Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Chao Mama

he's crying agen

by Iceblue-Tears 0 reviews

omg the second chapter! thanx for the encouragement!!!! will try to update more. kinda cought in a bind!

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2007-12-12 - Updated: 2007-12-12 - 210 words

He wathed as her farmiliar blue toyota bounces along as she drives down the street, not seeming to notice she was passing his house.
"She doset love me anymore." He mumbles to himself, a loe blue tear straming dow his pale face. His brother walks in and sees him. "Hey Ge.." He begins but stops short when he sees her car pass the window. He needed to be alone now.


She could feel her self wanting to turn around and stop at his house. It had been more than 2 months scince sh had last talked to him. Her stomach was in knots. Why did she feel this way? "How did you get under my skin Gee?" She asked her self. She sudenly broke out in tears and was blinded. Instead of pressing the brake like she thought was the right thing she excelerated. Horns honked and people yelled then it as quiet, she couldent see and she couldent move.


He heard the horns and ran outside looking at the crushed, over turned blue ord in the yard of the house 4 houses down. He cryed freely untill he heard her yell for help. " What is wrong with you?" He mumbled to himself.

thats it for now will have more later...loves!!!
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