it'll help anything.



Okay, I screwed the chapters up alot, so whatever. But even if the titles aren't right, the chapters are, I think. So it should at least make sense story-wise.
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