Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > I think About You

I think About You (Part 1)

by Y2marmar

I think About You It's an Izzy/Steven fic set in 1986/87. Izzy is feeling depressed and Steven tries to comfort him and...well you can guess what happens. Rating: Heavy Slash

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: NC-17 - Genres: Erotica,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-02-17 - Updated: 2008-02-29 - 1860 words

I Think About You ©Y2marmar 2005
Steven Adler stepped off the bus and shivered as the cold wind hit him. He’d been home for the weekend with his family and Izzy had phoned to say that they’d been evicted from the bed-sit they shared and they were moving into a house with the rest of the band. He was supposed to meet Axl, who’d bring him to the house, but Axl didn’t seem to be there. He was probably in bed shagging some chick, Steven thought to himself grimly.
“Hey Adler,” Axl suddenly appeared from nowhere, “I’ve been freezing my ass off waiting for you man. You want the good news or the bad news?”
“Uhhh…the good news?” Steven asked tentatively.
“We’re all living together,” Axl grinned,
“I’d have thought that was the bad news,” Steven pointed out, thinking of Axl’s temper and how they sometimes found it hard to rehearse together without fighting.
“Nope, it gets worse,” Axl informed him, “There are only two bedrooms, a tiny kitchen, tiny sitting room and something that we’ve guessed is supposed to pass for a bathroom,”
“That sucks,” Steven muttered gloomily.
“We did a raffle,” Axl continued, “And you’re sharing a room with me and Izzy,”
“Oh ok,”

The two men walked along in silence. Suddenly Axl started singing softy to Steven.

“I’ve been lookin’ for a place, lookin’ for a heart, lookin’ for a lover in a world that’s far apart, because you don’t want my love, you want satisfaction. Oh yeah, you don’t need my love, you’ve gotta find yourself another piece of the action, yeah. What d’ya think? That’s all I’ve done so far,” He searched Steven’s face for a reaction.
“That’s nice, you should finish it. It’s cool,” Steven said sincerely.

They walked the rest of the way in quietness, with the silence occasionally being broken by Axl’s voice, humming quietly.
“Here we are,” Axl walked up to the door of a tiny dilapidated house, “Home sweet home,” he said bitterly. He pushed the door open and they went in. Steven shivered.

“Fuck Axl, it’s colder in here than it is out there,”
“Oh yeah, I forgot to mention that we have no heating. Somebody was supposed to hire an electrician,” he glared at Slash, who was sitting on the stairs smoking a joint.

“I forgot,” he answered, grinning at Axl, “Anyway, what would I pay him with, man? Sexual favours? He wouldn’t like that,” Slash giggled to himself, “What sort of electrician would accept that offer?”
“I would, if I was an electrician,” Izzy appeared at the top of the stairs.
“Izzy, will you fix the heating in return for sexual favours?” Axl asked dryly
“Fuck off,” Izzy laughed, “I meant if a hot chick had asked me,”
“Well then why did you fucking bring it up,” Axl snapped. He stormed into the kitchen and slammed the door muttering about “fuckin’ idiots”.
“But I didn’t…” Izzy started, “Aww, just fuck off,”

He went into his room and shut the door. Honestly Axl could be so immature at times. It wasn’t his fault they were stuck in this dump, but Axl appeared to be laying the blame on him anyway. He lit up a joint, took a long, deep drag on it and lay down and closed his eyes.
A few moments later, he became aware of someone standing over him. He opened his eyes and saw Steven.
“What happened between you and Axl?” Steven asked.
“Nothin’,” Izzy closed his eyes again. The joint was beginning to take effect and he felt relaxed. A few moments later he heard a stifled giggle. Steven could also be immature when he wanted, Izzy thought resentfully.
“Steven what do you want?” he asked exasperatedly.
“You had a bust up with him, didn’t you?”
“Nothing happened, Axl’s just being Axl. I don’t wanna talk about it now anyway.” He handed Steven a joint and they sat in silence for a few moments before Izzy spoke again.
“He’s blaming me for all this. But it’s not my fault; it was either this or the streets. Anyway, he’s the very one who said that it doesn’t matter where we live as long as we can make music.”
“Well…” Steven wasn’t quite sure what to say.
“Anyway, man,” Izzy continued, sitting up to face Steven, “It’s not just him that’s got me down. I’m feeling really depressed. I was going out with this hot chick, but she dumped me. I’m stone-broke and there’ll be rent to pay on this place. We’re all broke. There’s no way we’ll be able to afford it for very long,” A tear started to run out of the corner of his eye, but he wiped it away quickly.
“Come on man,” Steven moved in closer, “Don’t cry, it’ll be ok. We’ll get through it. Like Axl said, as long as we can make music, it doesn’t matter, does it?” He wiped away another tear off Izzy’s face and put his arm around him.
“I’m sorry,” Izzy looked up. “I’m not normally like this,” he rested his head against Steven’s shoulder and Steven gently stroked his head.

They sat like that for a few moments before Izzy kissed him gently on the lips. Steven’s first instinct was to pull away, but he was surprised at how nice it felt, at how soft Izzy’s lips felt and how he felt the warmth of Izzy’s face next to his strangely comforting so he kissed him back. Suddenly Izzy pulled away.
“Shit man, I’m sorry, I wasn’t thinking. Are you ok with this?” he asked.
“Uhh…yeah, yeah. I’m good. I want to do this,”
“Good,” Izzy said in relief, I thought you might chicken out on me like the last guy I tried to kiss,”
“You’ve tried before?” this was news to Steven.
“Yeah,” Izzy looked down, “But it was only a kiss. I’ve never gone the whole way with a guy.”
“So are you actually…you know?”
“I don’t know,” Izzy thought for a moment, “You?”
“I don’t know. I mean I fancy girls,” Steven looked confused “But that kiss was nice and I feel kind of turned on now.”
“But are you sure you want to keep going,” Izzy pressed. Instead of answering, Steven leaned over and kissed him on the lips, more fully this time. He slid his hand up Izzy’s shirt and stroked his smooth silky back.
“Right,” Izzy stood up and locked the door, “Just to be sure we don’t get caught,” he went back over to the bed and they kissed for a few more minutes. Steven unbuttoned Izzy’s shirt, and moved his hands around Izzy’s body more freely.

Izzy gently pushed Steven down onto the bed and started unbuttoning his shirt. Then he straddled him and kissed his way slowly down Steven’s chest, unbuttoning his trousers at the same time. He stopped and looked with surprise and delight at the bulge in Steven’s underwear.
“You like it?” Steven asked seductively.
“Well I wasn’t expecting it to be so big, but yeah, I guess so. Why don’t you take them off?” Izzy suggested.
“Only if you take off yours,” Steven answered.
When they were both naked, Izzy went opened the drawers and took out two condoms.
“Just to be safe,” he said, handing one to Steven. They put them on and then Steven pushed Izzy down on the bed and kissed his neck. He kissed and licked his way expertly, down to Izzy’s nipple, which he spent some time licking and kissing, causing Izzy to cry out softly.
“Shit, if I didn’t know better, I’d say you’ve done this before,” Steven stopped and looked up.
“I’ve never done this with a guy before. This is what I do with a chick.” He put his head back down and kissed his way down as far as Izzy’s dick. He put it in his mouth for a moment and sucked it before sliding back up and kissing him on the mouth. He repeated the process a few times, until Izzy was near orgasm and then he sat up and thrust himself inside Izzy, deeper and deeper, until Izzy finally came, crying out softly.
Steven pulled himself out and lay down beside Izzy.
“Shit man,” Izzy panted, “I’ve never had an orgasm like that before, I…”

Suddenly he leaned over and started kissing Steven. He moaned as he felt the heat coming from the drummer’s body and he could feel Steven’s chest heaving. He moved down further and circled his tongue around Steven’s nipples and liked his way down to his crotch. He began to stroke Steven’s penis softly.
“By the way,” Steven interrupted, “What are the others doing?”
“Watching TV and getting stoned I think,” Izzy answered, “So they probably aren’t really interested in us,” he began stroking Steven’s dick again. Steven cried out in pleasure, “That probably isn’t a good idea though,” he panted. He put the dick inside his mouth and began sucking greedily.
“Izzy have you ever done this before?” Steven asked,
“You want me to stop and answer that?” he mumbled,
“No,” Steven moaned suddenly he cried out loudly as he came inside Izzy’s mouth. Izzy could feel the drummer’s body tense and his hips rise.
Suddenly he let go and entered Steven. Pushing himself in, gently at first, but getting faster and rougher as Steven moaned in ecstasy. Steven could feel Izzy moving inside him. He wanted him to stop, but at the same time, wanted him to keep going all night.
“Izzy, oh shit,” he groaned. Izzy slowed down.
“You ok man? Will I stop? Am I hurting you?”
“Yes, no, just don’t stop,” Steven panted.

When it was all over, Izzy lay limp against Steven. Both were exhausted. Somewhere in the distance they could hear a phone ringing and Axl’s voice answering it.
“Hello…Oh hi Mrs Isbell. How are things? Yeah, yeah, I know. Do you wanna speak with Izz?”
“Maybe I’d better get up,” Izzy murmured. He stood up and pulled on his trousers and a t-shirt.
“Wait,” Steven called, “How can we just go back to normal after that?”
“Maybe I don’t wanna go back to normal,” Izzy whispered. He leaned over Steven in the bed and kissed him on the lips.
“Yo, Isbell,” Axl shouted, “Your mom’s on the phone,”
“Right,” Izzy called back, “I’ll be down in a sec,” He straightened up and kicked the condom wrappers under the bed.
“They don’t call you Izzy Stradlin’ for nothing, do they?” Steven grinned. Izzy winked at him and headed out the door.

The End …for now
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