Categories > Games > Legacy of Kain > Liberation's Library

Liberation's Library

by Ginyanote 0 reviews

After the events that unfurled in Kain's past, the great vampire lord created a new brood. Two fledglings with mediocre skills, but the ambition to see things through to the end.

Category: Legacy of Kain - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Fantasy,Horror - Characters: Kain - Warnings: [!!!] [V] [X] - Published: 2008-01-22 - Updated: 2008-01-22 - 3714 words

Disclaimer: I own the characters of Sachiel and Ramiel, but the storyverse they live in belongs to Eidos, Crystal Dynamics and whomever else has ties to the Legacy of Kain world. I'm not making any money off of this.

Warnings: Vampiric behaviour, inklings of incest, language, possible mind fuckage.

Notes: These characters were created by myself and my boyfriend, after long hours playing the games and the desire to see the aftermath of Kain's negligent rule. It's set nearly a millennia in the future, post-Defiance, and centers around his new brood. I'm not as skilled with writing original characters as I am with plain fanfiction, so it may seem different than my other works published on this site. Please bear with me, as it's a new venture for me.


Out of the burning and collapsed building he crept, stalking toward the pair of humans-who-would-be-deities. The woman stared at him from her place on the ground, a stake pierced painfully through her gut, with its malicious end stabbed deeply into the partially frozen mud. The man, younger than she but equally loyal to the vampire scourge, snarled angry words at the white haired creature, aware of the man's heritage and his pious duty to his kind, but still livid over what had occurred. He raised his sword to the nearly inhuman vision and was struck down by Kain's mighty Reaver blade. He fell with an echoed holler and as his dying body draped over his comrade, the vampire sympathizer looked up into the eyes of the third party, leaving the living realm with a voice in his head and a frightening, smiling face burned into the backs of his eyes.


“Get off of me, Sachiel.”

“But I don't want to, just because you want me to, Ramiel.”

In the forge where battlements and weapons came to life, deep in the vampiric lord Kain's lands, two siblings bickered, unheard by their father but certainly heard by the local flora and fauna.

The female, heavy by comparison to other females in the past, shook her head as she laughed, her cropped pale blue hair bouncing along with her movements where it sat behind the horned forehead she shared with her father. Her eyes, resembled their father's; a gloomy yellow that shone brightly in the darkness and dim light, yet looked somewhat sickly in faded light. Casually, she climbed off of the younger but larger vampire and leaned back against the wall, crossing her arms over her chest.

Ramiel however, looked far more like their father, except with short hair in a washed out but distinct shade of blond. His eyes were blue, in a shade his sister referred to as cerulean, an odd occurrence considering how unique blue eyes were amongst their pale-eyed brethren. A blacksmith by trade, the secondborn's wares were created exclusively for his father and sister, and each piece was crafted with both magic and hard work, leading them to quickly become legendary items.

Miffed at his sister for her intolerable playfulness while he was trying to work, Ramiel turned his back on her and again took up his hammer, intent on finishing the armour he had begun to create especially for her. The pieces were stacked beside the casting furnace, each one glimmering in coal black and a pearlescent blue.

“Why do you have to be so mean, Brother? You know there's no true blood relation between us. Father told us that years ago.”

The man's shoulders hunched slightly as he tried harder to concentrate, unable to tune the other's voice out because he had to hear the ring of the metal to know its limits and consistency.

“I know that well enough. You don't have to keep telling me.”

“And yet you delight in constantly reminding me of our sibling status.”

The hammer clanged down on the well-worn anvil and the blond vampire whirled to face the grinning weapons master, a scowl on his face and a huff in his voice.

“Only when you insist on creating relations between us.”

“You mean, trying to get into bed with you when it's cold at night?”


“And touching you gently when you've hurt yourself and need cheering up?”

“Yes, but-”

“And loving you more than I love Father because of simple, blind devotion?”

Ramiel balked for a moment. “Serious?”

She nodded and stepped closer to the tall blacksmith, lifting her arms to wind them around his neck, the gentle curve of his jawline tempting her as she licked the defined feature.

“What's so wrong with all that, Brother?”

“Nothing, I suppose. But please don't make it so obvious when we're being watched. I felt eyes on me yesterday, when you groped me in the arena.”

Sachiel let the other go and stepped back, brushing off her tunic and readjusting the cloak over her shoulder.

“We were being watched by the sluagh. I felt them in the high corners. Anyway, I have to get going. I'm due in the arena right now, as a matter of fact. That steel halberd you made for me last week needs more working in. I almost threw my back out trying to toss it around. The balance is right, but I'm a little off.”

She waved back as she took off running, quickly putting distance between herself and the forge and then disappearing completely as she entered the grand complex. The sun never shone where they resided but Kain gave them every amenity he lacked as a young man, filling their underground home with personal belongings and trappings only wealthy merchants of a generation past could have afforded.

Ramiel snickered to himself and turned back to the armour, quickly creating a strength spell and imbuing the delicate but resilient surface with its magic. The steel shone for a moment before cooling, taking on a shinier appearance and completing its creation.

“This one'll be perfect, Sister. Hopefully, it'll even stand up to your abuse.”


“They're coming, Yosh!”

Heavy breathing from behind the frightened woman gave rise to the fact that her partner was following directly, scurrying like mice to avoid the oncoming onslaught.

“Head for the Cathedral, Haya! Don't give them a moment's trust, regardless of what you believe!”

Ducking behind bushes and what would have constituted foliage in the miserable vampiric lands, Haya rushed toward the Ruined Cathedral, knowing that within its hallowed halls lay salvation. The rest of her people resided there during the clan wars and had survived only by sympathizing with the vampires and becoming almost slaves to them.

The village below the great spiraled building was in ruins as well, but it was flaming with new fires, ones set by the rest of the group to maintain their safety. As far as they knew and had seen, vampires detested fire because of its basic destructive ability. Haya dodged a crumbling wall and was grazed by the falling debris, hissing in pain as the scorching heat of the flaming wood licked at her bare arms, not even sparing time for a glance behind to see if Yosh was still there.

The redhead heard a creature to her left and as she turned to face it she felt agonizing pain explode in her shoulder and chest. Looking down, she saw the blunted but once-sharpened point of a carved halberd sticking out just below her ribcage. She fell with an anguished cry, staking herself to the ground as she landed on the weapon's point, driving the pain home even further as it jarred her body and shocked her nervous system. The snarling creature stood close by as she heard Yosh come running up, his angered scream followed by a gurgling wail as he beheaded the vampire with one swipe of his sword.

“Haya!” He cried out, “I can't heal this! No one in the group can heal this!”

It was more like the wail of a desperate, doomed soldier than a loving comrade and the woman closed her eyes as the pain became unbearable, nearly unconscious from the loss of blood and the ongoing shock. She felt her partner rise to his feet and only just registered his voice, but it became too dim for her to hear as she finally gave up trying to remain on the living plane.

Beside her, Yosh stood defensively with his sword raised threateningly, attempting to ward off the figure that stepped slowly through the flaming buildings to their right, as if the fire had no effect on its seemingly flammable body.

“Get away from us, you vile monster! We served your kind faithfully and this is how you repay us?!”

The white haired vampire simply chuckled as he came out of the flames, brushing the ashes from his arms with wide three-fingered hands, both of which Yosh noticed, were weaponless. He had begun to change as his kind were oft to do, but according to legend and basic folklore, the vampire lord's brood of a time neither human had lived through, had perished after they had been through the state of change, a time that lasted decades at the least and a millennia at the most.

Before them, Lord Kain stood in his remembered form, one he was loathe to change from and the one he was depicted in in the texts and wall hangings Yosh's family and subsequent servant group swore their allegiance and fealty to. He was going against his beliefs by standing ground before the great vampire, but his partner was dead, his human family no doubt slain in the Cathedral's main hall, and his temper was at its end.

“Go on! Send me to the spectral realm as you've done to my beloved! She was loyal to you! We were all loyal-”

“You misunderstand my presence, human.” Kain said softly, barely heard over the crackle and din of the roaring fire. “I followed you from the Lake, where the True sluagh attacked your party.”

The man stood there staring, uncertain if the vampire lord was a friend or foe, even with the friendly conversation in mind.

“What was the purpose of following us? If it was to save us, you've failed! My Haya is dead!”

Yosh screamed the final words and Kain simply smiled, stalking past the grieving human to crouch down beside the fallen one, his mutated hand reaching out to caress her short red hair. The man snarled in his throat, angry that the vampire would even dare to touch her in such a state, not even giving her the dignity of death without being touched by his murderous hands.

“She is dead, human, but I have a solution for you.”

“A solution? What do you propose, great Lord? If it is to become one of you, I decline for both of us! We served the vampires faithfully and loyally, without question, and we woke less than a day ago to fires burning in our homes and our blood spilled upon the ground! Your kind cannot be trusted!”

The brunet servant had no time to speak again as Kain lashed out with his mighty sword, cutting a gash deep enough in the thin body to nearly peel it in half. Yosh choked on his own blood while eying the reaver blade, watching it drink the blood that poured from his still living body, portions of it being fed to Kain as well. Haya's blood however, was useless to him, as the body was now dead and the liquid would be like poison to the white haired vampire.

“You...why, Lord Kain?”

“I have in mind a new idea, Yosh Tenkrau of the Gryne faction. An idea that would benefit your side as well as mine.”

The brave but doomed human closed his eyes as blackness took him as well, hearing only Kain's laughter as he collapsed to the soiled ground beside his woman, the pain gone as he sighed the last breath he would ever take.


In the bowels of the underground complex, Sachiel grunted as she threw herself to the left, the giant halberd she wielded glistening in the light from the bright braziers. The length of the weapon skirted the ground as she held it with both hands and swung around. She came to a sudden halt and stared up into the darkness surrounding the support pillars of the grand room, immediately falling to one knee with her head bowed, the weapon settled on the ground beside her.

“You are improving, my beloved Firstborn.” Came crooning words from the distance. The body they came from appeared directly before her and a loving hand rested atop her head, the three fingers pushing her hair down with a familiarity the female had always loved, though she wasn't sure why.

“I am, Father. I spoke to Ramiel about the size this morning and was determined to conquer it before the day was out. I am capable.”

It was more of an argument than anything, with the forcefulness of the woman's words, but Kain simply smiled and stepped back, giving her the room she needed to demonstrate.

“Show me.”

Throwing herself into it, Sachiel lifted the polearm and was on her feet before a blink could be given, the large handle held behind her head as she brought the deadly end down towards the elder vampire, knowing that he would dodge or at least vanish to save his life. Kain lifted a hand to block the attack and then grinned maliciously before vaporising into mist, filling the room with the chilly fog until he reformed at the other end of the room.

The short haired vampire smiled broadly and then bowed before attempting a second pass, this time vanishing herself, using her water based powers to create a fog around herself that refracted light to make her seemingly invisible. Her energies could still be picked up by Kain however, and he moved just as she came down a second time, listening with vague glee as the steel weapon snapped from the force of the blow, its blade shattered against the stone floor.

“Oh, for the love of-”


“I won't say it, Father.”

“Good girl. Now, find your brother and both of you go hunting, to better hone your skills. My travels have informed me that a large band of True sluagh are roaming north of the boreal forest.”

“We're allowed outside for the hunt?” She asked with obvious glee. Kain nodded and waved a hand.

“Only for the hunt itself. Return here when you've finished. The three of us will hunt together elsewhere for our evening meal.”

Excited about trying out the armour Ramiel was making for her and about having a chance to fight something other than herself, Sachiel bowed and ran off, always running as it seemed so much more dignified than simple walking, the broken poleaxe tucked under her arm so she could leave it with her brother and have it fixed by the time she wished to train again.


In his throne room Kain paced, his cloak draped over the grand chair while he muttered to himself, his words echoing in the dimly lit chamber. His morning patrols had brought him to the boreal forest, where the True sluagh resided; creatures from the spectral realm but that had crossed over after becoming too strong for their environment. They were mindless beings and they rambled endlessly while usually spouting nonsense, but that day the leader of the band, a red sluagh, spoke truths to the great vampire leader.

Kain took the monster's words as a lie and because he never wanted to hear the blasphemies again, he ordered his brood to hunt them down, a task the pair enjoyed very much and a surefire way to rid himself of such lies.

“Honestly, they're not still in love with each other, are they? How revolting, considering their new stations as brother and sister.”

The white haired vampire shuddered slightly and went to sit in his seat, lifting his cloak and folding it over his lap, his eyes closed and head tilted back for a moment of solace. He had taught the two fledglings well over the last few centuries and while the human scourge had finally ended, the lesser creatures had begun to invade their lands. Sluagh and devious mutants of a generation past coming back to haunt the grand lord, for the most part. Simple things that should not have worried him, yet they festered like a rank sore in the back of Kain's mind.


“High left! Flank the south, Sachiel!”

“Got it!”

Unheard by the female fighter, an aged True Sluagh wailed its pain as it died, noisily fading back into the deepest depths of the spectral plane. Smiling broadly she posed, waiting for her brother's command for the next strike, her eyes following the younger vampire's form as he sought the creatures out. Turning viciously, Ramiel struck a hand out and made a fist, as if he were holding something in mid air.

“Here, Sachiel! Lessen your attack and aim for my hand!”

He struggled as the sluagh, invisible to his sister, lashed out at him, its screams causing him to shiver. He held it until he heard Sachiel's blade swing through the air, letting go at just the right moment, saving his hand and leaving the ghostly figure to wail as it vanished.

“They're hollow inside, brother! Find me an Elder one! As long as it's casting a red pallor, you shouldn't have any trouble, right?”

The blond vampire nodded as he dodged to his right, executing a sharp back flip over the body of a large Elder sluagh. The creature whipped around and attempted to strike at the spellcaster but Ramiel was too fast for it, quickly binding a surround spell on it and keeping its wriggling form still for the other hunter.

“Hold him tight!”

Sachiel lunged for the animal, bringing her two-handed sword down in a swinging arc and grunting in both pain and exertion as the blade lodged in the creature's shoulder. While the common sluagh were almost entirely spectral, the Elder ones had some semblance of a material form, though it still remained in the dark realm and invisible to the female fighter.

Tugging hard, she pulled the weapon from its struggling body and tried again, this time loosing hold of the blade for a brief second and then again wrapping her hands around its worn, leather-wrapped hilt, dragging it along the specter's skull, splitting the surface and killing it.

One particularly bad occurrence happened just as the female turned to smile at her companion, caught off guard by a momentary lapse in the battle. The brave fighter felt an odd sensation behind her and was shocked to find the younger vampire running towards her, a spell held out in his right hand and a terrified look on his face. Unable to see the creature that was poised to strike her from behind, Sachiel simply turned and held her arms up against her brother, thinking him to be attacking and gesturing for peace out of pure instinct.

As stupid as the sluagh were, the creature turned to look where the female was looking and was slammed in the chest with a lightning cast, quickly smoldering into ash and blowing away on the light forest breeze. A brief moment passed between the siblings and with both of them giving a small smile, the moment faded.

Falling back onto her behind, Sachiel set the sword down beside her and sighed, shaking her head to clear the muddiness in her head. While fighting an unseen enemy proved to be thrilling and tactful, it also worked hard on the mind, to carry out ways to attack without harming her brother and without wasting too many blows.

“How do you feel, Sachiel?” Ramiel asked casually, settling his long limbed form down beside her, his cloak draped out behind him like a cape.

“A little tired, honestly. Father spooked me in the arena and made me slip up while I was showing him what I had been practicing.”

“You broke my glaive, didn't you.”

She nodded to his direct, no nonsense quip. “That's why I'm using Hailstone. It needs to be a heavy weapon to deal with the True's.”

“Sachiel...” His tone implied vague discontent and disappointment, but both of the fledglings knew it was time for an upgrade in their battlements. “And the armour?”

She got to her feet and stretched a little, bending forwards and backwards to get a feel for the outfit while standing still. “While I'm moving it moves with me, but when I stop like this, it feels heavy.”

Ramiel got to his feet as well and began adjusting the straps that held it in place, being careful to not tug too hard on the leather buckles. “Does it pinch anywhere? I strengthened the steel with a spell I've been working on, so that when you're struck, the steel flexes and dissipates the strike. Because it expands and contracts, you may get pinched while moving around at a clipped pace, like you were just now.”

“I never got pinched though.”

“Oh, well maybe I remembered to compensate for that and forgot that I had already done it.” He sighed out loud and gave the girl a pointed stare. “You interrupted me so many times while I was forging it that I could have even forgotten the spell! How would that suit you?”

Sachiel stepped closer to her beloved brethren and looked up at him with mild amusement in her pale eyes.

“As long as you crafted it for me, I'll wear it or bear it, Ramiel. You know that.”

And then she was gone, leaving a chilly fog behind and a frustrated, partly angry spellcaster, who now had to trudge back to their home by himself; a long trek that demanded company, or at least a comforting presence to walk alongside.

“I'm not walking back to the compound alone, Sachiel! You know how much I loathe the boreal forest!” Laughter followed him as he began his walk, telling him that while invisible to his eyes due to her skills, his sister was watching over him as they went.

“Just don't forget to watch my back like I watched /yours/!”
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