Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha > the new girl

the new girl

by scorpia 0 reviews

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Sango - Warnings: [V] [X] - Published: 2007-12-26 - Updated: 2007-12-26 - 229 words

it was a quiet summer day and the group was sitting on the bank of a river. Miroku was flirting with sango, kagome was writting in a book and Inuyasha was bouncing a ball off of shippo's head. "Nock it off inuyasha! ouch! that hurts!! I SAID STOP IT!!" Inuyasha smirks, "Oh come on shippo stop being such a baby." Sango glares at them both, "Both of you shut up. And Miroku... STOP TOUCHING MY BUTT!!!!" slap "Ouch! sango why'd you have to hit so hard. it was just a playful pat." "Playful pat or not thats no man's land."glares feircely a Miroku inuyasha's ears perk up "everybody shut up there's someone or something coming" a girl stumbles out of the woods and falls to the ground. kagome runs over to her and flipps her onto her back. " guys come her she has a weird marking on her forehead. it looks just like a scorpian." "Get away from her Kagome! she might be faking illness. she has a weird aura about her. i think we should leave her." "we can't leave her! look she has blood pouring out of her leg it looks like she was just in a fight.", shippo says looking frightened. "HEY STAY AWAY FROM MY WOMAN!" koga steps out from the woods. "koga", inuyasha growls. "nice to see you to inuyasha" To Be Continued...
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