Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > We knife strokers.....

The great camping adventure

by famous_last_words01 0 reviews

Ray gets back from the camping trip............................beware of kerosene.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Humor - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-12-12 - Updated: 2007-12-12 - 374 words

Me Frank, Bob, Rita, Bec and Ray were sitting around a large table at the local coffee shop, joking and laughing about Ray’s camping adventure, or, rather, misadventure. Many of the funnier stories included Ray accidentally putting kerosene on his sausages and spending the next four and a half hours throwing up behind the tent. Clearly Ray wasn’t the outdoorsy type as he discovered the hard way. There was also the story about Ray accidentally blowing up his father’s tent. All in all, not a very successful camping trip.

When I introduced Ray to Bec and Rita, Rita stood fixated for a moment by his hair, swaying slightly. Bec seemed happy, considering her glasses were no more, frankly I think she was glad to be rid of them. Along with Bec and Rita, there were also two other new faces, a friend of Bob’s, Laura, and a girl me and Frank met at the book store, Katie. They were both pretty cool girls, Katie was pretty quiet whereas, Laura was pretty talkative.

After Rays recount of the camping disaster, we headed over to Barnes and Nobles to visit Mikey and Gerard at work. I peered in the window, searching the book filled room for the pair, spotting Gerard. We made our way toward the unsuspecting lad, evil grins spreading all over our faces. Ray leaned over and screamed in his ear, causing him to scream, whipping around to face his attackers. When he realized it was us, a look of dread spread over his face. I looked down at his name tag, “Gerald” it said clearly. I had to stifle my laughter. At this point, Mikey came up to meet us and my laughter once again had to be stopped, I felt like my ribs were gonna explode. Mikey’s name tag showed “Michael” which was just the icing on the cake.

“Hey!” said Mikey defensively. “I didn’t ask to be ‘Michael’ okay! They made me!”
I patted him on the back. “Of course they did.”

AN: hey guys sorry its so short, severe case of writers block :( but, its here, the next (and short) update on our fave Brit. Hope u enjoy, I should update sooner this time.
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