Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance > In Between Days

Conrite Contrition

by -PLWwayy 0 reviews

Rated for language I guess.. and Incest? Yeah Frank walks in on Gee and Mikey, then flees the scene. Will they find him?

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: R - Genres: Angst,Drama,Romance - Characters: Frank Iero,Gerard Way,Mikey Way - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-02-04 - Updated: 2008-02-05 - 1120 words

I didn’t know what I was feeling. It was a bittersweet mix of jealousy, hurt, rage and slight arousal. The result: Utter confusion. It had been two hours since I entered the trailer to find Gerard and Mikey entwined in one of their bunks, apparently to busy to notice a horrified me standing in the doorway, paralysed.
I had always known Gerard and Mikey shared some sort of special bond. They had been so damn close throughout Gerard’s alcoholism. Even in the stages where all he’d do was sit around, wasted, staring into space or puking, Gerard always found time to sober up and spend some time with fucking Mikey. I always told myself, come on, they’re brothers, it’s not you, Gee just needs family. But deep down, all of us knew something was going on between them. So many times we’d find them having odd cuddle sessions or holding hands, or tickling each other, or sometimes just staring at each other like no one else fucking existed. Whenever it happened, they’d suddenly remember themselves, and look around awkwardly, both of them always fixing their glances on me last, Gerard all guilt and attempted indifference, Mikey apologetic.
But I never expected that. I didn’t think they’d ever actually DO anything. What the fuck would happen now? How long had this been going on? Holy fuck, what if this affair of theirs has been going on for ages, and they’d just been pretending like it wasn’t happening?? If so, I’d never realised. I taught myself to ignore their antics eventually. Though it always bothered me how much time he spent with Mikey, how much he talked about fucking Mikey. Fuck, who am I kidding, it drove me insane! It still does!
And now this. How could I be so fucking stupid?
I forgot where I was.. Where I’d been.. All I knew was I slammed the trailer door and ran as far as I could, sat there, and eventually fell asleep. What the fuck am I going to do?

We were in a bottom bunk, the Xbox controls recently discarded, the verbal fight was over and had turned into a wrestling match, I was on top and he was struggling with my arms, determined to throw me off. He had the sleeves of his jacket rolled up and I could see the muscles in his forearms working, his face scrunched up, but with a smile inching across, with black locks of greasy hair falling in his eyes. Woah, I thought. Gee sure got the good looking gene.. He suddenly pressed up, and unintentionally, his crotch pressed against mine. I was sure he noticed, cause his grip loosened and his expression changed, both only slightly, but for me it was too much. I slid my arms to his neck and kissed him hard. It took half a second for the shock to wear off before he kissed me back fervently. This didn’t happen much.. It wasn’t what you’d call regular, but it wasn’t exactly irregular either. Just moment of passion, that’s all. Neither of us could explain it if we tried. I know we’re brothers, and it’s wrong, but sometimes its like, he’s too perfect. I love him so much.. But I’m pretty sure he doesn’t feel the same way.. For him it’s a mixture of sex drive and brotherly affection. But… He’s the first person I think of when I wake up.. I can feel his pain.. No, really, I can. He says what I can’t, we think the same way. I know all his fantasies and fulfil them, even if they aren’t mine. I mean, he would never try the biting thing with good ole Frankie, would he? Why he can’t feel this.. Connection we have, I just don’t know. We’re made for each other. If we weren’t brothers, we’d be together. He wouldn’t be wasting his time with Iero, and I wouldn’t be miserable all the time knowing what means the most to me means nothing to him. But I guess I’m just being selfish. Him and Frank are good for each other, they really seem to be in love. I really want Gee to be happy, and that’s with Frank. So I guess I’ll have to live with “moments of passion” Forever.
By this time, Gee’s jacket had been peeled off and he was unbuttoning my shirt, kissing my collarbone as he did so. I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed his lips just as I heard the door slam. We both sat up, Gee hitting his head on his own top bunk as he scrambled out of bed to the window. He didn’t say anything, just looked horrified and ran out. Fucking great.

We were worried as fuck. I didn’t know exactly what happened, I don’t think anyone did. All I know is that first thing I was with Mikey, and then we heard someone slam the trailer door, I got up, looked out the window and theres Frank, bolting down the street. I ran out of the trailer, pulling clothes on as I did, calling his name at the top of my lungs. Fuck Fuck FUCK! We should have been more careful. And now I’m going to lose Frank because of it. If only he understood. Nobody understands.
I’m not in love with Mikey. He’s my brother. I just.. I have no idea, but I love Frank more than anything and if anything were to happen to him on account of this, I know I’ll never fucking touch Mikey ever again as long as I fucking live.
I ran down the street as fast as I could, blindly screaming;
I could no longer see him, so I stopped, panting, praying my cell phone was in my jeans pocket. It was. I dialled the first number that popped into my head.
“Gerard! Where are you?”
“Mikey, It was Frank who saw us in the trailer.”
“Fuck. Are you serious?”
“Yeah. And now he’s run off and I can’t find him.”
“Where are you? I’ll get the others and meet you.”
“What will you tell them, Mikes?”
“I don’t fucking know, where are you??”
“Er, Second Street on the left off the street of the hotel.”
Gerard heard the phone click. He had to stay here and wait for them. What would happen now?
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