Categories > Books > Harry Potter > Come What May
Come What May
3 reviewsTrust Severus Snape is at the top of Harry's Things To Never Do list. But when Harry's future self comes back in time to tell him that the Wizarding world and the people he loves most are at stake,...
Come What May
(#) OneEye 2008-01-13
Very interesting start. The time-travel to change history thing may have been done before, but I've never seen this exact plot (closest was Snape coming back to warn himself) and I'm always interested in seeing where people take the idea.Author's response
Thanks for the review! I know the time travelthings been done before but I plan on making this story very different.
ScorpiaCome What May
(#) Cateagle 2008-01-14
-chuckle- Dman, what a warning to go back and give yourself. I take it the time traveling ability is something the older Harry found that the RoR could do? It will be interesting to see how this original approach develops.Come What May
(#) Nessann 2008-01-22
Very interesting so far, trust in Snape, certinly a different twist on things. Cannot wait to see where you go with this story, keep it up.
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