Categories > TV > Doctor Who

Parent DNA

by holdur 0 reviews

There was a reason he didn't do domestic.

Category: Doctor Who - Rating: G - Genres:  - Published: 2008-01-07 - Updated: 2008-01-08 - 466 words - Complete

Of all the shop girls in all of London, he had to grab the hand of the one who wouldn’t let go of her mother. With everything that could affect the genetic structure of human DNA, Jackie had to have Rose as her daughter. There was a reason he didn’t do domestic.

He crossed his arms and slouched lower in his chair. If Rose were here, she would have told him to stop being a petulant little boy, but she wasn’t here, she was off shopping, so he could be as petulant as he wished. She had given him the choice of a rock and a hard place—shopping with her, or spending time with her mother—and he had chosen the hard place, not realizing that the rock was softer.

He grimaced and resolutely studied his knees. Jackie was on the couch, sitting so straightly he would have wondered if she had been turned to stone, if it weren’t for the fact that every so often her foot twitched, like she was restraining herself from aiming a good kick in his direction.

He would have spent this time in the TARDIS—surely there was something that needed to be fixed—except that he had been ambushed. He twitched his own feet because it made Jackie jump and amended ambushed to asked very nicely. Rose had sworn that she only needed to pop in to pick up a different pair of shoes, but then Jackie had prowled about like she was on the hunt, one of Rose’s friends had dragged her away with the promise of a jacket she couldn’t live without and the words “Don’t worry, I’ll stay here with your mum” had somehow passed his lips without his authorization.

He really could be stupid sometimes.

He looked up from his boring knees and made the mistake of catching Jackie’s eye. Once she had his attention, he couldn’t turn away. She glared at him with an intensity he found fascinating and the more he watched her, the more he saw. There was she is my only child in the wrinkles around her mouth and /if you hurt her, I will kill you /blazing out of her eyes. His mouth went dry and he pulled himself straight in the chair.

That seemed to break Jackie’s statue- like immobility. Though her glare never wavered, she sniffed and slowly folded her arms across her chest. Never had the gesture been more threatening.

“Promise,” she said.

He hesitated. It was not something he would usually commit to, but then again, the universe was a different place these days. The TARDIS was the only thing left to him now and it was time he made some changes.

“I promise.”
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