Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

Queen Of The Reverend Tholomew Plague

by winter--x 0 reviews

The Reverend Tholomew Plague is known quite well, a vampire. He is after this one girl Storm Shadows, What will happen?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!] [V] - Published: 2007-12-18 - Updated: 2007-12-18 - 591 words - Complete

He let a small growl slip from his clenched teeth.
He watched her kiss another man.
He loved her but, she doesn't love him back.
His fangs showed.
He shouldn't have yelled at her.
"Leave her alone reverend" Shadows hissed.
"No. She will be mine very soon" He evilly laughed.
"Fucking hell Reverend" Vengeance growled. "Just fucking go and get her".
The Reverend Tholomew Plague was known quite well in this area.
The vampire who tortured humans.
But others knew him quite well, this girl, Storm Shadows.
She is the most perfect girl.
Reverend never tortured her.
Zacky Vengeance, Synyster Gates, M. Shadows and Johnny Christ, were also well known.
They are like looking death in the eye.
"I have to change her" Reverend growled.
"You can't" Christ Protested.
"We need too" Synyster agreed.
"Why? She will be so pissed" Shadows frowned.
"Do we really need Reverend killing every guy she is with" Vengeance laughed.
"Fine" Shadows exclaimed.
"Just fucking hurry up and don't kill the guy please" Christ complained.
The Reverend smirked before running off into the dark.
He waited in her bedroom.
The giggling from her made him slip a growl every now and then.
He heard their footsteps coming up the staircase.
"Rev" She stuttered walking in the room.
Her shirt was gone.
Reverend's fangs showed more.
He was angrier then ever.
"Stand back Storm" He growled.
"No Rev" She screamed standing in front of the helpless man.
"I'm sorry then Strom" He smiled pushing her against the wall, sinking his teeth into her neck.
She cried out in pain before collapsing onto the floor.
"You just fucking killed her" The man screamed out pushing reverend a touch.
"Actually, know I didn't" Reverend smirked stalking the man.
The Reverend's hands surround the man’s neck.
"You’re the one who is going to be dead" He chuckled, sinking his teeth further and further into the helpless man’s neck.
The blood was sucked out of him.
The Reverend chucked the man across the room.
Storm's eyes flickered opened.
"James Owen Fucking Sullivan what the fuck did you do to me" She screamed standing up.
"Your a vampire now love" He smirked pushing her against the wall.
"Don't fucking touch me! I am so fucking angry at you right now" She screamed even louder.
"Reverend what did I tell you" Shadows laughed appearing next to Storm.
"Shut up Shadows" Rev growled
"Hi Storm" Christ laughed also appearing in the room.
"Where is Vengeance and Synyster" Storm smiled forgetting about what just happened.
"Hungry. Ran after some people" Shadows laughed.
"Now back to where I was..." Storm started.
"I’m sorry Storm" Reverend cut her off.
"Wow. Something nice came out of his mouth for once" Storm acted surprised.
"I fucking need you. That's why I changed you" Rev kept going.
"Well I do love vampires" Storm smiled.
"You are my Queen and I love you" Reverend screamed.
Everybody paused.
Reverend was on the ground on his knees.
"James, you’re a fucking freak" Storm frowned.
Reverend looked away before a body jumped on top of him.
She straddled him and pushed his shoulders to the ground.
"And James I fucking love you too" She smirked letting her hands wonder his body.
"We are out of here" Shadows screamed disappearing out of the room.
"Peace" Christ yelled also disappearing.
Storm kissed his lips.
"You are me Queen Storm" Reverend smirked.
"Let’s have some fun then" She said letting a smirk appear on her face before removing The Reverend's shirt.
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