Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > A Million Sunsets, One Last Sunrise.

Chapter Eighteen: Revenge Is Sweet

by EvolHexx 6 reviews

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG-13 - Genres:  - Published: 2008-01-02 - Updated: 2008-01-02 - 1971 words - Complete

Chapter Eighteen: Revenge Is Sweet

I held my eyes shut tightly.
I heard the small footsteps of my brother and Frankie make there way up the stairs.


I felt my father's gaze upon me.

"You may leave Lauren. I'll take care of him." My father suggested.

I heard her hair flick side to side, as she shook her head. "No sir, i'll stay. You need your rest for the party."

My father sighted. "I guess your right."

A moment had past, until he finally stood--
I waited until his footsteps faded into the hall way.

I grinned turning towards the brunet maid that had groomed me, just yesterday.
She grinned. "How are you feeling?" She asked.

I turned my head the opposite direction, ignoring her question.

The heartache. The endless pain that flowed though my cut veins--
Through my mind. My soul.. My heart.

Was almost unbearable.

My throat remained tight, and inflamed.

The piercing, envious hate that flushed through my body burnet me.
The smell of my own blood sickened me.

The sight of Mikey.. Angered me.

He, my own brother had looked me in the eye.
He had smirked, as i lifted my aching head and threw me a 'sucked in' glare, as he pulled Frankie in a passionate kiss.

That wasn't my brother.
And that i new for a fact.
My brother was, a kind and compassionate person.
This Mikey, i didn't recognise.
My real brother, had died.
And his goodness had died with him..

"Gerard?" Lauren asked, interrupting my train of thought.

I grinned, remaining silent.


My Frankie.. Lost to me forever.


Suddenly a change of emotion had overcome me.
It was like a burning sensation of ecstasy--
The feeling, the craving for..

Sweet Revenge.

I smirked to myself, aware Lauren eyed me curiously.

Why not?

Isn't it fare, if someone were to push you-
That you SHOULD:

1. have the right to defend yourself, &

2. Have the privilege of pushing them back?

Mikey had pushed, and pushed and stomped on my heart when i was at my lowest.

Wasn't i entitled to have my say?
Or better yet, my very own sweet revenge.

I could taste it.
The bitter sensation, of my brothers small body crumbling.
Breaking down.
Until finally, the bitterness evaporated, turning into a sweet lustful desire.

My mouth watered at the very thought.
'Mikey, two can play your little game.' I though.

Lauren eyed me with caution.
She had heard me.

I smirked.

Good. That means Mikey had also.

"L-Lauren." I whispered.
Surprised at the sound of my soft, breaking voice.


I grinned.

"P-preaper clean clothes for me tomorrow.. I have a party to attend." I mumbled.

Lauren nodded, exiting my room. "Good night sir." She muttered, slight mockery detected in her tone.

I listened, until her footsteps had faded away into the distance.

It was settled.

Tomorrow-- I would have my revenge.
I would shock everyone, with my sudden joyful self once more.
I had died. And now it was time to rise.

I grinned.
A stinging sensation ran up my spine.


I prayed this wouldn't hurt him.
For i still loved him.
No matter what..

I traced each letter i had carved into my right arm.
'F-R-A-N-K-I-E' it spelt.
I smiled sadly to myself.
It was going to scar..
Just as i had intended it to.

I soon drifted away, at the thought of him.
I love you. I love you. I love you-- I thought to myself.
My eye's shut--

I soon feel into slumber, dreaming of him laying beside me in my arms.


My senses tingled.
My throat burt--
I groaned.
The thirst had woken me.

I blinked twice, lifting my body; resting it against the bed's heads-dress.

My eye's fluttered towards a dark figure in the corner.

"W-Who's there?" I asked.

My voice still light, still sore.

It was early in the morning--
No one should have been awake at the hour.

The figure remained silent.

I yelped in pain as i attempted to stand, the figure took a step forward.

I blinked 5 times.
I bit my lip.
It wasn't a dream..

Frankie's face was hidden under his scruffy unbrushed hair.
He stood, bairchestsed with hour normal tight jeans.

I sighted lightly.
He was so god damn attractive!
Frankie two steps closer.
His cheeks went from crying.

My heart dropped.

"Frankie, w-whats wrong?"

Frankie sniffed, as he looked up towards me.
His hazel childish eyes, were caught in my gaze.
He bit his lip, holding in the tears.

..I must had looked dreadful to him, dead even.

I looked away.
I couldn't bare to see him like this.

"W-What are you doing here?"
Frankie sobbed quietly to himself once more, he looked up towards me once more.
"I-I couldn't sleep.." He whispered.

I grinned. "Why?" I pushed on.
I new exactly why. His thirst was keeping him up.

"I-I" He sniffed, as tears dropped slowly from his eyes. "T-This, is my f-first ti-time sleeping w-without you." He sulked.
My eyes widened.
That was unexpected.
The hole in my chest grew bigger in that one moment.

"Better get used to it." I said coldly, more coldly that i should have.
Frankie let out a moan of sadness, i looked up to see him crouched, holding himself.

That had struck me deep in the heart.
I lifted myself, bitting my lip as the pain coerced through my body.
It was steal healing.
My feet felt soft against the white carpet. I placed my hand on the end of the bed for support.
I put one foot in front of the other.
The pain more and more intense after each step.

Frankie started at me dumbstruck.

I had no choice now, he was one meter away--
I held onto the edge of the bed. I had to go on.. with no support.

I must have ridicously stupid.
Like a baby, taking his/hers first steps.

Frankie's eye widened, as i let go of the edge of the bed.
I moved slowly towards him.
Suddenly losing balance, i fell.

Frankie had crawled himself forward, catching me in his arms.
He held me close to his chest.

In that one split second-
The world could have ended, and i wouldn't have cared.
I could have died a painful, and horrible death. And i wouldn't have cared.
Because the one i truly loved help me in there arms..

"Gee?" He asked, pulling my body into a seating position.

I groaned as i looked up at him, i wrapped my right arm around my waste hiding my scar, ashamed of it.

He must have truly though of me as a pathetic, over-obsessed loser.
Well hell, that was exactly what i was.
A loser, a pathetic-

I froze as Frankie's hand, carefully tugged at my right arm, pulling it free from my waste.
He observed my work.
I turned away-
I couldn't bare to see this.

"Gee.." He whispered, he voice sad and low.

He traced his finger across my arm.
First the F, then the R, followed by A-N-K-I-E

"W-Why did you do it?"

I was taken aback.
Why did i do it?

I snatched my hand away.
Turning to face him.
His face filled with hurt.

"Gee.. I-I'm sorry." He apologized.

My heart dropped.

"N-No. D-Dont me, i-im sorry." I whispered.

Frankie smiled at me.
I returned the smile.

I yelped in pain as i acedentidy brushed my right arm against my chest.
I observed the damage, the letter's F & E began to bleed.

I sighted, looking towards Frankie.
I smirked.

His eyes wide with hunger, as he watched the blood drizzled down my arm.
He held back his temptaion.

"Are you hungry?" I asked.

Frankie looked up at me, with wide bright hungry eyes. "N-No, I mean, Ehh.. I Y-yes I MEAN N-No!" He stumbbled on his words.

I laughed once.

"Drink." I whispered.

Frankie shot me a glare. "N-No!" he snapped.

I grinned, shuffeling my body close. "Drink Frankie.." I reapeted.

Frankie grined. "I-I Cant- Y-You need your blood." He mumbled softly.

I sighted. "F-Frankie.." My voice low. "Drink.. Please, for me."

Frankie shook his head.

I eyed him. "Please."

He bit his lip. "B-But- I, Just a little bit.." He gave in.

I smiled. "Whatever.. Just drink."

Frankied lifted himself, pausing unaware how to approch it.

I laughed, i lifted my hand- Placing it on the back of his neck.
I brough him close towards me, his lips centermeters from mine.
i wanted to kiss him--
I resisted.

I turned my head, reviling my neck.

Frankie lips soon found my neck.
He licked the edge on my neck, sucking it.'
I held in a moan, his fangs bit down hard.
I yelped as suddently his hand slid down my right arm, he pulled away gasping.

"Did i hurt you, oh my god, oh my god. I'm sorry!" He yelled.

I rolled my eyed. "You just touched my right arm, and your chest was rubbing up against my wounds." I mumbled.

Frankie shuffled back. "This was a bad idea. I-I'll just go."

"NO" I yelled. I blshed slightly i had said it to loud. "I have an idea."

Frankie grinned, i suddetly wrapped my arm around his waste quickly pushing him towards me, my back fell, resting on the soft carbet, i smiled as Frankie blushed.

He lay onto of me.

"You cant hurt me now." I whispered.

Frankie grinned. "Are you sure?"

I nodded.
Frankie's bare chest rub against mine, my wouds stung i ignored it.
The filling of his skin against my was, well..
Was quiet a turn on.

Frankie's lips found my neck, he sucked the privious woud he had made.
I rolled my eyed back in pleasure.
Was he teasing me?

Frankis fang dug deep into my flesh, he began to drain me of my blood.

I bit my lip.
It sent vibes through my body.
I held in my moans.
He suddently pulled away.

"I-I, Ehh, I'm done." He mumbled.

He didn't want to 'hurt me.'

"No your not." I whispered.

He grinned towards me, ashamed that i could see right through him.

"Frankie-" I whisperd. "Take it.. Take it all. Please."

Frankie eyes widened. "Gee- I, you need it."

I shook my head. "NO, YOU need it."

Frankei grinned, shaking his head.

"Please.. Take it all."

Frankie's lowered his head towards mine, his lips centermeters from my mine.
His eyes filled with lust.

"Take it all." I whispered.

Frankie smiled, as he leaned in closer-
He sucked my neck, runing his toung across the two bite wounds.

A moan escaped my lips.
I flet the heat rush to my face.

Frankie chuckled before his fangs re-entere, and he began to drink.


Half an hour had passed, and Frankie had finally pulled away.
His face had darkened, making him look more human.

I smiled widly.

The throbbing in my thrat incressed even more.


Frankie had said his good nights, once helping my back into my bed.

He blushed. "Sorry about your neck." He mumbled.

I was confused. "Huh?"

He laughed, embracing me. "Night Gee." He whispered.
he made his was towards my door exiting.
I waiting until his footsteps had disapeared.

"Sorry about my neck, what the fuck?" I mumbled to myself.

I crawled my way to the edge of my bed, i was barliy visible infront of the mirror.
i turned my neck, and smirked widly.
Hickies covered the left side of my neck.

I laughed. "Tomorrows going to be intersing."

And with that last sentence i crawled myself back to bed, soon falling into slumber once more.

ITS 2:28AM.
I spend 2 hours on this chap!
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