Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Just To Get Back In Her Arms

The Concert

by bellaxmuerte 1 review

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Romance - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2007-12-28 - Updated: 2007-12-29 - 815 words

Just To Get Back In Her Arms
Chapter 9

“Hey Mike, why is Gerard in such a weird mood today?” Ray asked backstage the next night.

Mikey looked over at Gerard. He was sitting quietly by himself, staring blankly at the wall with his headphones on. Mikey hesitated a bit. He knew it wasn’t his place to discuss the details of the situation.

“Well uh, things just didn’t go so well when he went to see Stef yesterday. And then he and I got into a little... thing.”

“Why, what happened?”

Mikey wished Ray would stop asking questions. “Oh, nothing really. You know... we’re brothers... and we fight sometimes...”

Ray gave him a quizzical look at his lame reason, but didn’t pry any further. “Whatever dude.”

Mikey hadn’t made any attempts to speak to Gerard all day. He decided he should maybe try before they went on stage, so he walked over to where Gerard was sitting.

“Hey Gee, you ready for the show tonight?”

Gerard didn’t move and continued to stare straight ahead.

“What are you listening to?”

He still didn’t move. ‘God, he’s being stubborn,’ Mikey thought.

“You can’t ignore me for the rest of your life.”

“I was doing a pretty good job so far,” Gerard said, finally speaking up.

“We’re gonna have to talk about this sometime.”

“We probably should have talked about it 12 years ago,” Gerard retorted, very dryly.

“Dude, I was like, 15 years old! What the hell did you want me to do? It was a bad situation but it was soon forgotten and everyone went on with their lives. I’m sorry.”

Gerard sighed as he took off his headphones. “You’re right Mikey. And you’re not the one I should be angry with anyway.”

“Aw, come on Gerard. She was scared as hell. And, no offense, but you had let her down quite a bit before. And you know how Mrs. C get’s... shit, if Stef told her she was pregnant, I highly doubt she’d be alive today.”

“You don’t understand. It was just all done behind my back. Yeah, I fucked up a lot. But when Stef told me what happened... that we could have had a kid together... like, maybe that would have helped me. And things could have been different now between us.”

“Yeah but you can’t think like that. You can’t hold a grudge against her just cause of a ‘what if’. We were all young and dumb. I think you should talk to her, you know? Just put it all behind.”

Gerard sat quietly for a moment. He slowly began to shake his head. “No... no, I can’t. I can’t just forget about this.” At that moment Bob came in the room and told them they were to go on soon. Without saying anything else, Gerard stood up and walked to the door. Mikey sighed and followed him.


“Are you nervous?” Sarah asked Stef as they went to their box seats.

“Of course I’m nervous. Who the hell knows what kind of a mood he’s going to be in after the show. I mean, he was really angry yesterday.”

“Well just try to have fun and not think about it. I’m actually really excited to hear them play. Gosh, I haven’t seen any of them in ages. This is going to be so weird.”

Just as Sarah was done talking, the lights dimmed and the crowd went wild. As the sound of a beeping heart monitor came through the speakers, they grew even more rambunctious. Stef couldn’t help but giggle at the fact that all of these people were screaming over the dorks she grew up with. She was so busy looking at the crowd below her that she didn’t notice Gerard had come out on the stage. When she saw him, her heart dropped to her stomach. He began to sing “The End” and she had forgotten just how nice his voice could be. It wasn’t until then that she completely regretted telling him what she had done. A million thoughts began running through her head.

“If I never told him, maybe we could have been together,” she said aloud to herself.

“What did you say?” Sarah yelled over the music.

Stef didn’t realize that her thoughts became verbal and she just brushed it off. “I didn’t say anything.”

Sarah shrugged and focused her attention back to the concert.

“I can’t believe this, look at them all,” Sarah said. “Frankie has like, a billion tattoos.”

“Oh, yeah,” Stef replied. But she wasn’t very concerned with Frankie. The only one she could look at was Gerard as she thought about what she would say to him after the show.

*Thanksss for the reviews :-)
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