Categories > Celebrities > Fall Out Boy

Thunderstorms Could Never Stop Me

by chicka_cha_jello_42 0 reviews

I am Starrah Laci Rolan and this is my story... (There is no Sonny Moore or From First To Last Category, so, yeah.)

Category: Fall Out Boy - Rating: R - Genres: Drama,Fantasy,Romance - Warnings: [!!!] [V] - Published: 2008-01-20 - Updated: 2008-01-21 - 272 words

After ALOT of searching on the Web, I found tickets to a Sonny Moore concert in Louisville. I do live in Kentucky but I am not a hick. I screamed and it apparently made my parents think I was getting raped or something. I told my dad. Here is how that fucking stupid conversation went. "Who is Sonny Moore? Wait-Is that the crap you were blasting from your room earlier?" my dad yelled. One of the fits he threw when I wanted to go to a show. He usually replied with 'Your style will be the death of me' or some shit. "Yeah, actually. It is NOT crap either! He has been my role model for years!" I shot back. "Hell! I wouldn't even travel to Pikeville to see that boy! You aren't going. End of story." he said coldly. "What the he-, I mean, heck dad?" "END! Go to your room!" "Whatever. You always trash everything that is good and decent in my life. Why make an acception for this?" "You're grounded. That means no phone, no Internet, no-" I had already stormed upstairs to my room and slammed the door. Fuck this. Fuck him. I don't care whatever the hell he thinks. I am going. End of MY story. I hafta get out of here anyway. Not to mention my father was never sober and abuses me. My stepmom basically hates my guts, so fuck that. I decided that it was my time now. My time to go to a Sonny Moore concert, run off and be totally free. My name is Starrah Laci Rolan and this is my story...
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