Categories > Celebrities > My Chemical Romance

16 and trying ch. 1

by chaosinmotion96 0 reviews

so yeah, here's chapter one. Instead of her running away she is left go. read to understand.

Category: My Chemical Romance - Rating: G - Genres: Drama - Warnings: [!] - Published: 2008-02-24 - Updated: 2008-02-24 - 448 words

"Kellen....Kel-len" Sister Morgan said.
"hmmm....o sorry sister! What was the question?" Kellen asked.
"Why do you want permission to leave?"
"I-well...." Kellen looked up at the Sister with her hazel-green eyes.
"I understand Kellen" Sister Morgan looked at her with sympathetic eyes.
"You do?"
"Yes, you needent tell me Kellen. You've been here since you were a little girl and I've been there all your life. You were always trying to sneak into my office, you never told me why but I knew." Kellen looked down at her folded hands.
"Kellen, your mothers only wish was that we would take care of you"
"and you've done a wonderful job sister.."
"No Kellen, as kind as you are, you know that you were always the independant. You raised yourself, we were merely there making sure you didn't get into trouble and to teach you want we could" The Sister looked at her kindly.
"Kellen you've grown into a very intelligent and beautiful young woman. And you've come to me for guidance on many issues, but now you need to guide yourself"
"We're allowing you permission to leave the Church" Kellens face beamed.
"Really, sister that means so much to me I can't wait to go pack. May I be excused to prepare?"
"Not just yet my dear" Sister Morgan stood up and walked over to the large green filing cabinets in the corner of the small office, after flipping through a few manilla files she finally lifted one out and resumed her seat behind the desk.
"This file was made the night your mother brought you to this Church. It contains her account of why you were annointed a ward of the Church , her name and the name of your father." She looked at the folder and then at Kellen.
"this belongs to you" she handed to envelope to Kellen and then said "Now you are dismissed"

Kellen took the envelope and held it in her hands 'this is it' she thought to herself.
After spending the afternoon packing she was finally standing at the front door with Sister Morgan.
"I've called you a taxi. It's going to take you to the train station where there is a woman waiting to give you a ticket to where you need to go"
"Thank you Sister. I will never forget everything you've done for me"
"I know dear, now go and seek what you've been searching for"
"good-bye" They hugged and then Kellen pushed open the doors and got into the taxi.

Short and to the point haha. but it was only the beginning, the rest will be alot better, promise just wanted to get the ball rolling.
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