Categories > Anime/Manga > Mushishi > smoking gun


by queasy 0 reviews

"...the last thing he sees is Adashino lunging at him, scalpel in hand." Prompt from feliciter.

Category: Mushishi - Rating: PG - Genres: Drama - Published: 2008-01-23 - Updated: 2008-01-23 - 100 words

"That/," said Adashino, gesturing emphathetically with his scalpel. "You said that mushi are invisible to most people. You said /that was a mushi. That is most certainly not invisible to most people. What is that?

Ginko only glanced briefly at it and raised his eyes skywards again, as much because of the alarming way Adashino was brandishing his bloody scalpel as because it was unsettling to see what appeared to be your own body lying outstretched and bloody beside you. There had been nothing in its appearance or mannerisms to give away its true nature.

"I'm hoping it's not me."
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