Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > I think About You

Still Thinking About you part 2

by Y2marmar 0 reviews

It's the morning after the night before. But does Steven regret what he did? And what are Duff and Axl arguing about?

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Drama,Erotica - Published: 2008-02-29 - Updated: 2008-02-29 - 1320 words

“Shit dude, how’d you end up in here?”
“Ummm…huh?” Steven opened his eyes and quickly shut them again as the bright light pierced through his head. He opened one eye just enough to make out Duff’s head. Duff sat down on the edge of the bed.
“How’d you end up in here and uhh…like that?” Steven looked around groggily and realised with a shock that he was still in Izzy’s bed and that he was stark naked. Suddenly the events of the night before came flooding back to him. Dope, sex, more dope, some alcohol, more sex.
“uhh…” Steven tried desperately to think up a believable excuse, “Umm…Axl was in my bed,” he finished weakly. Luckily for Steven, the bassist was stoned and accepted this answer with a nod of his head.
“So where’d Izzy sleep?” he asked.
“Umm…I don’t know,” Steven lied, “He wasn’t in here. I haven’t seen him,” Steven lay back down and pulled the sheets up so that Duff wouldn’t see him blushing.
“Well, you know, he’s down in the kitchen now,” Duff answered
“Why are you up so early?” Steven mumbled into his pillow.
“Dude it’s like two thirty, I’ve been up for ages,”
Steven closed his eyes and pretended to be asleep. He thought about what had happened between him and Izzy. They’d both been stoned, and drunk. Izzy was depressed again. It couldn’t have meant anything. Steven felt like kicking himself. How was he going to look Izzy in the face after what had happened? His thoughts were interrupted by a door closing. He opened his eyes and saw that Duff had left.
Steven sighed deeply and closed his eyes. Soon he drifted off to sleep.
He was woken up some time later by Axl shouting.
“No it fucking isn’t! This is going to be the album to change all albums and no piece of shit about your girlfriend is going on it,”
“It’s not a piece of shit,” Duff shouted, “I actually worked on that song. Not stoned, and not drunk and it’s a hell of a lot better than some of the shit-assed songs you’ve written,”
“Oh yeah?” Axl challenged, “Like what?”
“Like Sweet Child Of Mine,” Duff yelled, “If you want a pile of shit you only have to listen to that,”
“So you’re telling me that your song is better than Sweet Child Of Mine?” Axl asked. Steven could tell from the sound of his voice, that Axl was about to crack at any moment and then Duff would regret it. Steven decided to go down and see what was going on.
“A million times over dude,” Duff said confidently, “It’s passionate, you know?”
“Duff, look dude, it’s a bad song,” Izzy said “Steven could come up with better stuff in his sleep, and we’ve all heard some of the shit that Steven wrote,”
“Hey,” Steven appeared at the door, “That’s not fair,”
“Face the facts Steve,” Axl said.
“Seriously dude,” Izzy said, “It’s not a Guns n Roses type song. I mean listen to the lyrics, “How could she look so good, how could she look so fine, how could she be so cool, how could it be she might be mine?”
“There’s nothing wrong with my song,” Duff growled, “And when we record an album, my song is going on it,”
“Over my dead fuckin’ body,” Axl snarled. Izzy could see where this was going and tried to intervene. Steven just stayed in the doorway, thinking it was wise to stay out of the way. Slash appeared beside him
“Dude, what’s going on?”
“Fuck knows,” answered Steven
“Seriously guys,” Izzy said, “We can keep it and maybe use it sometime in the future,”
“Or maybe never,” Axl stated
“It’s not fucking fair,” Duff shouted, “You always discredit our talent,”
“Speak for yourself,” Izzy said.
“This has nothing to do with you!” Duff roared at Izzy.
“Leave him alone” Axl said in a dangerously calm voice, “He’s perfectly entitled to his opinion,”
“That’s right,” Duff laughed, “Defending your boyfriend,”
“And what’s that supposed to mean?” Axl demanded,
“Oh, come on,” Duff said, “We all know that you and Izzy are more than just good friends. I heard the noises coming from your bed last night. I could hear Izzy too,”
Izzy shot Steven a panicked look. Axl let out a roar and started throwing things at Duff; guitar picks, spoons drumsticks, bottles, beer cans, he even threw Slash’s top hat at Duff. Duff caught them each time, purely to further aggravate Axl.
“Dude, you’re gay and you know it,” Duff teased.
“I am NOT gay!” Axl screamed his voice much higher than was natural, “I don’t know what you thought you heard last night, but it definitely wasn’t me,” While this was going on, Izzy moved closer to Steven.
“My song is going on our album whether you like it or not,” Duff shouted, while catching an empty beer can that Axl threw.
“Over my dead body,” Axl roared,
“If that’s how you want it, fine,” Duff grabbed a broken glass bottle and lunged at Axl. Slash rushed forward and held him back, “Let me go,” he shouted, struggling wildly, in an attempt to get at Axl
“Guys, calm fucking down,” Slash said.
“No, I won’t,” Axl shouted, “His song…”
“Fuck his song,” Slash said, “This is all over a stupid song,”
“My song is not stupid, you haven’t even heard it,” Duff shouted.
“Hey, why don’t we go upstairs?” Izzy whispered to Steven, “We need to talk,”

When they were both sitting on Steven’s bed, Izzy looked at Steven.
“So how do ya feel this morning?”
“Dude, I’m not sure,” Steven said uncomfortably, “I enjoyed last night, but it could have been cause I was stoned. I’m not gay…well, I don’t think I am...oh, I dunno. Anyway, you were upset, I just happened to be there. It could have been anyone, like Axl or someone,” Izzy sighed and put his hand on Steven’s thigh. The heat of his hand provoked some movement in Steven’s trousers and he gasped quietly. Izzy noticed this and smiled.
“But it wasn’t Axl or someone,” he said softly, “It was you. If I wanted to fuck Axl don’t you think I’d have tried before now?”
“I suppose so,” Steven sighed, removing Izzy’s hand, “I just don’t know if this is what I want to do. I’m scared I guess, what would the others think?” he asked as he heard Axl scream “Fuck you Duff!”
“Fuck those fuckers!” Izzy exclaimed, “Who cares what they think? If they’re not down with it, then fuck them. This is about what we want,”
“The thing is though,” Steven said, “I’m not sure what I want,”
“Let me help you decide,” Izzy moved in and gave Steven a deep kiss on the lips. After a few seconds he pulled away and looked at Steven.
“Why did you stop?” Steven asked breathlessly.
“Well you said you didn’t know what you wanted,” Izzy pointed out, “That was only to…” he didn’t get any further, because Steven pulled his head closer and kissed him long and hard. After a few minutes, Izzy pulled away.
“Are you sure this is what you want?” Steven didn’t answer, instead he pulled Izzy back and kissed him again, running his fingers through Izzy’s long black hair with one hand and unbuttoning his shirt with the other.
Izzy had taken off Steven’s t-shirt and was kissing his neck when, over Steven’s shoulder, he spotted an extremely shocked Axl.

To Be Continued…
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