Categories > Original > Horror


by Faighrian 0 reviews

Dark Heart breathed. Ever so softly. Pale in a grey world he drifted. Ever so softly. And he breathed. Stifled death crooning desolate eyes. Life was so empty.

Category: Horror - Rating: PG - Genres: Angst,Horror,Sci-fi - Warnings: [V] [?] - Published: 2008-02-25 - Updated: 2008-02-26 - 141 words

Dark Heart breathed.

Ever so softly.

Pale in a grey world he drifted.

Ever so softly.

And he breathed.

Stifled death crooning desolate eyes.
Life was so empty.



Life exhausted by - nothing.

Their was nothing left in the world to die.

And Dark Heart breathed.

Ever so softly.

Pale in a grey world - he watched.


Death had arrived.

Welcome, ashen shadows, to hell.

The world will no longer be pale.


Let the fires rise.

Let them burn it all.

Hollowness and emptiness fell into ashes and in the fire, Dark Heart drifted.



He could wait.

Waiting was easy.

Waiting and watching.

Watching - and waiting.

A pale devil in a masquerade of slaughter.
Crippled in maleficence.

Hell had ascended to earth.

And in the fires- the devil waited.
The devil breathed.

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