Categories > Celebrities > Velvet Revolver > We Will Rock This Sweet Child

We Was Phased We Was Pissed

by Y2marmar

It's the night of the party. Freddie announces his return. Matt makes a new friend. Duff and Slash's fun is pui to a halt by the arrival of Brian and Susan

Category: Velvet Revolver - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Drama,Erotica,Humor - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-02-17 - Updated: 2008-02-17 - 3669 words

Duff and Slash stood outside Roger’s house. Inside they could hear music thumping and the sound of people talking and laughing.
“Are you sure you want to do this?” Duff asked uncertainly.
“Well we’re here now, so we might as well go in,” Slash put an arm around Duff’s waist, “Relax, it’ll be fine,” Duff kissed him on the mouth. When he pulled away he saw Steven Adler staring at them.
“Guys, I’m sorry,” he said, “I came out here for a…”
“It doesn’t matter,” Slash interrupted, “You can’t tell anyone what you saw,”
“Of course I won’t dude,” Steven promised, “You can trust me,”
“This is serious,” Duff said, “I haven’t even told Susan,”
“Are you going to?” Steven asked
“Well I…Just don’t say anything ok?”
“Ok,” Steven rolled his eyes, “You can trust me. My lips are sealed,”

Inside, Brian was talking to Roger.
“Still no sign of him,” Brian said anxiously, “Think he’ll show?”
“Of course he will,” Roger reassured him, “He’s waiting in one of the bedrooms upstairs, getting ready to make his grand entrance,”
“Grand entrance?” Brian asked, frowning, “Ah, you’re talking about Freddie,”
“Who were you talking about?”
“Oh yeah, him,” Roger shrugged, “Nope, haven’t seen him yet. I’m sure he’ll be here soon,”
“Look, there he is,” Brian whispered, prodding Roger on the arm. Roger looked over to where Brian was pointing and saw Duff, Slash and Steven standing chatting.
“I’m going to go over and say hi to Steven,” Roger said, moving away from Brian, “You coming?” Brian shook his head.
“I’ll go over here and mix with people,”
“Come on,” Roger said, taking him by the hand, “You can’t avoid him all night,”
Roger and Brian made their way over to the trio, taking some drinks for them.
“Hey guys,” Steven said.
“Hey,” Slash and Duff said warily. Duff slipped an arm around Slash’s neck.
Brian smiled briefly at them.
“Are you enjoying the party?” Roger asked as brightly as he could.
“Yeah,” Slash asked, “Why are you having a party? Is there any particular reason?”
“You don’t need a reason to party,” Roger laughed. Brian glared at Duff.
“We brought you all some drinks,” he said to Steven. Steven finished his vodka quickly and accepted the white wine. Brian handed another one to Duff, who still had his arm around Slash’s neck and was playing with Slash’s hair.
Duff looked at the drink uncomfortably.
“Uh…I um…don’t drink alcohol dude, I told you that,”
“Don’t you?” Brian asked coolly, pretending he’d forgotten, “I must have forgotten,”
“Come on Brian,” Roger interrupted, sensing the tension, “We’ll go and get a coke for Duff,”
“That was awkward,” Slash remarked as Duff stared after Brian and Roger
“So I’m guessing I just met an ex boyfriend?” Steven asked.
“It was a long time ago,” Slash said, unwrapping himself from Duff.
“He broke up with me because of the alcohol and drugs,” Duff explained, “Then a couple of weeks ago we met up again and he’s been trying to get back together with me ever since,”
“Excuse me everybody,” Brian and Roger were standing on a table and Brian was talking into a microphone, “Now…umm…I’m actually not sure how to do this…Roger has something important that he wants to tell you all,” Glaring at Brian, Roger took the microphone.
“Hi everybody. I hope you’re all having a good time…uh…” Roger loosened the collar of his shirt, “Fourteen years ago, we were led to believe that we’d lost one of the best friends we’d ever had and ummm…we were all very sad,”
“Get to the point,” someone shouted. Roger glowered at them.
“Well a few weeks ago, something happened that gave us a huge shock and Brian…” Roger turned to let Brian take over, but discovered that he’d disappeared, “That bastard is going to pay for this,” he muttered under his breath, returning to his normal tone, he continued.
“Um…You’re not going to believe this, but we discovered that Freddie faked his death. He’d been living in Zanzibar for the past fourteen years and now he’s back,” Roger paused. People were staring at him like he was mad, “It’s true,” he said.
“Freddie,” he called. Freddie, who had been standing unnoticed at the back of the room watching this with amusement, made his way up to Roger, bringing with him a very reluctant Brian.
“Thank you dear,” he said taking the microphone, “Well that was an…interesting introduction. Almost as interesting as the time you dyed your hair green, but more about that later. Well now,” he turned to the audience, who were torn between the desire to believe him (for like Brian, he hadn’t aged that much) and the unreality of the situation.
“I know you probably don’t believe me but it’s true I admit it. I faked my own death,” There was no response from the audience. Brian squeezed his hand in encouragement. “It’s a very long story,”

Steven seemed pretty drunk. Matt sighed. There wasn’t a hot chick in sight. He poured himself a vodka and coke.
“Hey there,”
He turned around to see a slim pretty brunette.
“Hey,” Matt smiled.
“Is that for me?” she asked, taking the drink from him.
“It is now,”
“So,” she said, taking a sip from the drink, “Roger really knows how to throw a party huh?”
“He sure does,” Matt nodded, “So what’s your name sweetheart?”
“Ashley. And you’re Matt Sorum right?”
“Right,” Matt winked.
“Freddie and Roger are really making sure that everyone is having a good time aren’t they?”
“Yeah,” Matt nodded, wondering where the conversation was going.
“I bet you could show me a better time though,” she said with a seductive smile.
“I know I could,” Matt said quietly. He moved closer to her and put his hand on the small of her back, “What do you say we go upstairs and find somewhere more private,”
Ashley moved closer to Matt and put her mouth up to his ear.
“I’d like that very much,” she whispered. She walked away from him, swinging her hips. Matt stared after her appreciatively. She turned around.
“Are you coming?” she asked.
“Hell yeah,” Matt muttered, following her out of the room.

“So…let me get this straight,” Paul Rodgers said from among the crowd, “You went to live in Zanzibar for fourteen years?”
“That’s right,” Freddie confirmed.
“But…” Another man started, “Couldn’t you have retired here and become a recluse or something? I mean…why…” he trailed off, unsure of what to say.
“I regretted telling that lie after a month,” Freddie told them, “But the time never seemed right, I was to scared to own up, so I just stayed where I was happy. I never felt the desire to return to the public eye before now,”
“What made you come back?” Anita Dobson called. Freddie paused for a moment.
“Well…I don’t know. I guess it’s because of my sixtieth birthday next year and you know, none of us are getting any younger, so…”
“Are you going to do another tour with Queen?”
“We haven’t decided yet,” Freddie smiled at Brian, “But who knows what the future holds, right Brian?”
“That’s right,” Brian answered, “We’re going to be finishing the tour with Paul Rodgers, but we don’t have any definite plans yet,”

Slash took Duff’s hand discreetly and led him out of the room.
“Come on sexy,” he muttered, “You’re driving me wild,”
Duff followed him up the stairs to a bedroom. When they closed the door, Slash pulled him onto the bed and started kissing him passionately. Duff started pulling off Slash’s t-shirt. Slash pulled his head away to allow Duff to slip the t-shirt over his head.

In a nearby bedroom, Matt and Ashley were lying on a bed in their underwear, making out.
“You are so hot,” he muttered into her shoulder. She gasped sharply as she felt his hot breath on her shoulder.
“You’re not too bad yourself,” she replied seductively, running her hands down Matt’s back. Matt reached a hand up and undid her bra. She slipped it off and rolled onto her back, allowing Matt to fondle her breasts. He kissed each one of them in turn, taking time to lick and suck each nipple. Ashley arched her back and gripped the sheets. They heard Slash’s voice down the hall.
Ignoring it, Matt continued kissing Ashley, moving down her stomach towards her crotch.

Duff lifted his head up and wiped his mouth. Slash was lying on the bed panting.
“You ok?” Duff asked grinning.
“Perfect,” Slash said. Duff lay down beside him. Slash turned over and started kissing Duff’s nipples, moving slowly down Duff’s abdomen. When he reached Duff’s crotch, he took the dick in his mouth and started sucking it. Duff gripped the sheets and sucked his breath in fast. Slash started sucking faster.
“I’m gonna come,” Duff whispered hoarsely. Slash moved up slightly, but didn’t stop sucking. Duff sucked in sharply and bucked his hips as he came in Slash’s mouth. Slash lapped it up greedily. Duff pulled him up and kissed him. He could taste himself in Slash’s mouth and this turned him on. Duff pushed Slash away from him.
“I want you to fuck me,” he said, “Right now,”

Matt let out a soft scream as Ashley continued sucking expertly on his dick. “Honey, I’m coming,” he warned. Ashley didn’t stop sucking, instead she sucked faster. Matt bucked his hips as he came in Ashley’s mouth.
Ashley came back up beside him grinning.
“Well, I had to return the favour,” she said.
“I wanna fuck you so bad,” Matt told her.
“I want you too,”
She straddled Matt and started kissing his chest. Matt put her on to the bed. She let out a small scream as Matt entered her. He pushed himself in and out rhythmically. Ashley moaned and writhed underneath him. Matt began pushing faster and faster as Ashley bucked her hips against his. She screamed as she came and dug her fingers into Matt’s back. Matt started pushing harder as he felt himself coming inside her. After a few minutes he pulled himself out and they lay side-by-side, out of breath and sweating. Matt glanced at Ashley, who was falling asleep and smiled to himself. What better way to get over his girlfriend dumping him than to get laid?

Brian stood alone in a corner watching Freddie sulkily. He was surrounded by at least a dozen people and appeared to be enjoying himself immensely.
“Brian darling, come and join us!” Freddie called waving at Brian. Brian shook his head, wearing a tight grin. He didn’t crave attention the way Freddie did. Freddie shrugged and turned back to his adoring audience. Brian decided to go and find a quiet room to sit alone in. Freddie noticed Brian leaving and hurried to follow him, but was stopped by an attractive blonde.
“Hi Freddie,”
“Well hello dear. I don’t believe we’ve been introduced,” he said, looking over her shoulder to try and see Brian, who had disappeared.
“I’m Susan,” she smiled, extending her hand, “Susan Holmes McKagan. I’m Duff McKagan’s wife,” Freddie choked on his champagne. He took her hand and shook it politely He’d seen Duff and Slash leave the room and he knew they certainly weren’t leaving to have a cigarette.
“He doesn’t know I’m here,” Susan explained, “I’m going to surprise him,”
“Well he’ll certainly be surprised,” Freddie said, looking anxiously around for Roger. Roger could distract her; he’d always had a way with the women, while Freddie went to warn Duff. Where the fuck was Roger?
“So do you know where he is?” Susan asked, interrupting Freddie’s thoughts.
“I have absolutely no idea,” Freddie said truthfully.
“I heard he’d be here,”
“Well he’d better be,” Freddie muttered, “He’s throwing the fucking party,”
“What…oh, you’re talking about Roger,” she laughed, “I was asking if you knew where Duff was?”
“Hello beautiful,” Roger interrupted, “Freddie are you going to introduce me to your friend?” Freddie sighed with relief.
“This is Susan McKagan,” Freddie said. Roger moved closer towards her, smiling seductively.
“Hey baby,”
“Duff’s wife,” Freddie emphasised the name Duff. Roger shot him an anxious glance.
“Darling, I was hoping you’d keep Susan entertained, while I take a trip to the bathroom,”
“My pleasure,” Roger smiled, leading her away.

“Fuck Duff, you’re so fine,”
That was Slash’s voice, Brian was almost sure of it. He’d been wandering around aimlessly, enjoying the peace and quiet, when he’d heard the moans. He knocked on the door, but Duff’s moans were getting louder and Slash was grunting. Neither man heard Brian slip quietly into the room. Duff let out a scream as he came against Slash’s stomach. Slash pulled himself out and straddled Duff and started kissing his chest. Out of the corner of his eye he spotted Brian.
“Fuck dude,” he exclaimed, “What are you doing here?”
Duff looked at the lump in Brian’s trousers and rolled his eyes. The sight of Duff lying in the bed, naked and sweating, was almost too much for him.
“Close the fucking door,” Slash demanded.
Brian pushed it closed. Duff moaned in frustration. Was he ever going to be rid of Brian, he wondered?
“With you on the other side,” he said exasperatedly.
“Please, I just want to watch,”
“I don’t see what harm it can do,” Slash said, “Unless it’s putting you off,” Slash idly stroked Duff’s dick as he said this.
“Fuck it, I don’t care who sees,” Duff said hoarsely, grabbing Slash and pulling him down onto the bed. He straddled him and started kissing him all over his chest and shoulders. Slash kissed Duff’s fingers. Brian watched all this. The feeling inside him was almost too much for him to bear. Before he could stop himself, he’d removed his shirt and he was on the bed with Slash and Duff kissing Duff on the nape of his neck. Duff took one hand off Slash and caressed Brian’s back and neck, moaning slightly. Suddenly Slash noticed Brian and pulled from Duff. Brian had moved his hand down Duff’s chest and was stroking his thigh with one hand and his stomach with the other. Duff twisted his head around and kissed Brian’s hair. He reached around behind him and started pulling at Brian’s trousers, trying to undo the belt.
“Dude, what the fuck are you doing?” Suddenly Duff remembered Slash. Slash looked outraged. “How could you?” he demanded.
“Well…I…you” Duff could feel himself turning red. He had no idea what had come over him.
“You’ve got an erection,” Slash said, pointing at Duff’s cock, “he’s turning you on, isn’t he? I knew you were still attracted to him,”
“Maybe I should go,” Brian said, getting off the bed, “I didn’t think…”
“You never do,” Slash replied nastily.
“Dude, it didn’t mean anything, it was just a bit of fun,” Duff said desperately, “You’re always saying you’d love to try a threesome,”
“Not with your ex-boyfriend though,” Slash snapped.
“I’m going to go now,” Brian said, he was standing at the door fully dressed, “I’m sorry if I…”
“Just get out,” Slash snapped. Brian walked straight into Freddie.
“Duff,” he breathed a sigh of relief.
“Um…hey,” Duff and Slash suddenly remembered that they were both stark naked and reached for the blankets.
“Listen dear,” Freddie said, trying not to look at their cocks, “You’ve got to get downstairs right now, your wife is here. Sarah, or Sally or something,”
“Susan?” Duff asked, disbelievingly, “Susan is here?”
“Yes,” Freddie said, “Roger is stalling her, but you should probably get down there.”
Freddie and Brian left. Duff and Slash sat in silence for a few moments.
“Dude I…” Duff began.
“I don’t really want to talk to you,” Slash said quietly.
“Please, just hear me out ok?” Duff asked, putting on his trousers.
“Why?” Slash asked. He was still sitting on the bed.
“Because I love you,” Duff said.
“Well then, why does Brian keep on coming into this?”
“I didn’t ask him to get into the bed,” Duff pointed out.
“Well you didn’t do much to stop him,”
“I was gonna,”
“Yeah?” Slash asked pulling on his trousers, “What were you going to do, knock him out with your erect penis?”
“Listen,” Duff put his hands on Slash’s shoulders. Slash shook them away, but Duff put them back and held on firmly this time, “You are the one I love. Ok? Not Brian. That thing in the bed? It meant nothing. It was erotic; I had you under me, and him beside me. It was turning me on, yeah, but that’s not cause I want him. You’re the one I want,”
“How do I know?” Slash asked, moving away from Duff, “You’ve said that before,”
“Dude you’re the one who let him stay in the first place,”
“So you’re saying it’s my fault?” Slash asked, putting down his t-shirt and turning to face Duff.
“No, but surely you knew what he was there for,”
“Well I didn’t see you putting up much of a fight either,”
“Look,” Duff said, “let’s agree to differ ok?”
“We will not agree to differ,” Slash shouted.
“Oh come on,” Duff shouted, “you’re just as much to blame as I am,”
“I’m sick of Brian,” Slash shouted, “Everything is about Brian,”
“That’s not true,” Duff was enraged.
“Yes it is,” Slash insisted, “He’s all you ever talk about. You have a thing for curly haired guitarists, don’t you? I bet you fantasise about him, when you’re with me,”
“Now you’re just getting ridiculous,” Duff scoffed.
“I am not ridiculous,”
“Duff? Are you up here honey?” Susan’s voice could be heard outside the room.
Slash pulled on a t-shirt and Duff opened the door.
“Hey baby,” he said, embracing her in his arms and giving her a kiss, “What are you doing here?”
“I wanted to surprise you,” she giggled.
“Well you definitely did,”
“What are you doing up here all alone?” she asked.
“Well uh…” Duff scratched the back of his neck.
“Come back downstairs,” she said, not waiting for an answer. She grabbed Duff’s hand and led him down stairs. Duff glanced back over his shoulder at the bedroom, wondering what Slash was doing.
Matt and Ashley were getting dressed.
“So can we swap numbers?” Ashley, “I’d like to meet up again,”
“Definitely,” Matt said, buttoning up his shirt, “You’re so hot,”
“You’re not too bad yourself,” Ashley went over to the dressing table and applied some lipstick, “So where do you live? I have an apartment in Los Angeles,” she added suggestively.
“Really?” Matt turned to face her, “here’s my number, phone me next time you’re in the area yeah?”
“Yeah,” Ashley took the paper off him and put it down the front of her dress, “Lets go downstairs, you can get me a drink,” She left the room without waiting for him.

Downstairs, although most of the guests were unaware of the tension in the room, Roger and Freddie could feel it, and were getting worried. Brian was standing alone in one corner glaring, sometimes at Slash, sometimes a Duff and Susan. Slash was returning Brian’s gaze and was glaring at Duff, and Duff talking to his wife, while occasionally shooting evil glances at Slash and Brian.
“And Grace says to him, no mommy, Daddy never drinks beer. He says it’s dirty,” Susan laughed at this tale she’d just told Duff about their daughter. Duff saw Brian watching and he laughed loudly, putting an arm around Susan’s waist. A very drunk Steven made his way up to them.
“Hey, you guys are talking again, that’s great,” he slurred.
“Uh, Steve…” Duff interrupted.
“What do you mean?” Susan interrupted.
“You know,” he said, “After Duff cheating on you with Slash,”
“What?” Susan looked to Duff for an explanation.
“Thanks Steve,” Duff muttered.
“You’re welcome,” Steven slurred, staggering away.
“I can’t believe it,” Susan said, with tears spilling down her face.
“Susan…” Duff moved towards her, but she pushed him away.

Outside, Roger was talking to Paul Rodgers and Freddie, when Brian interrupted him.
“Roger, you have to do something about Steven,”
“Why what’s up?” Roger asked, turning towards her.
“He’s leaving a trail of destruction behind him wherever he goes,”
Susan stormed past them in tears, followed by Duff.
“I can’t believe you didn’t tell me!” she screamed, “and I can’t believe you told Steven Adler,”
“Babe, just listen to me,” Duff shouted.
“No,” she shouted, “don’t ever speak to me again,” she yelled, running out the gate. Duff made to follow her, but Freddie put a hand on his arm.
“Let her go darling,” he said, “Let her cool down. You can talk to her in a day or two,” he turned Duff around and embraced him in a hug.
“But I love her,” he said, “I need her,”
“I know,” Freddie soothed, “I know,”

To be continued…
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