Categories > Original > Horror > Red Walls

Prologue 1997

by famouslastwords93 0 reviews

the prologue!!

Category: Horror - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Horror - Warnings: [V] - Published: 2008-02-06 - Updated: 2008-02-06 - 825 words

I stare out the window at the football stadium; imagining the hott senior guys running laps around it as Coach Carr blows his whistle at them and shouting 'Move it move it!' and 'Come on you can do better!'
Oh how I wish I was a cheerleader. If I was, I'd get speacial time to practice during certain P.E. classes since Coach Carr is already out there.
"Miss Kane," Mr. White asks.
I look up, and him along with the rest of the class are staring back at me.
"Miss Kane, explain to me the relationship between Romeo and Juliet."
I think for a moment, shit I should have watched the movie! Doing that instead of watching the Real World marathon sounds a lot better right now.
"Uh, well, Romeo is totally in love with Juliet, and Juliet is in love with him. But Juliet's father doesn't want them to be together, so basically, it's a forbidden love." I wittingly explain.
Mr. White raises his eyebrow at me, then nods.
"You're right, but a bit off." he says.
I feel a ton of releif, then look down at my notebook: blank.
I quickly right down what I just explained, then look up at the clock over the white board. It's eight thirty-two. Thirteen minutes until class ends, then off to French period.
All of a sudden, I hear a loud bang down the hall, and screaming begins to peirce my ears.
Mr. White runs over to the door and looks out, his eyes turn wide, then he slams the door shut and locks it.
"Everyone under the tables!" Mr. White shouts, then turns off the lights and runs to the desk for his cell phone.
My mind begins to fill with worry as I crawl under the desk with my friend Seth.
He grabs my hand and holds onto it tight. I look down at my hand, his hand clapsed into my mine, then look up at him.
Not thinking, I scoot over into his arms and he holds onto me tight.
I listen to his heart beat as I also hear Mr. White scream into the cell phone, ranting to the police about a crazy shooter outside the doors.
I feel my heart beating so fast, that it feels like it's going to burst out of my own body.
"Claudia," Seth whispers in my ear. "I've always wanted to tell you this."
"Okay," I quietly say. "what is it?"
"I love you." Seth whispers.
My heart stops, I feel numb and weightless.
"Really?" I ask, tears beginning to scroll down my cheeks.
"Yes, really. I never knew how to tell you, but I wanted you to know incase we die today." Seth explains.
"We aren't dying today." I strongly say.
Then all of a sudden, I hear the door burst open and Ellen from across the room breaks out into a bloody murder scream. Then out of no where, boom, boom, boom.
Three shots end her screaming, and ten more burst through the room, ending other lives.
I grab tighter onto Seth and scoot my feet more under the table, up to my body.
I hear bodies hit the floor along with more shots, and more blood begins to flood the floor.
Seth places his lips on my forehead, then pulls me in tighter, as we hold on for dear life, as if holding onto each other will spare our lives and make us invisible.
I see feet make its way torwards our table, then the owner of the feet leans down and stares me in the eyes.
I begin to heave as the eyes I see fill with evil and hate.
I recognise the face of the person, he's a sophmore, I think.
I've seen him around and in the halls, I don't get why he'd do this. He slowly lifts a gun to my head, his hand shaking.
"Please.....don't do this." I slowly and say pantingly.
"Why?" he asks.
"Because, you're only hurting yourself." I say, then all of a sudden he lifts his gun higher and a bullet runs through the gun and past me and into Seth's head.
I watch him fall behind me, and I let out a terrifying scream.
The guy grabs me by the shoulders and pulls me out from under the table.
I look around, Mr. White's body is laying on the ground by his desk, blood rushing from his head. Ellen is by the window with three bullet holes in her chest.
I look back at the guy, he's holding me by the collar, and staring at me.
"What do you want?" I ask.
"You." he whispers.
"Never!" I shout, then I kick him in the groin, and make a run for it torwards the window.
As I try to lift the window open wider for my escape, I feel him grab me from behind, and my world end.
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