Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy > Beautifully Broken

Chapter Five: I’ll Ask You Twenty-One Questions, And They’re All About Us

by falloutbaby89

A lot of loving for the Festive season. Merry Christmas to all

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [!!] - Published: 2007-12-24 - Updated: 2007-12-24 - 4344 words

Thanks to all who read this story and those who have left reviews. Hope you all enjoy your Christmas.

I woke up to my alarm clock once again on a Saturday morning. This time, however, I had no intention of killing James because I was going to see the oh-so-amazing Patrick today. The thought of him just brought a huge smile on my face. I couldn’t stop smiling as I lied on my bed, holding my covers tight over my body up to my neck thinking of him. For some reason I couldn’t understand but the thought of him made me happier than I’ve ever been. He was just too great.

With the smile still plastered on my face, I sat up in my bed, trying to get ready for the day. Without a knock or some sort of warning whatsoever James stormed into my room and next thing I knew a flash was emitted from the camera he was holding. James knew how to spoil someone’s mood.

“James what the fuck are you doing?” I threw a pillow at him. He ducked it in time and laughed.

“I was taking a picture of that smile you had on your face. I’ve never seen one on you so early in the morning,” he smirked. I rolled my eyes at him and looked away as another thought of Patrick swam through my mind.

“What do you want James?” I turned back to look at him and asked. He walked into my room and got inside the covers as he made himself comfortable. I raised my eyebrow at him and he just shrugged.

“Patrick called to ask if you’re still going to his place, and I told him yes you’ll be there with Victoria’s Secret,” he nodded. I smacked him hard on the back of his head. “Oww bitch I was just kidding!”

“Well I didn’t find it funny since I wouldn’t put it past you,” I spat. “Anyway, did he give his address?”

“Why the fuck should I give it to you now?” he asked while rubbing his head. I rolled my eyes for the second time, this time in pure annoyance.

“If you don’t I’ll ask him to come over and you could watch us suck each other’s tonsils out since I recall you have nowhere to go today,” I smirked, folding my arms over my chest. He raised his eyebrow.

“Lynn I’ve known you for almost eighteen years and I know how shy you are. You and PDA don’t go together, even if it’s in front of me.”

“Shut up, James.”

“It’s true don’t deny it. Anyway, are you going to go to him?” he asked, looking at me with persuasive eyes. I stared back at him, trying to stop the smile from appearing.

“Maybe,” I shrugged.

“Don’t maybe me I can see that smile in your face,” he laughed, making me release my smile. I couldn’t help but laugh with him.

“Fine, I am definitely going,” I shook my head. James looked at me seriously.

“You really like him, don’t you?” I bit my lip, nodding. “You know this is the first time you’ve actually considered having a relationship with anyone right?” he looked me into the eyes.

“Yeah, and it actually scares me. I don’t know James he’s just too great for words. And he’s adorable. And you know he’s Irish? He doesn’t primarily talk in an Irish accent but when he does, it’s so sexy. And he’s multi-talented; he not only sings but also plays guitar, obviously, and he writes the music for the band and is also a producer. Oh and he acts, he’s gonna be in Law & Order,” I rambled on about him until James stopped me.

“Okay Lynn I don’t need to know the E! True Hollywood Story of your boyfriend. Save it for the channel to do that.” I blushed. “You do know he’s got a lot of fan-girls who will want to crucify* you when they see you with him?”

“Oh yeah I know. I got the first experience last night when we went out for ice cream after dinner. That bitch looked at me as if she’s dating him. But really, she has no idea what she’s missing; the boy knows how to hug.” I gushed with a big grin. He laughed.

“Try to keep your hands to yourself today honey, the best sex is between six months and a year into the relationship,” he winked. I playfully hit his arm and rolled my eyes.

“Can I easily say you’re waiting for our sex tape by the way you keep making comments about our non-existent sex-life?” I joked.

“No way, it’ll probably make me too horny and Maxine can only take so much of Jamesy.” I gave him a disgusted look. “Yep, Jamesy is a big boy.” I grimaced.

“You’re disgusting James!” I shivered.

“What, I’m just putting out there. If Maxine and I don’t watch out, we’ll be having a soccer team of babies”

“So are you saying you plan to only have kids with her?” I hinted. He just smiled.

“You are asking too many questions and making Trick wait. Get in the shower and get going,” he slightly pushed me. I shook my head and chuckled at his attempt to end the conversation.

“Whatever James,” I smirked, making my way to the bathroom.

At around ten-thirty A.M I made my way to Patrick’s house. I didn’t even have to wait a minute after I rang the bell before Joe engulfed me into a monster hug.

“My new best friend!” he muffled into my hair. I laughed.

“Easy there, tiger. Remember I am a very small girl,” I muffled back into his chest.

“Yeah Joe, let her go before Trick sees you. You know he can get very jealous,” I heard Andy’s voice coming from inside the house. Joe didn’t even budge.

“Watch me as I care,” I could feel him raise his nose in the air as he hugged me even tighter.

“Really Joe, you’re killing me here.” He looked behind him before he let me go.

“Oh well, Trick’s not around so I can let you go. I love to see that little Irish man blow his fuse,” he joked. I shook my head in amusement.

“You’re funny Joey,” I laughed. He looked at me funny.

“No one ever calls me Joey,” he warned me. I laughed even more at his attempt to scold me.

“But Joey you like me and I like you. We’re best friends, I have an exception,” I mock pouted. His face let out a smile.

“Okay my shorty, you can call me Joey if I can call you my shorty but in a very non-romantic way,” he nodded.

“As if I don’t know I am short you just have to state the obvious,” I rolled my eyes, “yes you can call me that I guess,” I shrugged. I noticed we were still outside. “Um Joey, can we please go inside?” he looked around as if he just noticed our surroundings now.

“Oh, my bad. Patrick’s still up in his room doing God knows what. You can go ahead, it’s the second door from the left upstairs” he informed me and let me in. I made my way upstairs after saying hi to Pete and Andy.

I walked into his bedroom after knocking three times without hearing an answer. I noticed his bathroom door, as I assumed, was closed so I guessed he was there. I made myself comfortable on his bed and lied down. About five minutes later I heard the bathroom door open and Patrick walked out with just a towel wrapped dangerously low around his waist, leaving nothing to my imagination. I could see the form of his penis shaped under the towel and may I say it seemed pretty big. I couldn’t help but stare. I could hear my name being said numerous times and finally I snapped out of it and looked at him and smiled.

“Hey Tricky,” I greeted him, sitting up straight. He smiled at me and walked over to me. I wasn’t sure if this was a good idea as my eyes would keep wandering down unintentionally. Clearly, he wasn’t aware because next thing I knew he was embracing me in a hug and kissed my cheek.

“I didn’t expect you to come so early, otherwise I would’ve been better dressed,” he said swaying his hand up and down his towel-clad body. Oh yeah I kinda wanted to surprise you but I guess you beat me to that, I thought to myself.

“Yeah I kinda wanted to surprise you,” I said, trying my hardest to look him in the eyes. He smiled and walked over to his closet, taking out clothes to wear, thank God.

“Aww, that was really sweet of you,” he turned his head and winked at me. “I’m gonna go change quick,” he said motioning to the bathroom before disappearing in it very quickly.

Four minutes later and a soft moans and grunts emitted from the other side of the door, Patrick finally came out fully dressed and looking flushed as ever. I wasn’t really sure if I wanted to know why his face was lacking color. I looked him in the eyes and he let out a smile, which I returned.

“So should we make our way downstairs before the guys make assumptions about what we’re doing up here?” he asked, nodding his head to the door. I took a hold of his hand and held him closer to me.

“You know we never really got to say good morning to one another the right way,” I told him, looking up into his eyes. His eyes glistened.

“And how is the right way done?” he asked, almost whispering.

“We could make up something right now?” I said quite seductively, this time with all intention. He smiled wide.

“Something like this?” he said. His lips brushed mine before he fully kissed me. I kissed him back with as much passion, inviting his tongue in after desperate attempts. He put his hands on my cheeks, bringing the kiss deeper and more passionate. I hooked my index fingers with the hoops of his jeans bringing his body closer. Things started getting really heated up and I could feel a slight bulge forming inside Patrick’s pants. I pulled away from a lack of breath and also to make sure things don’t go further than they were supposed to. He put his forehead against mine, smiling widely.

“That was an amazing way to say good morning,” he smirked. I chuckled, and shifted my eyes down a bit.

“Yeah it is, but I think we should calm it down a bit if it’s going to wake a specific someone up,” I bit my lip. I was surprised to see he didn’t blush though, I think this boy has gained some super confidence. Instead, he licked his lips and smirked. He then lowered his mouth to my ear; letting his warm breath hit my neck as he whispered.

“Do you know a way to make him go back to bed?”

“Are you sure you want any of my ideas?” I asked him, slightly brushing my hand on his jean above his crotch. He shivered a bit.

“As much as I’d love to say yes, I think maybe we should wait a while. It’ll only get better.” He breathed out. I laughed at him and hugged him for being adorable. He let out a groan.

“Baby you shouldn’t do this,” he whined. I quickly let go of him before I caused more damage to him. I giggled.

“I’ll see you downstairs,” I said, giving him a kiss and walked out his room so he could take care of himself.

“Where’s Trick,” I turned to see Andy following me down the stairs. I launched myself onto the couch once I got into the lounge. Andy sat on the armchair to the left of the couch I was sitting on.

“Oh he’s up in his room; he’ll be down in a minute.” I nodded, biting my lip so I wouldn’t laugh. I didn’t want him to know of his best friend’s current activities.

“Why are you smiling?” he asked inquisitively. I wiped the smile off my face quickly and looked at him.

“Um, um I was just thinking of something funny?” I asked him more than I answered.

“Uh huh, sure I believe you,” he mocked. I gave him a small pout that he just laughed at. Just as I was about to say something I heard the galloping of feet from the stairwell. I looked and saw Patrick coming down, and smiled. I stood up when he got to the bottom. I rested my knee on the couch as he leaned on the other side of the couch. He looked at me and tipped his head towards Andy, making me give him an interrogative stare. He tipped his head towards Andy again making me look at him even harder but with my eyebrow raised.

“What the fuck are you guys doing?” Andy asked, making Patrick and me snap out and stop staring at one another. We both looked at him, trying to hint to him he should leave the premises. Of course, he didn’t get the hint; he just sat there waiting for us to explain our actions. He asked us again and Patrick huffed out.

“Andy we trying to tell you to leave,” Patrick said, shooing him away with his hand. Andy raised his eyebrow. Patrick stared back at him. I was trying not to laugh at them.

“Are you trying to intimidate me?” Andy asked with a bit of humorous attitude. I bit my lip.

“Well is it working?” Patrick asked back with the same attitude, placing his hand on his hip. This move made me burst into laughter, making the two men look at me. Once I calmed down a bit I looked at the boys, who seemed to have moved closer together.

“Sorry, you two are too funny. What the hell was with the hand on the hip move?” I laughed even harder when he did it again. I caught a glimpse of them shaking their heads as if to imply I am crazy. I pouted and folded my arms. Patrick laughed and walked over to me, pouting his lips too in attempt to mock me. He folded his arms around my shoulders.

“Baby admit it, you did look a little crazy,” he smiled. I stuck my bottom lip out even further. He sucked onto my bottom lip before kissing me fully. If there is one thing I really loved doing to Patrick is kissing him. His lips were full, very soft but firm and forever gentle, no matter how deep or passionate the kiss was. I wrapped my arms around his waist. Andy clearing his throat broke our kiss. We both turned to look at him.

“Can you guys perhaps get a room?” he asked.

“Uh, last I checked this was my place,” Patrick retorted, still holding me. I silently laughed into his chest. Andy rolled his eyes and stood up from his armchair and walked out of the lounge. Once Andy was out of sight, Patrick flopped himself onto the couch, pulling me down with him. I snuggled closer to him as he put his arm around my shoulder. For some odd reason, I felt so much safer in his arms.

We let the silence loom over us as we listened to each other’s breathing patterns and heartbeats. Listening to his heartbeat gave me the temptation to close my eyes. I was about to until he shifted his weight and kissed the top of my head. I looked up at him and leaned up to kiss him. I pulled back and we smiled at one another.

“You’re adorable you know that?” he asked, kissing me on the tip of my nose. I bit my bottom lip.

“I think you have already mentioned that once,” I smiled. He chuckled and kissed my lips.

“If I keep saying that will I get more kisses like this from you?”

“You don’t even have to ask to kiss me, I love kissing you,” I kissed him again.

“Well I love kissing you too,” he kissed me in between each word. I smiled in our kiss. We made out for a good three minutes with me lying on top of him. His hand was on my lower back dangerously close to my ass, his right hand was holding mine hanging off the couch. My other hand was around his waist, dying as we kissed. After a few minutes of feeling my arm couldn’t take both our weights anymore; I pulled away from him breathlessly.

“Babe, my arm is dead,” I informed him, wincing a little. He lifted his waist up quick and pulled my arm out. I laughed at his face.

“I’m so sorry. I was wondering why you’d stopped scratching my back,” he chuckled. He massaged my arm, shifting up just a little bit. I laid my head on his other side of his chest. After a while my arm started feeling better. “All better?” he asked.

“Uh huh, thanks,” I kissed him. I put my head back on his chest and made circling motions with my finger around his nipple.

“What are you doing?” he laughed. I giggled.

“I’m doing a mammary test,” I laughed.

“Shouldn’t it be the other way round, me checking you?”

“It should, but that would only turn us on,” I flicked my eyes up at him.

“True that,” he agreed.

“Let’s play twenty-one questions,” I suggested.

“Okay, sounds good. You wanna go first?” he asked, doing circling motions on my back. I nodded and thought of a question.

“Hmmm, how old were you when you got your first kiss?” I asked. He expressed his face in thought.

“I think I was thirteen,” he answered, his face looked unsure of his answer.

“Tell me about it,” I pressed. He gave me a funny look.

“Are you sure about that?” I laughed.

“I meant just tell me with who,” I explained. I didn’t need to know the whole shebang.

“Oh, some girl named Kate.” I mouthed an oh. “My turn; what’s your guilty pleasure?”

“Kissing you,” I answered truthfully. I wasn’t going to lie when really it is what I liked doing the most. But let me say I was surprised at my forwardness. I guess Patrick was too by the shocked expression on his face. I blushed.

“Really? Aww that’s so sweet of you,” he smiled and kissed me. I smiled into the kiss and kissed him again before we laid back down in our former positions. “How the hell am I supposed to beat that?” he asked, resting his hand on my ass.

“What’s your guilty pleasure?” I shot back, looking up at him.

“You just had to ask didn’t you?” he asked with a full bowl of sarcasm. I nodded. He rolled his eyes and smiled, his cheeks turned a hint of red. “Your ass,” he answered. I raised my head and opened my eyes and mouth wide in amazement.

“Baby!” I playfully scolded him, lightly hitting his chest. He laughed and rubbed my bum softly in a teasing manner. Believe me when I say really enjoyed that feeling. He moved his face closer to mine and whispered:

“Well I guess our guilty pleasures compliment one another,” he kissed me again. I could swear he was taking advantage of my guilty pleasure…and I am not complaining. He pulled away and smiled, his hand still rubbing my bum.

“What is your favorite childhood memory?” he asked in his turn. I actually had to think about this one, since I didn’t really have a lot I could remember. After a few moments of silence I remembered one: my fifth birthday.

“On my fifth birthday, the first time I shared it with James. James got me a big Transformers model of Optimus Prime, my favorite Transformer. James comes from a really wealthy family, so he could get me anything and believe me when I say I would sometimes use it to my advantage. Anyway, since we first met I’d told him about my obsession with the toys and show and how much I wanted an Optimus. Early that morning on my birthday, I saw him dragging a big box,” I emphasized with my hands, “in our front yard and I ran down stairs out of the house to see what it was. He had this huge grin on his face as if he did something world-changing. Then he told me it’s for me and my face glowed with happiness. I tore off the wrapping paper, him aiding me and finally we tore the whole thing off or at least most of it. Inside the box was a huge Optimus model. I got so excited that I jumped onto him engulfing him in a huge hug. I swear to God I thought I’d never be happier,” I admitted. He smiled.

“Do you still have it?” he asked. I frowned a little, remembering what happened to it.

“Nah, my dad busted it accidentally,” I half-lied. My dad did break it, but it wasn’t an accident. Patrick made a sympathetic face.

“Oh I’m sorry,” he pouted. I’ll get one for your next birthday, but I’ll have to get you Bumblebee instead.” I gave him a questioning look.

“Why would you get me Bumblebee?”

“Because James got you Optimus and I don’t want to ruin that special memory,” he explained, kissing my forehead. I gave him a silent oh.

“Good reason,” I noted. I lied back on his chest and thought of my next question.

“How many questions are we on?” I asked. He shrugged.

“I’m not sure, I wasn’t keeping count.”

“Okay well, it’s your turn to ask.”

“Isn’t it your turn?” he asked.

“Well now it is cause you just asked me that. So…” I giggled at his shocked facial expression. I continued, “Besides this morning, have you ever jerked off to the thought of me?” I bit my lip to keep from laughing at his dropped jaw.

“Um baby, isn’t that kind of a really personal question?” he blushed.

“Well it does concern me,” I looked up at him, resting my chin on his chest.

“Yeah but it happens in my private time,” he argued back.

“So you have!” I pointed to him in amazement. He opened his mouth in the same feeling and pointed back to me.

“Don’t assume things, I never said that!” he said just as loudly as I did.

“But you did imply it when you said ‘it happens in my private time’,” I quoted using my fingers. “What else would you do in your private time,” I winked. He smacked my ass and pinched it softly. I smacked his arm.

“Oww, what was that for?” he retorted.

“You smacked your bum!” I retorted back.

“But I am allowed to, I told you your bum is my guilty pleasure,” he defended himself.

“Oh so am I supposed to kiss you every time you smack my ass?”

“Well, I don’t see why you shouldn’t,” he shrugged with lots of wit and smugness.

“Why are we so sexual?” I asked, surprised at how we acting.

“Good question, but let me say I don’t think we should stop,” he laughed. I smacked his arm again, but playfully. I found the urge to kiss him, which I did. He kissed me back fully, swiping his tongue in quickly. Lovely.

“Why is kissing me your guilty pleasure?” he asked once we pulled away. I blushed, biting my bottom lip.

“I don’t know,” I shrugged, “I guess the way you feel falls out of your kiss. And your lips feel great and stuff,” I shrugged again, becoming shy of admitting something like this. He lifted his head and gave me a sweet peck on the lips.

“Thanks, that made me feel better,” he said full of content and value in my statement.

“Why?” I asked him a bit concerned at his self-consciousness.

“None of my exes have said something so nice about how I kiss. They normally just say ‘oh, you’re a great kisser’,” he rolled his eyes at the last quote.

“Well, you’re really special to me, and you need to know all that I appreciate about you,” I assured him. I gave him a quick kiss. “You’re a really great guy Patrick.” I looked him in the eye as I said that. He smiled, and then engulfed me in a bear hug.

“You do know after saying something like that makes you my girlfriend right?” he said with a hint in his voice. We never really said anything about where our relationship stood since we kissed last night, but him saying this made me even happier. I kissed him deeply, every passion in me flowing out in the kiss. After probably two minutes we pulled apart, resting our foreheads on one another’s. “I’m guessing that is a definite yes?” I nodded.

He kissed me again, and a thought swan into my head: I really, really like Patrick.

* I don't mean to set anyone off. Please don't take offence as it doesn't refer religiously
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