Categories > Celebrities > Good Charlotte > Haunted

The Haunted Scream

by joelmaddensbabigurl 0 reviews


Category: Good Charlotte - Rating: R - Genres: Horror,Romance - Published: 2008-01-10 - Updated: 2008-01-11 - 1144 words - Complete

Ch. 11
The Haunted Scream

The doctor stood there looking at the burnt body. He looked at a nurse, “Sad… He was only 19. There have been so many deaths in that house uncounted.” He closed his eyes and covered up Billy Martin’s body.

He walked out and looked down the hall. The doctor looked at the nurse, “There was only one survivor. She lived through the fire when the boy didn’t. We saved her cause we spared the house.” He started towards a room with the nurse talking, “She knows something about the house and we are trying to get it out of her. She does talk that much.” He walked into the room and looked at a young girl sitting in a chair. He sat down in a chair across from hers, “Hilary Sangwin is it?” He asked

She nodded slowly

“Can you tell me everything you know about that house…” He asked her watching her closely

Hilary looked up at the security cameras that are obviously taping her. She looked at him, “I might…” She said

“Go ahead and started from the beginning…” He said and rested his head on his hands watching her

Hilary took a deep breath and looked at him, “About 3 months ago a women and her husband died in that house. Megan Love and Rick Love. Rick Love fell in love with a women named Stacie McDonald who commented suicide awhile after. But Rick didn’t love Megan no more so instead of divorcing her he murdered her. After murdering her he sent Stacie a letter to come see him. Stacie didn’t know Rick had a wife so she was innocent. But before Stacie got there something weird happened. Rick died all of a sudden no warning or nothing. Megan killed him…” She said looked down fiddling her thumbs

The doctor blinked, “Megan was dead?” He asked

Hilary nodded, “She killed him as her ghost. She felt anger and jealously that it grew into rage and hatred and killed Rick. But that hatred kept going even after Rick’s death. Mr. Cornwell that moved in there not to long ago suffered her going around. Surprisingly not killing him.” She sighed, “Then comes in Liz. She’s a girl that went to Billy’s and my school. She went to go take care of Mr. Cornwell and soon died after going upstairs into the attic. Then came in Billy and me…” She sighed, “It started out normal. I was new…Billy did jobs like what Mr. Cornwell went though all the time. Well Billy went upstairs and I went outside with laundry I decided to wash and put up on the clothesline. Not to long later I heard Billy screaming to death. I ran in there and met him by the steps. He claimed to have seen Liz’s dead body and some other women up in the attic. So I went upstairs to check by myself and when I got up into the room with the attic I heard a noise in the closet… I started towards it but Billy showed up. He walked up to the closet and started talking to someone one the other side and when we opened the closet door Liz’s body fell from the attic door.”

The doctor nodded looking at her pretty weird like, “Go on…”

“Well to sum it up…” Hilary continued, “Billy was freaked out I went to school looking for him Benji who was found dead… by me… in the library came up and asked me about everything and dumb me told him and he decided to go to the house video tape the ‘murder’ and everything and he ended up going to the library on Friday after teaching my sister stuff and actually going out with my sister he found some information on the house and like not long after that he got murdered by Liz’s ghost!” She tossed her hands up in the air.

He blinked, “Calm down. Now how do you know he died from Liz’s ghost?”

“Well I saw a vision…” She said looking at him, “Then with Joel how he died. Well I guess Joel found out that something weird was going and that that house killed his brother and he went to go do something or other and he ended up dying. She probably pushed him over the railing upstairs or spooked him somehow and he fell over it or something then with all his god damn strength he crawled into that damn kitchen and got himself a knife and commented suicide so he didn’t have to die by that heartless bitch!” She screamed

“Ms. Sangwin, please calm down…” He said but she continued

“Then my sister Hannah who couldn’t take the pain went to the house and probably sat somewhere just waiting to die to be with Benji who she wasn’t going out with for a day! Well guess who came! Benji did and he killed my sister! Benji killed Hannah! The one he loved! And When I found my sister up in that room her and Benji were laying on the shelf in the closet together.”

The doctor nodded slowly, “This must hurt Hilary…” He said

Hilary looked at him in disbelieve, “Duh it hurts!” She started crying, “Then after I ended up getting my fucking crush to finally go out with me I find out that that psycho killer is Billy’s father. Then after sleeping in the same room trying to comfort him from being scared of his closet, the next night I go out shopping for food and I come back to see I’ve got a message on the answering machine!”

The doctor nodded again, “What was on the answering machine?” He asked

Hilary took a deep breath and laid back, “It was Billy telling me he went to go burn down the house to get rid of Megan…” She glared at him, “And you stupid people saved the house…”

The doctor blinked and sighed, “It was either you dying or the house burning down and killing you.” He said and looked at her

Hilary looked away, “I would have rather died.” She said

He looked at her, “Do you want to see the body now…”

She stood up, “I know the way.” She said and started walking

Billy’s room

She walked into Billy’s room, “Hey Billy…” She walked up, “I told them everything.” She said and tears started to go down her cheeks, “I still love you too Billy.”

The cover twitched

Hilary jumped back gasping. She blinked watching the cover

Gurgling came behind Hilary

Hilary froze, “No…” She turned around face to face with Megan

And thus began the Haunted scream

Hey guys check out Haunted 2 the story continutes!
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