Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Progression

I Don't Want You To Know That I'm Watching

by frankxgerard 2 reviews

“See, that would be much easier. Dating, like, your guitar tech or something. I dunno..."

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way - Published: 2008-01-01 - Updated: 2008-01-01 - 541 words

Title: I Don’t Want You To Know That I’m Watching
Author: frankxgerard
Pairing: Frank Iero || Gerard Way
Rating: PG-13
POV: 3rd; Gerard centered
Disclaimer: MCR own themselves.
Summary: “See, that would be much easier. Dating, like, your guitar tech or something. I dunno..."
Author's note: Written on this weird FLYPen thingy I got. So there could be some translating errors since my handwriting is really fucking horrible. Blah.

Gerard stood off to the side of Frank’s telephone call. The man’s voice was irritated, obviously. He pulled at his hair in front of his eyes; he really needed to cut that, and breathed out heavily, trying to find words.
“Jamia, please, you knew I’d have to go back on tour sometime! I’ll be back in a couple months, hon.” He said, trying not to lose his temper.
He nodded and let his hand drop.
“Just… Yeah. Okay. I promise. No, don’t, just… Okay. Okay. Thanks…,” he said.
He hung up after a moment and stood there, silent for a bit. Gerard knew how conversations with the one left behind could be like.
Frank looked up, noticing Gerard.
“Oh! Uh, sorry,” Gerard said, looking down at his feet. “I wasn’t, like, listening or anything… I mean, yeah. I didn’t-”
Frank smiled wearily, stepping over to the man.
“It’s alright…,” he sighed, “It’s just… so hard, you know? I wanna make her happy, but I… can’t. She wants me there. Like, all the time, yeah? And there’s no way I could give this up, Gee, hm? I mean, It’s my life! You know how it is. ‘Cause. Heh. You’re the thing that makes us /us/.”
Gerard smiled sheepishly, wiping his forehead.
“You don’t have to,” he said.
“But, yeah, I do. Nothing would be the same as this,” Frank said, then wrinkled his nose, “That sounded cheesy. But, sometimes I wish I could be with someone who didn't care...or, you know, knew what the stress of tour was really like...,'' Frank said, shrugging.
Gerard nodded. ''Yeah, of course."
"So, yeah... You must get how difficult it is to keep up a relationship like that. Sort of over-the-phone, and all, right?"
"Yeah. Used to have to do that with Kat a lot since... She wasn't, like, one of the band members. See, that would be much easier. Dating, like, your guitar tech or something. I dunno...," Gerard muttered, mentally slapping himself for even hinting something so obvious.
Shut up, you idiot...
But Frank just grinned, nodding. "Yeah, and they could always be there with you, and everything. But wouldn't that be kind of awkward?'' he added. "Yeah, sort of, I guess," Gerard agreed, thankful that Frank hadn't seemed to have noticed, thank God.
Frank took a breath and glanced toward the door, licking his lips.
He patted Gerard's shoulder, the phone still held in it.
"Well, thanks,” he said and left.
Thanks for what? Eavesdropping on your phone calls?
Gerard cringed, rubbing his arm awkwardly. He took one last glance at the door Frank had gone through and let out a breath, leaving through the opposite door.
He could wait. He could wait a long time.
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