Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Cheaters


by oxycontin_genocide 3 reviews

Dia and Gerard talk. Read and Reveiw

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Characters: Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Published: 2008-01-09 - Updated: 2008-01-09 - 571 words - Complete

It was morning and I had just left my house when I found Gerard waiting for me.
“Hey Ella.”
“Hi. Did you ring Dia?”
“Yeah, I didn’t break up with her. She was saying how sorry she was and that she realizes how wrong it is and…”
“She said that she shouldn’t have ‘cause I never would. Ell, I lied to her.” Gerard had tears welling up in his eyes.
“You haven’t.”
“Yes, I have. I slept with you. You were great, I don’t regret it. But I lied I said I haven’t and that I would never.” Tears were slithering down his face.
“Well… she doesn’t need to know… it’s not like its going to happen again.” I hated saying it, but it was true. Gerard really likes Dia and he is Dia’s, not mine. Gerard just hugged me.
“I swear on my life that I don’t regret what we did. It was the best moment of my life. But I owe Dia a second chance, since I also sinned.”
“Hey, its okay, I understand.”

When we arrived at school Dia came up to us and led Gerard away. It was just me, until Mikey tapped me on my shoulder.
“Hey, are you like talking to me…or are you still mad. Gerard is.”
“Hi Mikey. I believe I can forgive you. If you promise never to touch someone else’s girlfriend… in that sort of way.”
“I swear on my life.”
“Well then I forgive you.” Mikey practically squeezed me to death.
“Thank you.”
“Come on we have science.”

Mikey and I walked to science, we were talking about random stuff that we had been doing lately. Mikey explained that Dia and him only snuck off and did what they did because Gerard wasn’t moving fast enough for Dia’s liking. I couldn’t help but think that Gerard moved pretty fast with me. The bell rang and our teacher let us in. Mikey sat next to me as Dia wasn’t here yet. Mrs. Teram gave us an assignment on elements due in three weeks. I chose to do krypton. About 30 minutes into the lesson Dia came in and apologized for being late.
“Hey guys.”
“Why were you late?” Mikey was talking because I didn’t know if I should talk to her or not.
“I was just talking to Gerard.”
“Oh.” Mikey went back to his project.
“Hey, Ell thanks for talking to Gerard for me.”
“I didn’t tell him, he asked what you said to me.” I didn’t look up from my project
“Oh… well still thank you.” Dia started on her project after asking the teacher what she was meant to do.

2nd period, English came and past quickly and the bell for recess rang. I walked with Mikey and Dia to our spot under the trees. When Gerard spotted us he quickly got up and gave Dia a full on kiss. I just looked away. They all sat down and so did I. Gerard went back to his book; I saw that he had almost finished.
“You love that book,” Gerard looked up and smiled.
“Yeah it’s pretty awesome. When I’m finished do you want to borrow it?”
“Yeah okay thanks.” He just smiled again and returned to reading it.

(Yeah its a really short chapter but ya know...)
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