Categories > Anime/Manga > Inuyasha

Aveyond Dreams

by Cora_Moonstrider 1 review

A story of a young girl with a dangerous destiny and some new friends.

Category: Inuyasha - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy - Characters: Inuyasha,Kagome,Shippo - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-01-19 - Updated: 2008-01-19 - 1922 words

A/N: Hello! I finally wrote this, so I wanted to put it where I could find it again. I also would love to know what others think of it!


Disclaimer: I do not own Inuyahsa (and that's it!)


Japanese Glossary:

Fukai Mori: Deep Forest

Haori: Mid-length coats that serve as light coats to be worn over kimonos.

Hakama: Pants; long, wide pants like a samurai would wear.

Obi: A sash that is usually worn around the waist with most Japanese traditional clothing.


Chapter 1: The Journey

Dressed in tattered traveling clothes, a man stood in front of a small building. His hair, shoulder-length and brown, hung loosely around his face. His dark eyes glared around him and his hands balled into fists.

"Where is he," he growled at a flustered looking young man behind him. The young man winced and stuttered, "T-t-they sh-should be here any minute, Kuzya-san!" Kuzya grunted, "Well, if he doesn't get here soon, I'll be late."Silence quickly enveloped the two again. As the minutes slowly ticked by, Kuzya's frown slowly deepened. Finally he turned on the young man and opened his mouth, but stopped when he saw the man's face brighten. Kuzya turned and saw a tall, muscular man walking towards them. At his side was a young girl with a small smile on her face. Their faces grew apologetic as they stopped in front of him, "Sorry we're late." Kuzya growled, "It's about time, let's go."

"I wont be joining you, I'm afraid."


"I'm very sorry, Kuzya-san, but Aralynn-chan is a very gifted young girl. She's perfect for your journey," he placed his hand on Aralynn's head as he spoke. She smiled brightly and bowed to him, "I'll get you where you're going, Kuzya-san!" Kuzya looked away from Aralynn and grunted, "Let's get a move on then." Aralynn nodded and moved forward, leading two horses, a white stallion and a black mare. She offered the reins of the stallion to him, but he shook his head, "I have my own horse..." She pushed the reins into his hand, "Yes, but my horses are faster and will do what I ask." Kuzya glared at her as he snatched the reins from her and mounted the horse. She turned around and looked at the man she had come with and he smiled at her, "Be careful and don't do anything reckless." She grinned and hugged him tightly, "I'll miss you, Haelin-sensei." He smiled softly and stroked her hair, "I'll miss you too, Aralynn-chan. Now go on, and don't give him any trouble!" Aralynn nodded and quickly mounted her horse. She turned in her saddle and waved at Haelin as they left the village. The village quickly disappeared as they entered the forest.

Once they reached the Fukai Mori their horses slowed to a walk. He turned his head slightly and looked at her. When he first met her he didn't notice much except her bright, almond-shaped, silver eyes. She was wearing a white kimono with a haori and hakama with black jagged stripes across it, like tiger stripes, and a similarly colored obi sash. On her feet was a pair of black boots and a thin white and black striped belt. Her hair, snowy white with black stripes cutting across, like her clothes, was tied back in a loose ponytail and a black scarf was tied underneath her hair. Two braids were clipped back with a small silver wing-shaped clip and there two feathers, one in each braid. One feather was black and the other was an iridescent blue-green. She was also wearing a small leather pouch around her neck. She was, from what he could see, weaponless. How is she supposed to protect me with no weapon? Does she really think we wont get attacked, he thought angrily.

Aralynn noticed him watching her out of the corner of her eye and saw the disbelief on his face. She smirked, "Don't worry, I can defend you without asword." She watched his face turn away, trying to hide his emotions. She faced forward again and let her mind wander. Her mission is to get Kuzya to Kaeia, the largest city in the Kingdom of Kitai, safely. It would take three days to enter Kaeia, then another two to reach the castle. He had to reach it unharmed and she was confident in her abilities, otherwise she wouldn't be in this situation. Her mind wandered to the conversation she had with Haelin the day before.

"Naru Kuzya is a friend of King Oron and he has important information for him. We believe that he will be attacked on his journey back to Kaeia and we need someone to protect him," said Haelin. Aralynn looked up confused, "Aren't you taking him, Haelin-sensei?" He smiled down at her, "I was, but the people after him know I will be there and they know what I can do. I want to trick them by sending you. If they attack him they will most likely underestimate you." She smiled, "You're letting me go? Alone?"

"Yes," he smiled at her, "but you have to be careful and don't let him out of your sight." She started jumping in excitement, "I promise!"

"Also," he placed his hand on her shoulder, "I need this to reach the king." He handed her a small pouch on a necklace. She took it and examined it, "What's in it?" He stopped her when she tried to open it and shook his head, "Only if King Oron lets you see it." She sighed heavily she hated not knowing things. She brightened almost instantly; Haelin-sensei was letting her go on a mission alone!

The sun was slowly setting on the horizon and the shadows started creeping out. Aralynn slowed her horse, pulling away from the road and stopping by a stream. Kuzya's horse followed her without hesitation. When his horse stopped and he dismounted, Aralynn had unsaddled her horse and lit a fire. Kuzya's eyes swept across the clearing and when he spoke his voice was full of scorn, "This is where we are staying?" Aralynn's pupils narrowed slightly in annoyance, but she kept her voice in her normal, cheery tone, "Yep! If the rest of our journey turns out like today, we may end up at the castle earlier than expected." Kuzya sighed and laid down on his sleeping skins, he couldn't wait to reach the castle so he could talk to King Oron about Pyaka... Looking up, he saw Aralynn unsaddling his horse. While watching her, he grew suddenly curious, "How did you get into this business?" She glanced over her shoulder at him, obviously deciding whether or not to answer his question. She turned back to the horse,"Haelin-sensei trained me to defend myself and I showed a natural affinity for battling so he hired me as a bodyguard." She didn't mention this was her first mission...

"Are your parents not worried that something might happen to you?" She froze, and he realized he had hit a nerve. Her tone darkened slightly when she spoke,"I never knew my parents, Haelin-sensei raised me." She pulled off the saddle and placed it with the other one. Both horses wandered off into the trees, and Kuzya jumped up, "Hey, wait! Stop them! We can't go anywhere without them!"Aralynn turned toward him, laughing, "Don't worry, they will come back when Icall for them." Kuzya eyed her suspiciously, "No one has that much control over animals." She smiled at him again and whispered toward the trees. Her whisper seemed to be carried on the wind, and both horses trotted up to her again. He gaped at her, disbelieving. She whispered again and the horses left again. He lay down and closed his eyes, his mind churning, thinking about what just happened. His mind kept switching between King Oron and Aralynn, and he fell into a fitful sleep.

The next three days passed without incident.

"Finally!" Kuzya exclaimed as the castle came into view. It was still far away, on the horizon, but he was happy to see it. He urged his horse forward; he had been puzzling over how she had gotten them to return every morning. He had asked her repeatedly, but she would just ignore him. He had also noticed that he was comfortable with her, which was odd since he never relaxed in the company of anyone except Oron. Now that he could see the castle, everything else was pushed to the back of his mind. His horse raced ahead of Aralynn and she let him lead, staying close behind him. Kuzya saw a flash of something dark and he felt himself being thrown into a tree. He grunted as his back slammed into the trunk, he faintly heard Aralynn calling his name, but he couldn't move. Aralynn was beside him, he could feel her trying to help him up, but everything was blurring. She was pulling him to his feet and suddenly she was ...gone...? His legs gave out beneath him and he collapsed.

Aralynn felt a tug on her hair, and she was thrown away from Kuzya. She flipped in the air and landed on her feet, sliding backwards. She looked up and saw atall, dark man heading toward Kuzya. She launched herself forward, sliding in between them, her hands were pulled up in a defensive stance that Haelin had taught her. The man smirked at her, "Get out of my way and I will spare you."She didn't move. He shrugged and moved so fast she hardly saw him. His fist slammed into her stomach, she gasped for a breath as she hit the ground. She heard his dark laugh and forced herself to her feet. He looked at her curiously pulled out a dagger. It glinted dangerously in the setting sun.

"You should let me have him," he said.

"No!" Aralynn rushed forward. He bent lower, readying the dagger. When she was just within range, she jumped. Landing behind him she lashed out with her foot, striking his back. He lurched forward, taken by surprise. Quickly he spun around and sliced downward with the dagger. Aralynn cried out, stumbling backwards. The man grinned as she looked up with one hand covering her left eye. Her right eye seemed slightly unfocused, and then he realized she was looking at something beyond him. He turned and saw Kuzya struggling to his feet. He sauntered toward Kuzya, taking his time, running his finger along the blade of the dagger. Aralynn dashed forward, whistling as she rushed past him. The white stallion burst from the trees, halting next to Kuzya and Aralynn. She dragged him off the ground and onto the horse's back, whispering continuously. Kuzya's hands tightened instinctively on the horse's mane, which took off as soon as Aralynn moved away. The dark man roared in fury and started to chase the horse. Aralynn slammed into him, keeping him back.

Kuzya forced his head up. He started to glance over his shoulder when Aralynn's words came back to him, "Don't stop or look back!" They thundered through the castle gates and several guards ran up to them. Dismounting, Kuzya turned toward them. He took a step forward and the pain overwhelmed him and he passed out. The last thing he heard was King Oron calling out commands.


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