Categories > Books > Harry Potter > The Slayer, The Avatar And The Guardian Of Light

CH81 - A School Of Death Eaters

by GuardianOfLight 3 reviews

Draco and Ginny's relationship gets going and what happens when Hermione sees her Dark Mark

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: G - Genres: Crossover,Drama - Characters: Draco,Dumbledore,Harry,Hermione,Ron,Tonks - Warnings: [!!] [?] - Published: 2007-12-23 - Updated: 2007-12-23 - 7397 words

Chapter 81 - A School Of Death Eaters

Dimension: 563 - Earth
Date: 24th September 2001 AD
Country: Britain - Scotland
Location: Hogwarts - Gryffindor Common Room - Sixth Year Girls Dormitory
Time: Early Morning

There on her arm, was the last thing she expected to see.

The Dark Mark.

She stood stock still for almost twenty seconds before she was startled out of her frozen state by a gasp from the


She turned to see Lavender bringing her wand to bear upon her.

"Hermione, how....How could you...."

"Lavender," she replied, half panicked as she realised Lavender's line of thought "It's not what you think."

"I think you have The Dark Mark on your arm." Lavender replied, her voice sounded half way between anger and

disbelief "I drew my own conclusions from there....Death Eater."

"NO!!" she shouted back, she could feel tears beginning to run down her face "I'm not a Death Eater....I'm not."

"Then explain that....that THING on your arm."

She never got the chance to answer as another scream and the sound of cursing came from the dormitories, causing

Lavender to spin her around towards the direction of the sounds.

Taking her chance, Hermione flicked her wand out of the invisible wand holster around her arm that she had got for

her birthday (she had taken to wearing it at all times) and fired a disarmer at Lavender, sending her wand flying

into her other hand.

"You can't do anything to me traitor," sneered Lavender "You won't get away with this."

"I AM NOT A DEATH EATER!!" screamed Hermione, charging at the unarmed girl and pressing both wands to her throat,

before sobbing out "I'm not."

She never got the chance to say more as a sobbing third year ran into the room.

"Miss Granger, help, they're after me." She cried, running around them to cower behind Hermione as two more third

years came in, wands drawn.

"Get her, get her, she a Death Eater." they called aiming their wands "She's got the mark."

"Put those down and wait!" ordered Hermione in her most commanding voice, causing the pair to stop in their tracks,

before she turned to Lavender "Do you really think that I, a ‘Mud-Blood' who is best friends with Harry Potter

would become, of all things a Death Eater. And what are the chances that two female Gryffindor Death Eaters in

different years would be discovered by accident in different places on the same day."

Lavender obviously saw the sense in the statement as she stopped pressing herself against the wall and just leaned

against it puzzled.

Turning to the terrified girl Hermione knelt down beside her.

"Let me see." She said to the quietly sobbing girl.

The third year reluctantly rolled up her sleeve and looked away in shame.

On her arm was the same mark as on Hermione's own.

"I promise Miss Granger, I didn't, I...."

"Shhh, it will be ok, the same has happened to me." She explained, showing her own, before turning to the other

girls "Roll up your sleeves."

The other third years looked at each other worriedly, having seen the mark on Hermione's arm.

"Do it." Ordered Lavender as she rolled up her own sleeve to reveal the mark there as well.

The third year's arms also bore the mark, much to their panic.

"What in Merlin's name is going on?" Exclaimed Lavender, as more sounds of screaming and spells emanated from the


"Go to the Common Room and stay there." Ordered Hermione as she and Lavender headed for the exit "Do not curse each

other unless you want to answer to me!"

As they moved out into the corridor their eyes were met with utter chaos, several students were unconscious or

immobilized on the floor, the effects of various curses upon them (including, Hermione noticed, the seventh and

fifth year girls prefects), some were pressed against the walls while others pointed wands at them, still more were

looking, rubbing or screaming at the marks on their arms and finally there were half a dozen engaged in a fire

fight, trying to curse each other out of existence.

Hermione raised her wand to her throat.

"Sonorous. SILENCE!!!!!!"

Everyone in the corridor froze, many clutched at their ears at the volume of her voice.





She doubted half of them had ever moved faster than they did after her little speech, muttering the counter charm

she turned back to her dorm mate.

"Lavender, get those three in the bathroom down to the Common Room and make sure they stay there."

"Yes Hermione." She nodded as she moved towards the stairs "Hermione?"

"Yes Lavender?" sighed Hermione, turning to her.

"I....I'm sorry I accused you of being a Death Eater, of all the people to suspect you are probably the last on the

list of possible traitors."

"You couldn't have known Lavender, and it did look fairly conclusive, I would probably have thought the same."

Lavender smiled as she turned and headed down the flight of stairs into an already rather full Common Room as the

boys were also heading down their stairs in a similar state to the girls. She could see Ron and Neville as they

talked rapidly to one another.

As she moved over to them they turned to face her.

"You too?" asked Ron pulling up his sleeve to reveal the mark.

"Yes." She nodded showing her own.

"What in Merlin's name is going on?"

"I don't know, I was just coming up to see you before going to talk to McGonagall."

"Let's go then." Nodded Ron.

"We'll stay and keep everyone calm." Called Ginny moving to stand near Neville as the pair opened the portal and

walked out.

The duo quickly made their way towards the Staff quarters as they approached the section of wall that Harry had

shown them led to his new room.

As they reached the wall, Ron paused and turned to Hermione.

" do we get in? Prefects don't have access."

Not answering him, Hermione simply drew her wand and cast what appeared to be a Message Patronus through the door.

"I got Tonks to show me the incantation during the summer." She explained just as the door opened to reveal a

yawning Tonks.

"Morning all, I saw the message spell pass me, what's up?"

The pair pulled their sleeves up revealing the marks, which in hindsight was probably not the best thing to do.

In less than a second both of them were pressed up against the opposite wall, Tonks hand around Hermione's throat

and her wand at Ron's.

"Traitor's." she snarled, all her previous exhaustion appeared to be gone.

"Wait....No, no."

"We're not Death Eaters."

"Everyone has one."

"All Gryffindor Tower."

"That's why we came to see Professor McGonagall."

Luckily the Professor in question chose that moment to appear, followed immediately by a hastily dressed Harry.

"Yes Miss Granger, what is the....Tonks, what in Merlin's name are you doing?"

"Tonks get your hands of my friends!!" shouted Harry drawing his wand and pointing it at the back of her head.

"They're Death Eaters, they have his mark." She snarled, pressing harder against Ron's throat while holding up

Hermione's arm so they could see.

"Guys," gasped Harry as he saw it, his wand falling from his hand as he stumbled back into the wall "What....what


"NO!" Hermione cried out, tears returning to her eyes at the thought that Harry might think her capable of this of

all things "Everyone in the tower woke up with one."

"Neville, Dean, Seamus, Colin, Dennis, Ginny, everyone!!" Added Ron "That's why we came to see you."

"It's not just Gryffindor Professor's," called Luna as she ran around the corner pulling up her own sleeve "The

seventh year Prefect sent me to get our Head of House, all Ravenclaw is like it as well."

"And not just the Students." Came Snape's voice from the corridor of the Staff Quarters, he had his sleeve rolled

up; several other Professor's could be seen emerging from their quarters behind him "Release them Nymphadora, they

are telling the truth."

"How do you know Severus, you already....My word!" exclaimed McGonagall as she spotted Snape's arm.

On his arm, overlaid over his existing Dark Mark was another image of the snake and skull.

"I would be willing to bet Minerva," added Snape "That you have one to, as well as the rest of the staff."

"You are correct Severus." Said Dumbledore, announcing the appearance of Adam and himself "We bumped into prefects

from both the remaining houses saying the same, all the students and Professors are affected, even me."

"Oh thank god." Sighed Harry pulling both his friends into tight hugs "I'm sorry I even considered the possibility.

Can you ever forgive me?"

"Of course Harry."

"Sure thing mate."

"Arry!" exclaimed Fleur as she came running down the corridor, her eyes full of worry "I....I…."

"Have the Dark Mark," finished Adam "Don't worry Fleur, everyone in the castle has one."

"Hey guys, does anyone know where this strange do-hickey on my arm came from." Called Buffy as she wandered out of

her room in her pyjamas, still half asleep.

Looking up she saw the large group.

"Did I miss something?"

It took less than an hour for the Professor's to work out that the mark was thankfully not permanent. By comparing

the magical signatures of Snape's real mark and the other marks they were able to deduce that although the same

curse had been used to make them, it was not cast by anyone anywhere near the same level of power or on everyone


They deduced that it was probably a single spell cast on the entire school, as was proved when people noticed that

all the native Hogwarts Post Owls also bore the mark, as did all the pets and other living creatures.

It was discovered that a very powerful Finite would remove the mark; only Dumbledore, Adam, McGonagall and Harry

(much to the surprise of most of the others) were powerful enough to cast the spell on their own, but the other

Professors could cast it if they worked it in pairs.

Fleur probably could have cast the spell as well because of her magical link to Harry but of course not many people

knew that they were mated and they were not keen to reveal it to the world yet.

At that moment in time all the students were lined up in front of individual or pairs of teachers as the spells

were cancelled.

Draco Malfoy was currently standing behind a pair of seventh year Slytherin's as they waited for Professor Berio to

remove the marks from their arms.

When he had woken up and had seen the mark he had almost had a heart attack, not that he would ever tell anyone

that, he thought that it was a message from the Dark Lord that he could not escape him, he had been unbelievably

relieved when everyone else noticed that they had them as well.

"Finite. Next." Called Professor Berio as he gestured Draco forward.

Pulling his sleeve up he held it out for the Professor to see.

As he had done many times before the Professor extended his hand over the mark on his arm.


As with every other student so far, the Professors palm and staff in his other hand started to glow white, the

light from his hand extended around Draco's arm before slowly to reveal his mark free ar....

The mark was still there.

For the first time since he had woken up, Draco was worried and from the look on the Professor's face, so was he.

"Act normal Mr Malfoy," the Professor whispered as he pushed him out of the way so that the next student could be

treated "Cover that up and go and wait in the Headmasters Office, we will be there soon."

Snapping out of his shocked state, he donned his usual mask and tried to wander out of the hall without looking at

all out of character, but he was sure that at least the person behind him in the line must have seen.

As he walked through the corridors he prayed to himself that he was just dreaming and that the mark was not really

on his arm.

He did not belong to Voldemort; he wasn't the sort of person who licked anyone's boots, let alone a snivelling

snake who could be defeat time and time again by a teenager.

Rolling up his sleeve he stared at the mark as he walked through the deserted corridors, he could hear the

portraits whispering to each other as they saw the thing in his arm.

"The Dark Mark."

"I thought they were all having it removed."

"They were, he just came from the Great Hall, Professor Berio cast the removal spell on him, and it did not come


"The Mark's real?"

"He's a Death Eater."

"I AM NOT A DEATH EATER!!" he bellowed at the painting in question, making all the people who had been following

him from frame to frame, leap back further into the picture.


He spun around at the voice as he saw Ginny Weasley come around the end of the corridor.

"Ginny?" he said, covering up his arm "What are you doing here?"

"I heard you shouting." She replied walking up to him "What are you doing out here? What were you shouting for?"

"I....I was going back to the Slytherin Common Room." He rushed out, immediately regretting it.

"The Slytherin Common Room is in the dungeons, you have come two flights of stairs ABOVE the ground floor which the

Great Hall is on." She countered; walking right up to him before putting her hands on her hips and staring up at

him, and considering he was several inches taller than her she had to tilt her neck back to quiet an angle to be

able to stare up at him. "And that still does not explain why you were shouting."

"Since when did I have to start explaining my actions to you?" he asked amused, crossing his arms across his chest

and meeting her stare.

"So Mr Malfoy still has the mark?" asked Remus.

"Yes." Nodded Adam "I could have tried a more powerful cancelling charm but I did not want to draw attention, he

should be waiting for us in Brian's office."

"Brian?" asked Harry.

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore." Explained Remus.

"I got into the habit of calling him Brian a long time ago," added Adam "It's not an easy habit to break."

"Are you sure none of the students noticed that the mark was still on his arm?" asked Remus, returning them to the

subject at hand.

"The seventh year behind him did, but I altered his memory."

"You do know that the use of memory charms is restricted." Commented Remus.

"I would like to see them try and arrest me for it." Adam replied as they reached the end of the corridor.

The sight that met Adam, Harry and Remus as they turned the corner on their way towards the Headmasters Office was

probably one of the strangest that the school had ever seen.

"It took long enough." Commented Adam, breaking the silence.

"Ron's going to have kittens." Added Harry, his mind was fluctuating rapidly back and forth between wanting to

punch Malfoy and complete and utter confusion at the situation "I probably will too later when I realise that this

was not some really weird dream."

"Forget Ron, I want to see how Arthur and Lucius react." added Remus, his expression was a very Marauder like grin.

Standing halfway down the corridor, pressed against the wall was Draco Malfoy.

But what was even more humorous was the fact that he was being held there by a certain female Weasley's lips.

Ginny Weasley was pressed up against Draco; one of her hands was gripping his robe while her other was playing with

his hair and ensuring his mouth did not leave hers during their tongue wrestling match.

Draco had one hand at the small of her back, pressing her body against his while his other was holding Ginny's leg

to his side, his hand gripping the flesh just below the level of her skirt, judging from the ruffled state of her

hair one of said hands had previously been running its fingers through it.

"Yes....Ron is definitely going to have kittens." Sighed Harry.

"I do hope we are not interrupting?" asked Adam, a little louder than their previously.

Draco and Ginny jumped apart so fast they could almost hear the air rush back into the gap between them.

Remus chuckled lightly as they both rapidly tried to straighten themselves out and look embarrassed at the same


Ginny's cheeks were so red they almost out shone her hair, though her thoroughly kissed lips were even brighter and

even harder to hide, she looked as though she had just been caught with her hand in the cookie jar.

Draco ran his hand through his hair a couple of times to straighten it out, while trying unsuccessfully to look at

anything but the redhead in front of him, his expression was more along the lines of confusion than the look of

shock on Ginny's face.

"You seem to have got distracted Mr Malfoy." smiled Remus "Lets continue up to the Headmaster's Office shall we?"

"Yes Professor." He replied, grateful at receiving a way out of the embarrassing situation and away from the

thoroughly snogged looking Ginny Weasley.

"You come to Miss Weasley." Added Adam as he walked past the pair, he didn't need to be able to see out of the back

of his head to know that Draco was trying to bore holes in it.

Draco felt like cursing the MD Professor when he had invited the girl to go with them.

Why did the annoyingly kissable redhead have to be there when they started probing him about the mark?

And why was he even caring what she would think when she saw it. She was a Weasley, the Weasley's and the Malfoy's

had been enemies for decades, why did this one have to treat him with anything other than hate.

How had that happened anyway?

How had they gone from a staring contest to fondling each other in the halls? He remembered them glaring at each

other for about twenty seconds followed by her launching herself at him, slamming him into the wall, pulling his

head down and covering his mouth with her own.

He could not remember when he had started returning the kiss but he had definitely liked it, not to mention the

feeling of her small body pressed against his and certainly the feeling of her bare leg in his hand, just thinking

about that leg made him shudder with pleasure.

"Harry's Hazelnuts." Announced Adam, causing the statue guarding the Headmasters Office to start moving.

"Of all the sweets he could have chosen, he had to choose those." Sighed Potter as they proceeded up the staircase.

Going through the open door at the top, Draco got his first look at the Headmasters Office.

The walls were covered in wizard pictures of the previous Head Teachers, there were many strange metal devices

around the room, as well as a perch, on which the Headmasters Phoenix sat, a glass case containing the Sword of

Gryffindor and a little stand on which sat the Sorting Hat.

At the back of the Office sat the Headmaster surrounded by most of the rest of the teaching staff.

As soon as he entered the room, Snape moved towards him, his eyes blazing.

Grabbing his arm, the Potions Master yanked up his sleeve and exposed the mark; he heard a gasp from Ginny as she

spotted it.

"What have you done Malfoy?" He demanded, pushing him up against the office wall.

"Severus." Warned McGonagall "Give him a chance to answer before you condemn him."

The Potions Master slowly released his grip on his robes and allowed him to move away from the wall.

He spared a glance at Ginny who was looking at him with a hurt expression.

"Take a seat Mr Malfoy." Gestured Dumbledore to one of the chairs opposite him.

He moved to one of the chairs and sat down, under the intense gaze of most of the staff.

"Miss Weasley, why are you here?"


"I thought it better if she attended." Replied Berio, before Ginny could properly answer, the look he sent

McGonagall requested that she did not ask anymore about it as he directed the girl into the chair next to Draco, he

would definitely have to find a way to get back at the MD Professor for this, Ginny was making it very hard to


"Now, Mr Malfoy," began the Headmaster, levelling those annoying twinkling eyes at him over his glasses "How did

you get that mark?"

"I don't know Sir." He replied.

"Did you just wake up with it like everyone else?" asked Potter.

Even though he was a part time Professor, Draco didn't want to answer to Potter, even in his guise as Radcliffe, so

he gave the shortest response he could.


"Do you know anything about how you got it that differs from what everyone else knows about how they got theirs?"

demanded Snape.

"No Sir."

Looks were exchanged amongst the Professors before Dumbledore continued.

"Mr Malfoy, will you allow Professor Snape into your mind to confirm what you have told us.

Draco didn't like that idea at all but if he said no it would look like an admission of guilt.

"Reluctantly, yes." He nodded as his Head of House came around the desk, drew his wand and pointed it at his head.

"Do not resist." He ordered a split second before his mind was invaded.

Draco felt his memories flashing before his mind, all his thoughts and memories for the last weeks and more blasted

through his mind as the Potions Master rummaged amongst his thoughts, ending with his memories of kissing Ginny

before the world returned to normal.

As his vision returned, he saw Snape glance at Ginny with a raised eyebrow, before moving to resume his previous


"I can find no evidence of anything that would disprove his story and no evidence of memory alteration."

"Very well." Nodded the Headmaster "We must now work out why Mr Malfoy's mark has not come off."

"May I try something Headmaster?" asked Potter after a moment's pause.

"As long as it will not harm Mr Malfoy Harry." He replied.

"If I am correct it shouldn't." he replied, not filling Draco with confidence.

Walking towards him, Draco got out of his chair and took a precautionary step back.

"Stand still Malfoy, I need to touch the mark."

Draco did not move, of all the people he wanted help from, Potter was at the bottom of his list.

"Mr Malfoy," sighed McGonagall "Let Potter do what he needs to."

Draco reluctantly held out his arm.

Taking a hold of his arm, Potter firmly pressed a finger against the mark and waited.

After several seconds, he removed his arm and turned to the others.

"I don't know if it's real, but it was definitely not cast by Voldemort."

"And pray tell us how you know that?" asked Draco's Head of House, while a lot of the room shuddered.

"Show me your mark and I will."

Snape immediately pulled his sleeve up and threw his forearm forward.

"Prove it."

"Severus." Warned Dumbledore, but Potter was already moving.

Draco watched him walk forward and pressed his finger to Snape's mark.

Both immediately grunted as pain cursed through them, originating from both scar and mark, the snake in the skull

started twisting on Snape's arm as the mark darkened and started to burn while Potter's scar began to bleed.

Many miles away a Dark Lord stumbled and grunted in pain, before climbing back to his feet and looking up with a

sadistic grin.

As the finger came in contact with mark, Fleur winced as pain passed down the link before Harry closed his mind.

She quickly schooled her expression and sent a quick look around, only McGonagall seemed to have noticed as she was

looking at her curiously, but with a final look she turned her attention back to the two Professor's who Remus and

Buffy had just pulled apart.

"That," Harry breathed as he tried to dodge Madam Pomfrey as she tried to clean up his scar "Is what should happen

if I touch a real Dark Mark."

"How did you know that would happen?" asked Colette.

"Logic," he replied "Both Voldemort," collecting shudders "And myself experience pain when we come in contact with

each other, the Dark Mark is a direct link to him, so when I touched it both he and I, wherever he is, experienced

pain, Professor Snape was just unlucky enough to be the conduit for the pain."

"And as Malfoy's mark didn't hurt, this Mouldywart person could not have cast it." Concluded Buffy.

Everyone turned to look at her.


"Mouldywart?" asked the Remus.

"It's close enough."

"It sounds nothing like it." Countered Malfoy before realising that he had just diverted attention back to himself,

not to mention that he had just spoken back to a Professor.

"Regardless," interrupted Dumbledore "It does suggest that someone else has bound Mr Malfoy to them and I doubt

anyone but a Death Eater would have done that, which suggests one of two things."

"Either there are Death Eaters amongst the students," continued Adam "Or a Death Eaters got into the school last


"And who is the only Death Eater who knows all the secret passages in the school and can move around it completely

unnoticed." Added Harry.

"Peter." Growled Remus, making Fleur and a couple of other teachers look at him warily.

Standing up from behind his desk, Dumbledore moved over to Draco "Harry, can I borrow your wand please?"

Harry flicked his wrist so that his wand shot out of his holster and down into his hand before handing it to the

aging mage, several of the Professors looked at him oddly due to the smoothness of the obviously practiced


"Hold your arm out again, please Mr Malfoy." Dumbledore instructed before pointing his own wand at the mark as the

arm was presented to him. Muttering something in Latin, he then cast a similar charm on Harry's own wand, both

glowed gold for a moment before fading back to normal.

"As I feared," sighed the Headmaster "The Mark was cast with a wand with the same core as Harry's, and the only

other wand to share one of Fawkes feathers is Voldemort's own. This means a Death Eater brought it onto the grounds

and then returned it to him."

"How do we know a student did not bring it on the express?" asked Fleur.

"Voldemort would not entrust his wand to a student." replied her mate.

"I am reluctantly forced to agree." Snape added looking decidedly annoyed at having to confirm Harry's thoughts.

"So the next question," Continued the Headmaster "Is why was the mark cast upon Mr Malfoy."

There was a moment of silence as everyone thought about the answer, before finally Draco spoke.

"It's a reminder."

"A reminder of what Mr Malfoy?" asked McGonagall.

"My father instructed me that I would be receiving the mark before the end of this school year, he....he has

probably heard that I have not been quite my usual self around the school and wanted to send me a message that he

still controlled me."

"Do I take it from your recent attitude towards others that you do not want to take the mark Mr Malfoy?" asked

Dumbledore, the entire room turned to look at him, wondering what his answer would be.

"No." he replied slowly "No, I don't. I still support the Pure-Blood ideal that we are better than Mu...."

"Malfoy!" growled Snape.

"Muggle-Born's and Half-Bloods, but I am not willing to serve someone who is incapable of defeating a teenage boy

as many times as he has."

Harry smirked at his answer.

"Not to mention the fact that there is a high possibility that I could be killed and that my father would never let

me become more powerful than him."

"Fair enough Mr Malfoy." Nodded Dumbledore, his eyes twinkling "Everyone is entitled to their opinion. I am also of

the opinion that Voldemort probably wants you to be the leader of the children of, or possible Death Eaters that

are amongst the student body and he is also trying to point out that you belong to him, which you certainly don't."

"Can it be removed?" asked Buffy.

"No." Snape replied "The mark is permanent."

"So what are we going to do about Mr Malfoy?" asked Colette as again all eyes turned to the student in question.

"My Malfoy," began Adam "Am I correct in thinking that you still want nothing to do with Voldemort?"

"Yes." He replied.

"And am I also correct in thinking that your father is going to continue to try to control you?"

"Probably, he does not like to lose."

"In that case I would like to recommend that for the time being we do nothing."

"I beg your pardon!!" exclaimed McGonagall while several other Professors made similar sounds of surprise "We

cannot do nothing when Death Eaters have the ability to enter and leave the school at will."

"Especially when they are powerful enough to cast spells on the whole school at once." Added Flitwick.

"Peter is not that powerful," Remus thought aloud "He could not have cast a spell of that magnitude."

"So more than one Death Eater has access to the school!" argued McGonagall "Even more reason for us to do


"I disagree," continued Adam "I believe Wormtail is the only Death Eater able to get into the school, anyone else

would have alerted the Headmaster, but as a rat the wards would not recognise him as a human in disguise."

"Are you saying what I think you are saying?" asked Harry.

"I am afraid I am." nodded Adam.

"Well for those of us that haven't got a clue what you are on about please explain it." Huffed Buffy.

"He is saying that students helped Wormtail cast the spell." Harry elaborated.

"Probably several of them." Continued Adam "Not many students have the raw power needed to cast a spell of that

size on their own, and as we have no way of identifying them we must do all we can to lure them out."

"What is your idea?" Remus asked.

"If Mr Malfoy is going to continue to lean away from the current views of the rest of Slytherin House then it is

probable that he will draw attention to himself, Voldemort will likely either order whoever serves him amongst the

student population to get revenge upon you once you show him that you are not on his side or will try to find a new

way to force you to join his side, I recommend that, if he agrees, we use him to help us find the spy's Voldemort

has in Hogwarts."

"Are you suggesting using a student as bait!" exclaimed McGonagall at the same time as several other teachers cried

out in shock.

"Only if he agrees."

"You cannot use a student like that." Countered Flitwick.

"It's his choice."

"But you can't...."

"I'll do it."

All eyes again turned to Draco.

"I'll do it." He repeated "It basically means I just have to wait to see who is going to have a go at me next, so I

might as well have a bit of support for when it happens."

"Excellent." Nodded Adam "It is decided then, Mr Malfoy will be the bait to lure out the next generation of Death


Several minutes later Ginny and Draco walked out of the Headmasters Office.

They walked down the corridor, turned the first corner and went down a flight of stairs before either of them

actually said anything.

"You kissed me." Accused Draco.

"You kissed back." Returned Ginny.

"You started it."

"You didn't exactly complain."

"I didn't have much choice; you tackled me into the wall and started running your fingers through my hair."

"You ran yours through mine to."

"You wouldn't release my head."

"You would not release my back OR my leg."

Draco gave an involuntary shudder at the thought of that leg in his hand.

"You like the idea of holding my legs don't you." She grinned evilly.

"I do not." He snapped.

"You do to." She smirked, subtly pulling her skirt up a bit higher on her hips to expose a bit more of her lower

extremities, she also increased her pace slightly so that she was walking ahead of him, swinging her hips a more as

she walked.

She could feel his eyes on her, she loved the feeling that the power created within her, that she could affect him


Spinning around and coming to a stop she was fast enough to catch him starring at her behind.

"Told you." She said satisfactory.

He came to a stop, looking slightly shocked as he realised what he had been staring at.

It took Draco a moment to recover, he was angry; he had been staring at her as she walked and what was worse was

that he had been caught doing it.

She was grinning at him; she was doing it deliberately to catch him out.

His eyes blazed as he realized he had been deliberately trapped.

With a snarl of anger he strode forward grabbed her arms and forced her roughly up against the wall, causing her to

give a short grunt of pain.

"This is a very dangerous game you are playing little girl." He growled, his face mere inches from hers.

"Who says I'm playing." She whispered back.

The statement took him by surprise, but not as much as when she hooked her legs around his waist, pulled his face

to hers and clamped down on his lips.

He mentally cursed himself when he stopped struggling and gave in within five seconds.

"Ron's going to do his nut when he finds out."

Draco jumped back so fast at the voice that Ginny didn't even have the chance to release him.

If Harry had continued looking as he walked on past he would have seen the strange site of Draco standing normally

in the middle of the hall, albeit slightly shaken and dishevelled with his hands by his sides and a panting Ginny

Weasley clamped around him looking equally as shaken and dishevelled as the pair stared at his disappearing form.

He didn't even bother to try to stop them as he passed, after being with Fleur for months he knew better than to

get in the way, especially as neither looked exactly reluctant.

He did wonder about Ginny's sense of taste in choosing Malfoy of all people but he was a lot less resistant to the

idea than he would have been just the day before, hearing Malfoy's little speech up in the Headmaster's Office had

warmed him to Malfoy a bit.

....Just a bit.

"If you hurt her Malfoy," he called over his shoulder "I will have Sapphire bite your legs off."

A few seconds after Harry disappeared from site, Draco and Ginny turned to look at each other, partially in shock

that Harry had just accepted the relationship so easily and partially because they realised that she was still

wrapped around her.

"Errr. .... Tried Ginny.

"Errr...." Draco also tried.

"I errr...."

"Could you errr...."

"Yes, errr....." she nodded, un-entangling herself and dropping back to the floor.

Standing in front of each other they continued to stare at each other.


"Oh, stop saying errr!!!" he said loudly

"You were saying errr too."

"I was not."

"You were too."

"Oh don't start that again. We are going around in circles."

An awkward pause started that lasted almost a minute.

"So what now?" asked Draco "We can't really pretend nothing happened."

"Not when we....twice." she added embarrassed.

"No." he agreed quickly.

"It would also be stupid to pretend that we did not enjoy it."


"So we should....move some way."

"We should do....something."


"Something together."


Another pause.

"There's Hogsmeade next weekend."

"Yes. We could...."

"Yes. The Three Broomsticks?"

"At ten?"


Another pause.

"So what does this make us?" asked Ginny finally.

"Stark raving mad?"

"Probably." She agreed smiling for the first time since they were interrupted "But I meant are....are we a...."



Draco's eyes widened.

"Well....Well I....I....Well I....suppose."

"I'll....I'll see you soon then."

"Soon." he nodded.

It took them about thirty seconds to walk awkwardly away in opposite directions.

And another twenty for Pansy Parkinson to come out of the shadows behind a suit of armour and head rapidly towards

the Slytherin Common Room.

Dimension: 563 - Earth
Date: 25th September 2001 AD
Country: Britain - Scotland
Location: Hogwarts - Great Hall
Time: Early Morning

It took less than six hours for the whole school to find out about Draco and Ginny.

Harry had been right, Ron had done his nut. He had almost hit poor Colin when he asked Ron if it was true, luckily

for Colin, Lavender and Parvati (at least he thought it was Parvati) had been there and confirmed the truth of the

statement to Ron, telling him that Pansy had seen the pair making out rather passionately, giving Colin the chance

to run for it.

Ginny had known the second Ron walked in through the doors of the Great Hall for breakfast that he knew. The bright

red face and clenched fists were a dead giveaway as he marched towards the lonely spot on the Slytherin Table where

Draco was sitting alone, receiving looks from the rest of his house.

Ginny immediately stood and headed towards her brother but she could not get to him before he reached Draco.

But luckily Buffy and Adam could as they moved from the staff table; walked straight passed Draco moved in front of

Ron, Buffy levitated Ron about an inch off the floor with her wand before moving him backwards out through the

doors with Ginny and Adam close behind, Ron struggling to free himself all the way.

The entire hall watched as they left, before exploding in conversation as soon as they were out.

"Put me down!!" shouted Ron as Buffy directed him into an empty classroom.

Buffy dropped him to the floor rather roughly so that he landed on his backside, just as Ginny came in and slammed

the door.

Ron, standing up, moved to speak, but Ginny got there first.

"Shut up Ron, you don't get a say in this."

"You can NOT go out with Malfoy!"

"That's for me to decide!"

"He's a Malfoy!"


"So, the Malfoy's have been at war with us for decades!"

"I'm not at war with Draco!"


"It's his name Ronald!"

"He's evil!"

"He's not!"

"His father almost got you killed!"

"He is not his father!"

"He almost got Buckbeak executed."

"He likes me!"

"He's been insulting you for five years!"

"Four years, he hasn't said a thing against me this year!"

"So less than one month without insults he's good enough to go to Hogsmeade with!"

"Excuse me!!" interrupted Buffy loudly "But Ginny is right, it is her choice Ron."



"Let her decide what to do with her life.".


"Enough." Adam snapped "Ginny, you left half a slice of toast unfinished in the hall; I think it would like to be


"Yes Professor." She smiled turning around and heading out of the room.


"But nothing Ron, it's her decision." Adam said firmly before both he and Buffy turned and following Ginny out.

Ron stood there fuming for several minutes before Neville poked his head around the door.

"Err Ron, are you coming for breakfast."

He stepped back as Ron stiffly walked out of the room.

When they got back to the breakfast table Harry had turned up, this morning he was seated at Gryffindor Table, he

already knew the reason for the foul look on Ron's face as he came back in; he had seen Adam, Buffy and Ginny

return a few minutes before.

When Ron dropped himself heavily into the seat beside Hermione and opposite him, Harry knew what ever conversation

they had would end badly.

"She's going with you." He announced.

"What?" spluttered Harry around his pumpkin juice.

"He can't do that!" argued Hermione.

"You are going with Ginny to Hogsmeade." Ron repeated firmly, gesturing his head towards his sister sitting further

down the table.

"No I'm not." He countered.

"You will go to the Three Broomsticks with her next weekend."

"I'm with Fleur."

"Its only to get her away from Malfoy, it doesn't have to be anything serious."

"You can't do that." Argued Hermione "It's wrong."

"It's wrong for her to be with Malfoy."

"I won't do it."

"You will, Fleur won't mind, she knows you can't really cheat on her."

"I still won't do it."

"You will, I am not letting Malfoy get anywhere near her."

"When you left the hall I bet Adam and Buffy told you not to interfere." Tried Hermione again.

"It's not their decision. Besides Buffy would be on her side and Adam, what experience has he got with girls?"

Returned Ron.

Hermione opened her mouth to speak again before realising that it was not public knowledge that Adam had had a


"He barely ever shows an emotion, I have never seen him smile FULLY even once, he just does those silly half smiles

and his sense of humour is poor at the best of times."

As Ron continued to argue with the pair, only Harry was aware of Adam raising his head revealing a raised eyebrow

when he became the subject of the discussion.

When Adam left the staff table some ten minutes later, Ron was still at it and did not notice the gesture that Adam

made to Harry, Draco and Ginny.

Continuing out of the hall he proceeded up to is tower room and immediately activated the fireplace.

"Weasley Wizard Wheezes."

The fire flared before a face appeared.

"Hello, Fred Weasley's this end, who's that your end?"

"My names Adam, I am one of the MD Professor's at Hogwarts."

"Ahh, we've heard of you," said another head as it appeared beside the first "Our brother and sister think very

highly of you."

"Thank you."

"Well, now the pleasantries are out of the way,"

"What can we do you for?" asked the twins, speaking alternating lines.

"I gather you two like the odd prank."

The eyes of the pair instantly started to shine and their mouths curved into even wider smiles.

"You gather correctly."

"What did you have in mind?"

AUTHORS NOTE 1: Another chapter everyone, I would just like to wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, or for those of you don’t celebrate Christmas have a happy holiday.

AUTHORS NOTE 2: I will also apologize in advance as the next chapter may take a bit longer as believe it or not I do most of the work on this story during my work lunch break and as I am currently off for Christmas and as I will be going abroad to visit relatives in Germany for a few days it will take me longer to finish the next chapter and to get it run by my beta’s who probably are doing things for the holidays as well, so I apologize if there is a wait for that.
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