Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > Where the searchlights find us

Where the searchlights find us

by GerardWayRocksMCR 1 review

Im just gonna put the first few lines of the story here- Sitting by the moonlit lake, a darkly clothed figure looked out into the shimmering water. Suddenly, there was a rustle. Gerard Way stood ...

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Characters: Bob Bryar,Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way,Ray Toro - Published: 2008-01-17 - Updated: 2008-01-17 - 202 words

Sitting by the moonlit lake, a darkly clothed figure looked out into the shimmering water. Suddenly, there was a rustle. Gerard Way stood up from his welcoming spot in the grass and looked behind him. Just as Gerard was sitting back down, Mikey Way, his little brother, ran out from the thin treeline with the rest of the band, Ray Toro behind Mikey, Frank Iero behind Ray, and Bob Bryar at the rear of the line.

Once they spotted Gerard, sitting all alone by the lake, they slowely creeped up behind him and threw him in the water. Screaming something about how he was going to "Have a bunch of fans let in the tour bus while they were sleeping" Gerard swam back to the edge and ran after them to the waiting limo.

NOTE- OK, im late to school cus my mum has to buy me this book... but im waiting for her and writing this, and now i have to leave and get ready. I might continue this story, i might not.... um, yeah. anyways, my last story didnt have a title, for sum wierd reason... well, byebye. Im gonna try to update this cus that was like one paragraph
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