Categories > Original > Fantasy > Gella/Ett


by DesdemonaIero 0 reviews

They meet the person that will bring them to the island.

Category: Fantasy - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Fantasy,Romance - Published: 2008-02-23 - Updated: 2008-02-24 - 666 words

It seemed they were walking forever. People stared out of alleys and doorways, giving Rain looks that made her cling like glue to Fen until they seemed to be out of city limits. There was a dirt road with trees on either side. After they walked for a while, a house appeared at the far end. She realized they hadn't been on a road, but a path that led up to the house. It was a large house, with at least 4 floors. Everything was painted black, it even looked like someone had gone to the trouble of spray-painting the trees and bushes. What couldn't be painted was covered with black cloth or paper.
Fen walked to the door and hit the doorbell. The door opened about an inch, but Rain couldn't see anyone beyond it. Fen opened the door all the way and walked in. Rain stood at the door, hesitant. Fen turned around.
"You coming?"She asked.
Rain didn't move."Are you sure you should just go in?"She was nervous. This house had a weird feeling around it, as if it was trying to keep people away.
"It'll be fine, trust me."
She hesitantly walked in. As soon as she was in the door slammed shut. She jumped and turned to Fen, but the Ett seemed perfectly fine. The light was dim, and it was hard to see.
"Alright,"Fen seemed to be talking to the air."That's enough. You're scaring her, so cut the theatrics."
A voice responded from the shadows. "Fine, but can I at least keep the lights dim?"
"Please?"The voice was pleading.
"No, Jasper, now turn the lights on and stop it."
"Fine." The lights turned bright, and she saw there was a man standing in the middle of the room, with long black hair pulled back in a ponytail. He had a long scar across the right side of his face, right across his eye. The eye was completely pitch black.
"This,"Fen pointed to the strange man,"is Jasper. And this-"She pointed to Rain,"-is Rain. She's Gellan, I know."
"Why are you here?"He demanded."I told you not to come here."
"I actually have a reason this time, so don't start."
"It has to do with her, doesn't it?" He gestured to Rain.
"Yes, it does. And you're going to help her."
"Or else?"
"Or else I might be tempted to visit more often."
"You'll do it anyways." He turned to walk off.
"Please, Jazz? I promise, if you do this, I'll only visit when you want me to."He stopped.
"I also told you not to call me 'Jazz'."
She frowned and looked at her feet. "I like that nickname."
"I don't."
"Fine, if you go with I'll stop calling you Jazz and I'll only come over when you want me to."
He seemed to be thinking about it. "What do you want me to do?"
"We need you to help us save her parents." She gestured to Rain.
"Where are they?"
"Well, you see, that's why we asked you for help--"
"They're in The Fire, aren't they?"
She looked like a kid who just got caught doing something wrong. "Yeah."
"No. I told you a million times, no matter what, I won't go back to The Fire!"
"Back?" Rain interrupted. "You've been there before?"
He glared at her. "I don't like to mention it."
"He was there."Fen replied.
"Don't tell her!" He snapped.
"That's how he got that scar."
She stopped and looked at him. "You remember my whole name!" She smiled.
"Why wouldn't I?"
"I was beginning to wonder, with the amount of times you called me by my nickname."
"I save it for times when I need to distract you from something."
"I won't tell her the rest of it if you agree to help us."
"Alright, I'll help."
"Yay!"She ran over and hugged him.
"You're gonna have to stop that, too." She let go.
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