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Over at the Malfoy Manor

by Saoirse 0 reviews

RHPS/HP songfic crossover starring Percy Weasley and Katie Bell as our heroes on a flying car ride to musical disaster!

Category: Harry Potter - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Humor, Parody - Characters: Fleur, Percy, Peter, Other - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2006-01-27 - Updated: 2006-01-27 - 2096 words

Over at the Malfoy Manor
By Saoirse The Irish Colleen
DISCLAIMER: This story is based on characters and situations created and owned by JK Rowling, various publishers including but not limited to Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Books and Raincoast Books, and Warner Bros., Inc. No money is being made and no copyright or trademark infringement is intended. All /RHPS /lyrics and associated materials are the sole property of Jim Sharman, Richard O'Brien, Richard Hartley, Lou Adler, and Michael White.


The beat up cerulean Ford Anglia rolled round the corner silently, its curly redheaded driver scanned the boring muggle neighborhood for number 92. Puttering down the row of impressive two and three story homes with their manicured lawns and prize-winning gardens, Percy Weasley felt foreign with a flush of envy as this was as far from Ottery St. Catchpole as any young wizard could come. But Percy was confident since his exploits, as Head Boy will benefit him at Stonehenge where he will go on to become Valedictorian and his future in the Ministry was most assured. It was frustrating that number 92 was nestled in a grove stretching past the border of Dunne Hill; however Percy did note that it did provided adequate camouflage when they departed into the air.
Percy gave his reflection on the car's tinted passenger side window a quick once-over feeling for the first time in his post-pubescent life handsome, admiring the tailored charcoal grey suit and Gryffindor scarlet silk necktie his mother helped him purchase at Finicky Filbert's for the Frugal Wizard. Striding up the brown brick walk to the antiquated Bell residence Percy firmly gripped the brass lion's head knocker and brought it down twice. A moment later he heard the vague creaking of doors and a clear voice above him called out, "I'll be down in a minute Percy!"
Katie stood out on her balcony and waved to her former housemate before plunging back into her room. Percy nodded and reached into his pocket to retrieve his watch. He flipped the lid open and checked the time, 8:15 P.M. He would sacrifice the cheese and biscuits to do this favor for Penny as she went to great lengths to see Katie with her muggle step dance school troupe perform in Galway, the least he could do was give her a lift to the party. Portkeying overseas made him nauseas, but it was slightly reassuring that Ireland was so close. Though Percy did grouse at the fact that Professor Flitwick wanted to hold his 110th Teaching Anniversary at his home in Aylesbury instead of Hogwarts, did that little man give any thought whatsoever to the graduates who might have a full plate /after /the ceremony? Where were Katie's parents? Percy pondered at the fact it was not all that appropriate for a young, unlicensed witch to be at home sans supervision. But thinking back to all the arguments he had to referee between Katie and Oliver off the Quidditch pitch Percy thought it best to leave well enough alone and that Oliver's Chaser could probably handle a whole regimen of Death Eaters on her own without resorting to an Unforgivable Curse. Percy resolved to stick to that reasoning without delving into more personal matters which Katie would take offence to- particularly Oliver.
The cherry door opened and Katie emerged dressed in a simple cranberry red tank dress and matching bolero, a tiny purse slung over her shoulder with a leather pouch under her left arm. "Sorry about that Percy," she fiddled with her keys, "had to use a relocation spell to find a pair of earrings Mum said I could borrow."
Percy sighed. "You know its summer holiday Katie," he said reprovingly in a tone he reserved for his Hogwarts duties. "It's not advisable to use magic for such trivialities." Katie looked up from rooting through her purse for lipstick.
"It's also a timesaver. We're going to be late!" They piled into the car and Katie instructed Percy to back into the garage where the adjacent wall vanished to give them access into the wooded area behind the house.
"Hang on!" Percy hit the accelerator and made stardust tracks in the violet night sky.

The glitter trail from the spelled slide projector dimmed as the final image faded. Headmaster Dumbledore stroked his downy beard and swished his wand shutting down the ancient contraption. He saw a great fireball erupt in the corner of his eye and a pile of ash fell into the tray below the perch. Lifting the hem of his heavy purple and gold ermine robes, Dumbledore swiftly floated to a side table laden with books, beakers, and gyroscopes of varying sizes he fished out a tiny phial from a small chest and returned to the perch in time to see Fawkes, now a baby phoenix emerge from the ashes and held it under his eyes. Fawkes' tears filled the phial and Dumbledore satisfactorily corked it then drew his wand across the air and from this secret pocket a box levitated out and its lid popped open. Placing the phoenix tear phial amongst other little things Dumbledore returned it to its hiding place. Fawkes cheeped as he waddled across the Headmaster's desk taking its first steps.
"I would like," Dumbledore said taking his seat and a thick tome and folder floated down from a bookshelf into his hands, "if I may, to take you on a strange journey." The book opened depicting a map of England, and in red a thick shimmering red line traced the route from Katie's house in North London to the Anglia's destination to Professor Flitwick's and a separate point labeled 'MALFOY MANOR'. "It seemed a fairly ordinary night when Percy Weasley and his housemate Katie Bell, two young ordinary healthy wizards left Dunne Hill that late June evening to attend a gathering at Professor Filius Flitwick, charms instructor and head of Ravenclaw House." Dumbledore opened the folder and shuffled through two black and white moving headshots of Percy and Katie in their Hogwart's robes and on the Ministry of Magic's parchment were written depositions taken from both students. "It's true there were dark storm clouds, heavy, black and pendulous, toward which they were driving. It's true also that the spare tire they were carrying was badly in need of some air. But eh, they being normal young wizards and eh on a night out, well they were not going to let a storm spoil the events of their evening. On a night out. It was a night out they were going to remember for a very long time."

The rain rippled in sheets down the Anglia's windshield but neither Katie nor Percy wanted to stop and perform the Impervius charm for feared they might spoil their clothing or waste more time. Since Percy was willing to give Katie a lift to the party whilst her parents were still in Addis Ababa for an undisclosed mission, the Ministry sent them on she kindly put her radio commando habit on the back burner as Prime Minister Fudge's delivered his latest speech over the wireless in the car. It was more exciting to watch the rain pelt the glass than listen to his hypocritical prattle.
'I have never been a quitter. To leave office before my term is completed is abhorrent to every instinct in my body. But it's troubling I must put the interests of the Wizarding community of the //United Kingdom/ first. The Wizarding community needs a full-time leader and a full-time Parliament particularly at this time when dark days may be upon us once more...'/
Katie was rocked from her daydreaming as the wind was torn by another broomstick rocketing past the car, its darkly cloaked pilot impassive by the storm. "Merlin! That's the third wizard that's flew past us. They do take their lives in their own hands what with the weather and all."
"Yes Katie. Life's pretty cheap to that type," Percy commented squinting to see the sky ahead. By his grave tone Katie sensed something amiss with the former Head Boy, as he was uncharacteristically quiet throughout the journey.
"What's the matter Percy?" She got her answer when a sky block appeared, levitating lanterns flashing bright yellow and a wooden orange and white striped barrier spelled to glow the phrase 'DEAD END'.
"Hmmm. We must've taken a wrong turn round that steeple a few miles back," he shook his head dubiously.
"Then where did that broomstick flyer come from?" Percy ignored her and checked the rear view mirror for any other broomsticks or flying cars before he backed up.
"I guess we'll just have to turn back." Katie groaned and was forced to take her grandmother's advice and make the best of it. Reaching for her purse the Anglia was violently jolted by something striking the back end nearly throwing Katie and Percy out of the windshield.
"What was that bang?!" Katie shrieked.
"Pigeon," Percy guessed, "no, must've been a blow out- dammit! I knew I should have gotten that spare tire fixed." Percy rummaged through the glove compartment for his wand before turning his attention back to the sky. "As soon as we land you just stay here and keep warm and I'll go for help." The sudden drop in altitude indicated their landing and when Percy determined that they were in a stable enough spot he cut the engine and the car thudded on the muddy earth.
"But where will you go in the middle of nowhere?" Katie queried.
"Did you happen to notice if we passed a castle back down the road a few miles?" Crossing her arms over her breasts, Katie tightened her mouth trying to recall.
"I did make out what looked like odd turrets, but I can't be sure Percy."
"Maybe they have an owlery I might use. Or perhaps a telephone if they know what it is." Pocketing the keys he was just about to open his door when Katie put her wand into her purse and hung it on her shoulder.
"I'm going with you."
"Now Katie there's no sense in both of us getting wet!"
"We'll take the robes."
Percy was mortified. "Those are our Gryffindor dress robes! It's against protocol! Just stay here, think of what Oliver might say." It was her turn to shake her head.
"Don't even try it Percival Weasley! I promised Penny I'd look after you. What would she say if the owner of that owlery is a beautiful witch and you might never come back again?" Percy chuckled knowing that's exactly what Penny would say. Percy helped Katie out of the car, kicked the flat rear tire and placed several locking charms on it. Before they started their walk up the road the two quickly drenched wizards produced their wands.
"Lumos!" They shouted and the tips blazed aiding them up the dangerous path. Clumsily hacking through brambles and tree branches, jumping at every crack of thunder, whistle of wind, flash of lightning, and Percy nearly breaking his ankle from the poor roads now miniature mudslides their Gryffindor determination spurred them forward. Even as they came up to the hundred foot wrought iron gate with bleeding signs that read 'NO TRESPASSING!', 'ENTER AT YOUR OWN RISK!', 'GET LOST!', 'BEWARE OF THE UKRAINIAN OPALEYE!', and of course 'KEEP OUT!'
In the velvet darkness of the blackest night
Burning bright
There's a guiding star
No matter what or who you are
/Katie stops as she sees Percy on the path facing the castle/
(Katie & Percy)
There's a light
(Slytherin Chorus)
Over at the Malfoy Manor
(Katie & Percy)
There's a light
(Slytherin Chorus)
Burning in the fireplace
(Katie & Percy)
There's a light, light
In the darkness of everybody's life
/Katie and Percy part from one another as a line of cloaked wizards on broomsticks nosedive towards the castle and a figure carrying a candelabrum watches the teens from a tower window. He is stooped over in a most uncomfortable manner with thinning shoulder length greasy dark brown hair and protruding teeth/
(Peter Pettigrew)
The darkness must flow down the river of night's dreaming
Flow morphia slow let the sun and light come streaming
Into my life
Into my life
/Pettigrew's attentions turn to a yellowing black and white moving photo of four young men in Gryffindor robes on the wall/
(Katie & Percy)
There's a light
(Slytherin Chorus)
Over at the Malfoy Manor
(Katie & Percy)
There's a light
(Slytherin Chorus)
Burning in the fireplace
(Katie & Percy)
There's a light, light
In the darkness of everybody's life


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