Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > I think About You

I Think About you...deep inside I love you best

by Y2marmar 4 reviews

The tension grows between Izzy and Axl. Axl reveals his true feelings to Slash, but will Slash tell Izzy?

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Erotica - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-03-21 - Updated: 2008-03-22 - 2024 words


Meanwhile, back at the house, Duff, Slash and Steven were well on their way to becoming completely inebriated.
"Dude, I wonder what that was all about with Axl and Izzy," Duff remarked, feigning innocence.
"Yeah," Slash agreed, "Yeah it was really something, wasn't it?"
Steven rolled his eyes drunkenly and took another drag on his joint.
"He's just pissed," he said, "He saw me and Izzy making out and freaked, ya know?" I mean I fucked Izzy. Big fucking deal, right?"
Steven paused and looked at Duff and Slash, who were staring at him, open-mouthed. Steven clapped a hand over his mouth in shock.
"Pretend you didn't hear that," he begged, "Izzy will kill me,"
"Woah," Slash breathed, "You fucked Izzy?"
"Look," Steven began, "This doesn't...I mean..."
Duff held up a hand.
"Hey man, chill dude," he said, "It's cool. We're cool with it,"
Downstairs the front door slammed and they heard Izzy muttering to himself. Steven blushed.
"Act natural," he implored them.
"Yo, Izz," Slash called as Izzy came into the room.
"Hey man," Duff added, holding back a grin, "You're looking great man, really...great,"
Izzy raised an eyebrow in suspicion.
"We love you Izzy," Slash said, "Don't know if we ever told you that. We love what you're about. All the various aspects of you,"
"And whatever you want," Duff told him through muffled giggles, "We're cool with it,"
Slash and Duff collapsed into fits of giggles.
"You've told them, haven't you?" Izzy accused.
"No," Steven answered indignantly. Izzy continued to glare at him.
"Maybe," Steven admitted.
"Dude, it's cool," Duff said, composing himself.
"So, how'd it go with Axl? Slash asked.
"Awful," Izzy sighed, slumping to the ground beside Steven, "I lost my temper and called him a psycho pussy. He punched me and told me to never talk to him again,"
"Shit," Duff said, "It'll be ok though, right? I mean...he'll get past this, won't he?"
"Sure he will," Slash answered, "Just last week he punched me and said the exact same thing. He'll be fine,"
"I hope so," Izzy said, "I've never seen him this mad,"
"Have some pot man," Steven muttered, "It'll make you feel better,"
"You've got nothin stronger?" Izzy asked.
Slash rooted around and produced a bag of white powder which he handed to Izzy along with the bottle of Night-train.
"Thanks man," he muttered,.
"So what's it like?" Duff asked.
"What's what like?" Izzy looked up from the line he was laying out.
"Sex," Duff answered with a gleam in his eye, "What's it like?"
"I'd have thought that of all people, you'd know what sex is like," Izzy teased.
"Nah, I mean with a guy, ya know?" Duff explained, "What's it like with a guy?"
Izzy looked to Steven, but he was slumped forward, snoring. Izzy thought for a minute.
"It's great," he said finally, "Best sex I've ever had,"
"Wow," Slash said thoughtfully, "Maybe I should give it a try,"
"Well you can join us, any time you want," Izzy joked. He found the thought of Slash turning gay, laughable to say the least.
"Don't smirk like that," Slash said, "How do you know I'm not serious?"
"Cause you love tits," Duff said, "You're a tits man. Guys don't have tits,"
They laughed. There was silence for a few minutes. Slash closed his eyes, Duff took a swig of vodka and rolled a joint, while Izzy snorted up the powder.
"So do you think Axl will show up at the gig tomorrow night?" Duff asked.
Izzy shrugged. Axl could never be trusted to show up for a gig at the best of times. What was there to say that he'd turn up for one after the fight this evening? All they could do was wait and see. Izzy certainly wasn't going to go begging Axl to perform. Him and Duff had covered vocals before, they could do it again if needed.

Across town, Axl sat staring out the window. He was alone, just like he'd wanted. Erin had gone into her room after their fight and hadn't come back out. Axl didn't care. The only person he cared about had fallen for someone else. How dare Izzy call him a coward? He wasn't a coward. But if Izzy wanted to play hard to get, fine. Axl would show him. He'd go to the gig and give the best damn performance of his life. Not only that but he'd show Izzy what he was missing. He'd make sure Izzy could see that Axl could be happy without him.

The following night, Guns n Roses, minus Axl were assembled in a tiny dressing room, which Izzy suspected was normally used as a storage cupboard. They were due onstage in ten minutes.
"Do you think he'll show?" Steven worried, "What if he doesn't show? He's mad at me isn't he?"
Izzy was unfazed.
"Who cares man. Duff and I have covered vocals before,"
"But we need him here," Steven whined. Izzy rolled his eyes. Sometimes Steven's need for approval did his head in.
"Maybe we should call him," Steven suggested.
"No need, I'm here," Axl muttered, slamming the door behind him. He looked around the tiny room in disgust, his eyes resting on where Izzy was perched on Duff's knee, for lack of a better place to sit.
"Is there anyone he hasn't fucked?" Axl muttered to Slash, who began to giggle but quickly turned it into a cough,.
"Hey Axl," Steven smiled, "You wanna grab a drink after this?"
Axl glared at him for a moment without saying anything.
"Nope," he answered eventually.
"Score some dope?"
"Fuck some chicks?"
Izzy glared at Steven in disgust
"Man, I find your need for approval very, very disturbing,"
"Come on," Axl ordered, opening the door, "Lets get this motherfucker started.

Onstage, the tension between Axl and Izzy was visible to everyone, including the audience. Axl and izzy were clearly doing whatever possible to avoid each other on a relatively tiny stage. Matters came to a head during the final number, when Izzy "accidentally" stood on Axl's foot. Axl exploded, kicked Izzy off the stage and stormed off leaving Duff to take over vocals.. Back in the dressing room, Duff turned on the both of them in a rage.
"Dudes, what the hell?"
"My foot slipped," Izzy snapped.
"So did mine," Axi retorted.
"I don't care," Duff said, "I don't give a shit what you do to each other in private. You can kill each other for all I care. But don't ever let your problems interfere with a gig again,"
"Yeah," Slash agreed, "You guys need to sort this out fast."
"I don't need to resolve anything," Axl said, folding his arms, "They know what they have to do,"
"No," Izzy said, standing up, "No we don't,"
"Like Slash said," Axl began
"Fuck Slash," Izzy snapped, cutting off Axl.
"What a good idea," Axl said with a smile, "Maybe I will. Come on Slash, we're outta here,"
Frowning, Slash go up and followed Axl. Izzy stood where he was, fists clenched, glaring at the door in anger. Steven stood up and put a tentative hand on Izzy's shoulder.
"Calm down man," he said softly, "It'll be ok."
"Yeah," Izzy sighed deeply, "I guess so.
Duff stood up.
" guys mind if I go?" he asked, "I have a date,"
"Go ahead," Izzy shrugged. He smiled. That would mean that they'd have the house to themselves

In a pub nearby, Axl was ranting about Steven to a bored Slash.
"I mean what does Izzy see in him?"
"Geez, if I didn't know better, I'd think you were jealous," Slash muttered.
"It's just...I just think he could do better," Axl sighed, "So much better than Adler. He needs someone who knows how to treat him right,"
Axl sighed and looked down at the table, tracing the marks in it with his fingernail. He found himself being transported back to six years previous. Before Guns n Roses, before Los Angeles.

Axl is waiting under the tree in the park for Izzy. His cheek hurts like hell from where his stepfather had hit him again, splitting his lip. THe taste of blood still tinges his mouth.
Axl turns around to see Izzy. Izzy's eyes widen when he sees Axl's lip.
"Woah," he whispers, "What was it this time?"
"He found out that I sneaked out to see you, man," Axl sighed, "I hate this. Why can't my mom stop him? Sometimes...sometimes I think there's no point in living,"
"Don't say that," Izzy said pulling out a tissue, he pours some water in it from his bottle and wipes away some dry blood.
"Hey you know what we should do?" Izzy muttered, "We should skip this dead horse town. Move to LA. Things will get better then. It'll be just the two of us."
He stops for a second and looks at Axl.
"I love you man,"
"Don't be a faggot," Axl teases.

LA: 1985
Axl wiped away a tear angrily. Hating himself for being so weak.
"You're in love with him. Aren't you?" Slash asked.
Axl didn't answer. He just lowered his head.
"Have you ever told him?" Slash pressed
I never realised he was..." Axl hesitated, "That way, until I walked in on him and Steven,"
Axl sighed and looked up.
"I'm just gonna go home. I'm not really in the mood,"

Back at the house, Steven cried out as Izzy thrust himself deeper inside Steven's ass. Steven let a roar, exploding all over Izzy's stomach. Feeling unable to hold out any longer, Izzy came, Shooting cum right up into Steven's ass. Feeling satisfied, he pulled out and lay down beside his lover.
"I can't remember the last time I was this happy," Izzy remarked
"Mmm," Steven mumbled, running a finger down Izzy's chest.
"I don't know what you're doing to me," Izzy said, "I haven't felt this way about anyone since..."
He hesitated He'd almost said since Axl. But he banished those thoughts. He'd spent his entire teens pining after Ax but no more.
"Since what?" Steven asked sleepily.
"Since ever," Izzy replied, "I think I'm falling in love."
Suddenly they heard the front door slam and footsteps on the stairs.
"Shit," izzy muttered,
there was a knock on the door, followed by Slash's voice.
"Izz? You there? I need to talk to you now,"
Izz cursed and pulled on his jeans. He opened the door and slipped out. Slash indicated the bathroom and they went inside.
"It's Axl man," Slash cut straight to the chase. "I'm worried. He's in a bad way."
"So what?" Izzy said, "I've had it with him,"
"He's in love with you," Slash repeated, "Completely infatuated.
Izzy rested his head against the door. It actually explained a lot. It explained why Axl was so possessive of him. Why this possessiveness had ruined every one of Izzy's relationships. Izzy pursed his lips.
"Where is he?"
Izzy nodded and headed down. Axl was sitting at the table with his head in his hands. If he heard Izzy come in, he made no sign of it. Izzy stood over him with his hands on his hips.
"So...what?" Izzy asked, "Have you got some sort of alarm in your head that goes off whenever I'm happy?"
Axl looked up.
"I guess Slash told you, huh?"
"Why didn't you tell me when it mattered?" Izzy demanded.
"When did it matter? Axl asked, "It never mattered"
"Never mattered?" Izzy spluttered, "Never mattered? How many times throughout our teens did I tell you I loved you, only to have you call me a faggot?"
"I was in denial,"
"Bullshit," Izzy said, "We'd have made it work,"
"We still could," Axl stood up, facing Izzy.
"I'm with Steven now," Izzy said, "I'm happy."
Axl pulled Izzy towards him and kissed him passionately on the lips. They stayed like that for a few minutes before Izzy pulled away with tears in his eyes.
"You're too late man," he said, returning to Steven.

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