Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > I think About You

Can't Stop Thinking About You

by Y2marmar 1 review

Part three of the saga. Axl walks in on Izzy and Steven's embrace. A fight ensues resulting in Axl walking out. Izzy follows him and ends up saying things he regrets. Have we witnessed the end of ...

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama - Published: 2008-02-29 - Updated: 2008-02-29 - 2328 words

"This isn't want it looks like," Izzy began, "We were, hell man. It's exactly what it looks like. This hasn't been going on long, I swear. We were going to tell you,"
Axl didn't say anything. He just kept staring at them. Steven and Izzy looked at each other and then at Axl.
"Dear God, say something," Izzy begged him. Axl stared at them for a moment longer.
"Did you have to sit on my bed?" he asked finally.
"Not quite what I had in mind, but..." Izzy shrugged confusedly.
" two are..." Axl began.
"Yeah," Izzy nodded.
"We were going to tell you...eventually," Steven offered.
"Have you ever actually..."
"Yes," Izzy interrupted, "But only once,"
"Yeah, I can't handle this at the moment," Axl said, "I really can't,"
"Come on man, don't be like that," Izzy said.
"Yeah," Steven agreed, "So I fucked your best friend dude, get over yourself,"
Axl glared at him.
"Hi, welcome to an adult conversation," he snapped.
"I'll handle this," Izzy told Steven, "Just relax. You're not helping."
"Come on man," Izzy tried again, "I'm still the same person,"
"No," Axl snapped, "You're not. You've lied to me. You could have told me, we've known each other for twenty fucking years! You're a fucking ass hole. I can't believe you!"
Axl kicked the door in temper.
"See this is why I didn't tell you," Izzy retorted, "I knew how you'd react."
"What? You knew?" Axl asked, stepping closer, "You don't know me.That's not an excuse,"
"You're the one who said we knew each other for twenty years," Izzy pointed out.
"Yeah, and who was lying most of the time? You," On the word 'you' Axl flicked Izzy on the forehead. Izzy rubbed his head in disbelief.
"Ok, you did not just flick me," Izzy said, flicking him back. Axl snapped.
"You cannot do that," he roared, "You cannot flick me. You are in the wrong. You lied. You lied and you cheated,"
"How did I cheat?" Izzy shouted. Axl punched Izzy to the ground.
"You know how you cheated," he retorted as Izzy jumped back up and began punching and slapping Axl. Steven tried unsuccessfully to separate the two, but Axl punched him in the nose.
"This has nothing to do with you, faggot," he spat.
"Do not call him that," Izzy said as he pushed Axl to the ground.
"Dudes, what the fuck?" Slash and Duff appeared at the door, investigating the commotion.
"Should've known he'd be involved," Duff rolled his eyes. Like Slash and the rest of the band, he was used to Axl's temper. Living with Axl, or even sharing the same building as him, usually resulted in a fight eventually.
"Think we should leave them to it, and get a beer?" Slash asked, with a mischievous glint in his eye.
"Shit, what happened to you, man?" Duff asked, noticing Steven for the first time.
"I tried to separate them,"
"Since when do you care?" Slash laughed.
Steven shrugged feigning innocence.
"I can't believe they're still at it," Slash said, watching them rolling on the floor punching and shouting obscenities at each other. Slash stepped over them and effortlessly lifted Izzy off Axl. Axl made to lunge at Izzy but was held back by Duff.
"Guys chill," Slash said, watching Axl's feet flailing in the air trying to reach Izzy, "What the fuck is going on?"
"Izzy's a faggot," Axl spat.
"Oh, I'm a faggot? Izzy retorted, "Who's the one who went onstage last week in his girlfriend's leather pants?"
Axl strugged violently, releasing himself from Duff's grip and flew at Izzy. He punched him in the nose.
"Fuck this, I'm outta here," he said, leaving the room, "I'll be at Erin's,"
"We'll miss you," Izzy called sarcastically.
"Your fucking days are numbered Isbell," Axl replied as he slammed the front door.

There was a tense awkward silence in the room as everyone tried to figure out what had just happened.
"Man," Slash said eventually, "What the fuck was that about?" Izzy jumped up and left the room, followed immediately by Steven.
"Something's going on," Duff remarked, "Something that involves the three of them."
"Wow, I'd never have guessed," Slash answered sarcastically.
"Well I'm gonna find out what it is," Duff decided.
"How?" Slash asked, warily.
"Pot," Duff said with a smile, "Steven always talks when he's high,"
Slash nodded.
"Good idea," he said, "While you're at it, try and find out what he did with my razor. It's the only one I had man, he borrowed it last week and never returned it."

"Izzy," Steven called, following him down the stairs, "Dude, wait." Izzy stopped and looked at him.
"It's...It'll be ok....won't it?" Steven asked uncertainly. Izzy thought about this. It probably wouldn't. Things might never be the same again. Axl was totally against that type of thing. He didn't have time for faggots. Things could only possibly get worse. Izzy was sure, it was the beginning of the end for Guns n Roses. He looked at Steven's big worried eyes. He loved those eyes. They were usually so happy. So full of innocence. He wanted them to always be like that. He patted Steven on the shoulder.
"Sure, Steve," he lied, "It'll be fine. I'll talk to Axl. He'll come round,"
Steven didn't look convinced as he chewed on his lower lip.
"Yeah, I hope so," he said doubtfully, "What if he isn't? What will happen to us?"
"Well," Izzy hesitated, "He'll have to be. But don't worry now. It's early days for us as well. Let's just deal with the moment, ok?"
Steven nodded, with a shrug.
"I guess," he said, "But what do you mean it's early days?"
"Well we've only just started this whole thing," Izzy explained, "I don't want us to get too heavy. Let's just go with the flow."
"Ok," Steven shrugged, accepting this, "I guess we could do that,"
"I'm gonna go after him," Izzy announced, "See if he's ok,"
"You want me to come with you?" Steven asked, hopefully.
"Nah," Izzy said, "I think it's best if I deal with this. It'll be ok. Chill, yeah?"
There was an awkward silence for a moment, as Izzy, hesitated, his hand resting on the handle of the front door. What now, should he kiss Steven? He wondered. He didn't want to. He smiled awkwardly, before leaving. Steven stared at the door for a moment. He shrugged and went to find Duff. He was relieved too. A goodbye kiss might have felt weird.

Axl sat in Erin's bedsit, fuming quietly. He clenched and unclenched his fists, shrugging off Erin's attempts to cuddle him. How dare Izzy fuck Steven? He'd known Izzy for twenty years, They'd done everything together. Axl had fought for him, protected him, held back his hair when he'd vomited after too much booze, he'd loved him. What had Steven done? Nothing, thats what. How could Izzy even consider fucking Steven and not Axl? How dare Steven keep Izzy from him. These thoughts confused Axl even more. Why was he feeling this way? He wasn't a faggot. He certainly wasn't in love with Izzy. Or was he?
"Why the fuck can't you leave me alone?" Axl snapped, as Erin made another unsuccessful attempt to take his hand.
"What's the matter?" she asked in a hurt tone.
"Nothing," Axl muttered.
He stood up and began pacing the floor. His head filled with the image of Izzy and Steven caught in that embrace. He clenched his fists tighter than ever. How dare Steven take Izzy? Izzy belonged to him. He gritted his teeth and paced faster.
"Tell me what's wrong," Erin insisted, getting up and standing in front of him, "I can help you Axl. Just let me in,"
Axl felt his blood boiling. He had so much to worry about. His entire sexuality was at stake here and all this bitch could think about was herself.
"I told you to fucking leave me alone," he shouted, pushing her hard and sending her flying across the room.
"What the fuck was that for?" she shouted indignantly, standing up and rubbing her back.
"You know what?" she shouted, "Fuck you Axl,"
"Shut up," Axl warned her quietly.
"No," she roared back, "No I won't fucking shut up. Why the fuck did you come here if you wanted to be alone?"
"I said shut up," Axl shouted slapping her hard on the face.
"Fuck you, Axl," she shouted with tears in her eyes.
"You want to be alone so bad? Fine."
She made to storm into her bedroom but Axl grabbed her by the hair. He flew into a blind rage. He couldn't take her shit any longer She screamed as Axl threw her to the floor and kicked her in the stomach. Shouting obscenities. at her as he kicked and hit her. When he finally stopped, having run out of steam, they heard a banging on the door. Axl went over and looked through the peephole. It was Izzy
"Dude," he was shouting, "Come out. I know you're in there. I'm not leaving until I talk to you,"
Axl pulled Erin over to the door and spoke to her in a low voice, struggling to stay calm.
"Go out there," he ordered, "Make an excuse. I don't give a fuck what it is, but get rid of him. Do NOT bring him in here,"
Erin nodded wiping away tears and smoothing down her hair. She opened the door and slipped out into the hallway. Izzy let out a low breath as he took in Erin's dishevelled state. Her hair, was bound in what had, at one point been a pony tail, her eye make up was a mess and her cheek was swollen where Axl had hit her. Clearly, Axl had taken out the majority of his temper on Erin.
"Axl's not here," Erin said, freeing her hair from it's ponytail and retying it..
"I heard him shouting at you," Izzy said softly, "Why do you put up with that shit?"
He desperately wanted to hold her and comfort her, but he suspected that Axl was spying on them through the peephole.
"I don't know what you're talking about," she shrugged, "I had the tv on. That's all. I haven't seen Axl all day,"
Izzy sighed and ran a hand through his hair.
"Erin, I know he's there," he tried again, "Please let me talk to him for just one minute. PLease. It's really important."
"He's busy," Erin said quietly.
Izzy cursed under his breath and moved closer to the door.
"Axl you douche bag," he called, "Don't be such an ass. Come out here and talk to me,"
They heard the sound of a glass being fired at the door and shattering. Erin paled slightly.
"I have to go," she whispered, slipping back inside the flat
Izzy sighed. Axl paced the floor. Erin stepped carefully over the broken glass and sat on the couch, curling her feet under her body and watching him quietly.
"Axl you're a coward," Izzy called, "A fuckin' pussy,"
Axl picked up an ornament belonging to Erin and fired it at the wall in temper, narrowly missing Erin's head.
"Be a man," izzy called.
Axl stormed out into the hall.
"What?" he spat, at Izzy.
"We need to talk," Izzy said.
"So talk," Axl folded his arms.
"Dude, what is your problem?" Izzy asked. "How the hell does it affect you if I fuck Steve?"
"I have protected you," Axl shouted, "I've looked out for you, I've had your back since day one and this is how you repay me?"
"You've protected me?" Izzy retorted indignantly, "Who spent the last of their savings bailing you out of jail? Who's always had your back in a fight? Who holds back your hair when you're so drunk you vomit? This friendship is a two way street, ya know. I do just as much for you as you do for me. So what is the big deal?"
"He's not good enough for you," Axl snapped.
"Not good enough for me?" Izzy shouted, "Not good enough for me? Who are you my mom? Who the hell are you to judge who I date?"
"You could have anyone in LA. You could have..." Axl stopped and turned his back, kicking a wall. He'd almost said, 'you could have me.'
"What?" Izzy persisted, "I could have what?"
"Anyone," Axl shouted, "Why Adler? Why the hell would you want that train wreck? He's not a man, he's a fuckin' pussy,"
Izzy snapped and the words began to flow like word vomit. He knew he shouldn't say it but he couldn't stop.
"Steven is a hell of a lot more of a man than you," he shouted, "At least he doesn't beat women around, throw them down the stairs if they refuse to fuck him. Act all fuckin' psycho at the smallest of things,"
Axl went deathly pale and flew at Izzy. He pushed him as hard as he could, sending him flying through Erin's door into the shards of broken glass. Axl kicked him in the stomach before pulling him off the ground.
"You know what?" he said, pushing Izzy out the door, "Next time you see me, don't talk to me,"
"Fine," Izzy spat.
"Fine," Axl slammed the door.
Izzy stayed where he was, staring at the closed door. He put a hand on his back to feel the blood, where he'd landed on the glass. It was only a nick. Nothing serious. Axl and him had had worse fights over the years. But Izzy had never called him a psycho or a pussy. He sighed deeply. Wondering, once more, was Axl really the worst tempered? Had he and Steven just caused the premature death of Guns n Roses. He sighed deeply and began to walk away. Suddenly all he wanted was to be held by Steven.
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