Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Early Sunsets

Solitude - II

by frankxgerard 2 reviews

The people had conflicted, grew, decreased from disease and famine, and increased again, until the world was a sick, dark place.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Sci-fi - Characters: Gerard Way - Warnings: [?] - Published: 2008-01-17 - Updated: 2008-01-28 - 550 words

A light smile etched Gerard’s lips. He took a deep breath, starting off from in front of the old hotel.

He was on the street, trudging wearily underneath the fragmented highway minutes later. The eroded streets were spotted with gum and cigarette butts, oil stains and tar splotches. The city was still somewhat beautiful though, glass and marble buildings, and cascading skyscraper-high fountain structures. Weeds and plants crawled up the sides, overtaking everything. It was like a giant, desolate, miles-wide garden. The windows were broken, and looked as if they were threatening to crash completely down, but beautiful nonetheless.

New York was only one among the hundreds of abandoned big cities, shells left behind to rust and rot. Ghost towns.

The people had conflicted, grew, decreased from disease and famine, and increased again, until the world was a sick, dark place. The homicide rates and death toll went up steeply over ten years.

And then there was the war. Air raid sirens flooded the air and people just lost it. It was World War II all over again. Just everywhere in the world. Everyone attacked everyone and Gerard remembered standing out in the streets of Manhattan and watching people go completely off the deep end. People would sit down in the streets and just laugh. They would fucking laugh, because they knew it was over. Humans were smart like that, they just /knew/. It wasn’t funny at all, but Gerard knew exactly how they felt. It was hilarious.

But there would always be one thing he could never forget. Gerard’s daughter, his own /daughter/, had been killed in that war.

“Yeah, they were in the fucking shelter!” he remembered yelling, smashing his fists against the window of the booth at the rescue center.

They’d found the body in the debris days later. She’d been trapped under a cave in. Suffocated to death. He’d stumbled automatically over the rubble, tripping over things until he found his way directly to the remains of the bomb shelter. She was lying there dead on a blue tarp in the dust and dirt, and he lost it. He collapsed on the ground and held her corpse in his lap for two days, crying into her hair and wishing her to come back.

/Alyssa Bethany Way, Deceased; 2067-2074/. He stood at the same spot, 1200 years later, fingering her death certificate in his pocket. It was all he had left. They never found his wife.

Hundreds of years went by after the last strafing and finally the air was clear. After all the work humans took in trying to stop pollution, it was gone. But so were the people.

Broken billboards, neon signs, and advertisements still loomed over the streets. Abandoned buildings and bombed out grocery stores were common sights in downtown New York. The ghost of a normal, busy lifestyle.

There had been technology blossoming everywhere, robots for bus drivers, robots for store managers, everything automated. It worked well, it really did, and no one ever thought the downfall would have been so soon. But it wasn’t really soon, if you thought about it.

Gerard kicked a rock down the street glumly, skidding his foot against the side of a pillar that once held up great knots of highway.
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