Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > I think About You

Something's Changed In This Heart Of Mine

by Y2marmar 3 reviews

After being turned down by Izzy, Axl and Slash come up with a fool-proof plan to win Izzy over. But does it work?

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Angst,Drama,Humor - Published: 2008-04-29 - Updated: 2008-04-29 - 2648 words

Something's Changed in this heart of Mine....
Axl remained where he was, staring at the closed door. A few minutes later he went up to his bedroom that he shared with Izzy, knowing that Izzy was in there with Steven. Steven could keep it as far as Axl was concerned. He wasn't going to sleep in there now. He knocked on the bedroom door and stepped back, hearing shuffling and murmured voices. Steven opened the door.
"Hey man," he said warily, stepping back to allow Axl entry.
"I just wanted to apologize," Axl said, "I've been an ass and..."
"Izzy just asked me to go steady," Steven blurted, his eyes shining, "He says he's in love. That he wants us to be exclusive,"
Axl looked at Izzy across the room. His expression was unreadable. It seemed to be a mixture of regret and defiance. As if he was sorry Axl hadn't come forward before but was daring him to challenge this new relationship. Izzy nodded at Axl.
"Yeah," he said, "Steven is honest, and...gentle,"
"You make him sound like someone's grandma," Axl scoffed, "Come on. Honest? Gentle? Adler?"
Izzy shrugged, he had taken it a bit too far but he wanted Axl to know what he was looking for. Honesty.
"What's your problem man?" Steven asked, "What do you care who we fuck?"
"I don't," Axl said simply, "I'm real happy for you guys,"
He walked out and closed the door behind him. Izzy sighed.
"That could have gone worse," he said.
Steven nodded in agreement. He wrapped his arms around Izzy and kissed him. Izzy returned the kiss rather distractedly. Steven pulled away.
"Relax," he said, "Axl is ok with it. I don't even get why it matters to you anyway,"
"It doesn't," Izzy lied, "I don't care what he thinks."

Axl stormed downstairs and slammed the door of the living room shut. He kicked it in temper. Slash was sitting on the floor swigging vodka and raised an eyebrow.
"I'm guessing it didn't go well," he remarked.
"He asked Adler to go steady," Axl muttered sitting down beside Slash, "Apparently they're in love. He loved me first. Why couldn't I see it? More to the point, why can't HE see? There's a chemistry between us for fucks sake,"
Slash shrugged drunkenly. To be perfectly honest he was too drunk to really care, but he knew better than to tell Axl this.
"We'll just have to show him," Axl said.
He smiled at Slash mysteriously.
"Why are you looking at me like that?" Slash asked warily, backing away slightly.
"Why don't we step it up a notch,"
"What do you mean?" Slash asked.
"Well if he's as much in love as he claims to be," Axl said with a smile, "then he won't mind seeing you and I together. Will he?"
Axl thought, once more of the kiss they'd shared in the kitchen. Izzy had felt the chemistry. Axl knew he had. He wouldn't have held on so long if there was nothing there.
"Man," Slash began, "I love ya, but not in that way, dude. I'm not...a faggot. No offense. I just...."
"Will you chill?" Axl asked impatiently, "I know you're not. I'm not retarded you know. I just want to make Izzy jealous. That's all. It's an experiment."
Slash took a swig of his vodka and shrugged.
"Alright then, why not?"
Axl raised his eyebrows in shock. He'd expected an outright refusal. If anyone would agree to kiss him, he'd expected it to be Duff.
"Really?" he asked, "Why?"
"A, I'm curious," Slash began, "I've never kissed a guy. And b, I owe you. You had my back in that fight last week,"
"True," Axl acknowledged, "Well okay then. Lets do this."
"But wait," Slash held up a hand, "This has to be completely fake. Okay? We're not an item and I'm not a faggot."
"Of course," Axl smiled, "Wanna try kissing me?"
Slash moved hesitantly towards Axl. Pretending it was Izzy, Axl put a hand on the back of Slash's head and pulled him closer, kissing him softly on the lips. Slash was actually a good kisser, Axl thought to himself. He stuck a tongue out and probed Slash's lips, encouraging them to open. When they did, Axl stuck his tongue in.

For the next two weeks, Axl and Izzy saw nothing of each other. The band had no gigs scheduled so Izzy and Steven took off. To where, no-one knew. Axl and Slash spent their fortnight drunk and stoned. Dividing their time between each other and their girlfriends. Slash had discovered that although he definitely wasn't gay, he quite enjoyed kissing Axl and he was getting a lot of practice. Axl enjoyed kissing Slash. It passed time for him. But there was nothing there. He wasn't aroused by Slash in any way.
Izzy, however, wasn't having such a good time. He and Steven had "borrowed" an abandoned apartment and spent the fortnight together But the more Izzy thought about it, the more he regretted turning down Axl. He couldn't stop thinking about him. He was falling in love with Steven, but his feelings for Axl hadn't gone away. If anything, they'd intensified over time. They were due to play a gig a couple of hours away. THey were being put up for the night in a motel and Duff had rented a van. Izzy and Steven had arranged to meet the guys on the morning they were leaving, but the night before, Izzy could stay away no longer. By the time he returned, he'd made up his mind. He'd chosen Axl. He hadn't broken things off with Steven. He'd leave that until things were certain between him and Axl.
Axl and Slash were in Slash's bedroom smoking pot when they heard the door close, followed by Izzy's voice.
"Show time," Slash whispered.
When he'd made sure Steven was suitably distracted with a bottle of night train, he went up to find Axl. He heard voices coming from Slash's room so he went over. When he opened the door he found Slash and Axl locked in a passionate embrace. They pulled apart, feigning guilt when they saw Izzy. "Shit," Izzy began, "I'm sorry...I....I'm sorry,"
Izzy hurried out and downstairs to Steven. Steven was sitting on the floor swigging night-train. Izzy straddled him and began kissing him hard and passionately, determined to forget about Slash, Axl and his feelings.
"Why are you so happy?" Axl asked, "I feel like an ass now,"
"Didn't you see his face?" Slash grinned, "it's working. He's still in love with you. It's only a matter of time,"
Axl murmured something, looking unconvinced.
"Hey, chill," Slash said, kissing him softly, "He wants you. I know it,"
"What about you man?" Axl asked, "You're getting quite attached to me,"
"I'm just here for the ride," Slash grinned, "Trust me. This is all a bit of fun. If I was sober now, I wouldn't be kissing you,"
"Really?" Axl asked, arching his eyebrow, "Not even if I did this?"
He removed his top and pushed Slash down onto the bed, and straddled him, kissing his shoulders and neck. Slash laughed and returned his kisses and then tried to push him off.
"Come on man," he laughed, "I'm not that wasted."
Axl continued nibbling gently on Slash's neck, his long hair tickling Slash's chest. Axl's long silky hair, his slender body and soft mouth reminded Slash of a woman and he found himself being turned on by this. Feeling a growing lump against his leg, Axl pulled away.
"What's this?" he asked playfully, "I thought you said you weren't a faggot,"
Slash pushed Axl off him and jumped up.
"I...uh...have to go now,"
He rushed out of the room and Axl collapsed onto the bed in laughter. He went out and knocked on the bathroom door.
"Slash?" he called softly.
"It's ok you know," he said, "I am pretty irresistible,"
"No you're not," he whispered, sounding strained.
"Is somebody jacking off?" Axl teased.
"Fuck off," Slash growled.
"Want me to come in and help you?" Axl asked, opening the door. Slash slammed it shut again.
"Try and I'll nail your mother-fucking hand to the floor," he warned, "Now fuck off,"
Axl chuckled and went downstairs to get a drink.
"Don't be too long loverboy," he called, "I'll be right back,"

The following morning they left for a gig which was four hours away. In the back, there was an awkward silence between Slash and Izzy. Steven sat with his arm around Izzy, dozing. Duff was at the steering wheel, he was stoned, but focused enough to drive. Axl was beside him, finding fault with everything.
"Drive faster," Axl ordered.
"I'm driving 65 in a 50 zone," Duff pointed out.
"80 is the new 60,"
"Who the fuck talks like that?" Duff asked, clearly baffled.
There was a tense silence before Axl spoke again.
"Can we at least change the music?"
"No, I like this," Duff protested.
"But it's just whining and complaining,"
"Hey," Duff grinned, "That sounds like somebody I know,"
"Fuck you," Axl spat.
"Dude, what's your problem? Duff asked.
"What's my problem?" Axl asked, "I'll tell you my problem. I am sitting in a fucking rickshaw listening to shitty fucking music and sweating like a pig in heat because YOU refuse to open a window. That is my problem."
"Just shut the fuck up," Duff muttered turning up the radio. Axl leaned forward and switched it off. Duff switched it back on and Duff switched it off. Duff lost his temper.
"We are driving in MY van at a speed at which I feel comfortable, listening to MY music and eating MY snacks,"
"Cheese-puffs and Cola?" Axl sneered, 'What are you? Eight?"
"That's it," Duff decided, "Izzy, Slash, Steven, say goodbye to Axl,"
"What the fuck are you doing?" Axl demanded as Duff made to pull over.
'Dropping you at the side of the road," Duff answered, "You can walk."
"No you're fucking not," Axl shouted,. trying to grab the wheel. The van veered towards the side of the road. Duff managed to slam the brakes just in time. Steven fell forward.
"What the fuck?" he asked groggily.
"Axl, switch with Steve," Duff instructed.
"Fuck no," he said indignantly, "I always ride shotgun,"
"And right now, you're riding my last nerve," Duff said firmly, "Switch,"
Muttering obscenities about 'fucked up bassists' and 'faggot ass drummer junkies', Axl switched with Steven and threw himself on the ground beside Slash. Opposite Izzy. Shooting a smile at Slash and then at Izzy, he put an arm around Slash's shoulder and ran a hand down Slash's leg.
"Dude," Slash muttered through gritted teeth, "Stop,"
"You're right," Axl whispered, loud enough for Izzy to hear, "We'll do that later,"
Slash opened his mouth and closed it again Sighing deeply he lit a cigarette and inhaled. He hated when Axl was in this mood. There was no arguing. He'd never let Slash forget last night. Why? Why did he have to get a hard on? He inhaled deeply trying to ignore Axl, who was playing with his curls.
Izzy pressed his lips together and looked away. This was just what he needed for the next three hours. He had the memory of the previous night engrained in his mind. How the hell could Axl move on so damn quickly? It had taken Izzy years and years to fall for someone that he really cared for and Axl had found someone in two weeks.
"You okay man?" Axl asked innocently.
Slash grunted a reply and closed his eyes, taking a swig of vodka. Axl raised his eyebrows at Izzy.
"I'm fine,"
Izzy glared at him. 'I chose you,' he thought. 'How could you do this to me?'
Axl smiled at Izzy and looked over at Slash who had fallen asleep after finishing the vodka. There was a tense silence between Axl and Izzy for a while. After about an hour the van spluttered and rolled to a stop. Axl and Izzy leaned forward to Duff.
"Dude, how long has that orange light been flashing?" Izzy asked Duff, indicating the fuel light. Duff shrugged, stoned. He'd been smoking pot with Steven.
"A while," he said, "But its a pretty colour and I liked it. Bad call?"
Izzy sighed and looked at Axl who had stepped out of the van and was muttering obscenities. "See this is why I said Axl should drive," he told them, "There's a gas station about a mile back,"
"Someone's gonna have to get gas," Duff said, "I can't. I have to stay with know?"
"The van?" Steven asked helpfully.
"Yeah," Duff beamed, "That's it,"
Izzy sighed deeply. They were both as wasted as each other. Duff was right. He couldn't go. He was too wasted. He could go and get the gas no problem. He'd come back no problem. But when, was the question. He mightn't return for a week. It had happened before. Steven couldn't be trusted with the simplest of tasks. Slash was passed out.
"That leaves me and Axl," he sighed, "I'll go by myself."
He hopped out of the van. He could get it by himself. it was only a litre of gas.
"Get alcohol," Duff called, "And cheese puffs,"
"And a slushy," Steven shouted, "Oh and you know that chocolate? With the raisins in it? Get some of that."
"Looks like you'll need me after all," Axl smiled.
Izzy sighed and bit back a curse.
"Fine," he replied through gritted teeth.
They walked for a while in silence before Axl spoke up.
"I don't know why you're being so moody with me," he said, "You're the one who turned me down. It's not like I was cheating on you or anything,"
"I'm not being moody," Izzy replied, "And I don't care about what you do,"
"Good," Axl shrugged, "So things with Adler are going well?"
"Great," Axl said, "I'm happy for you,"
"Haven't you even wondered why I came looking for you?" Izzy asked.
"Every second," Axl replied softly.
"Well it doesn't matter now," Izzy said, moving away, "I're clearly with Slash now,"
"As you are with Steven,"
"Yeah," Izzy sighed.
They lapsed back into silence until they reached the shop. They walked through the shop in silence picking out the food for Steven and Duff as well as some extra things for themselves. Axl went down to the alcohol and picked up two bottles.
"Ok," he said, returning to Izzy, "We can't afford both. So what'll it be? Vodka or night-train?"
"I don't care," Izzy muttered,
"Choose," Axl persisted.
"I said I don't fucking care,"
"Look if this is about last night man," Axl began.
"This is not about last night," Izzy interrupted.
"Well then," Axl sighed, "Vodka? Or night-train?"
"Whatever man," Izzy snapped, "I don't care about vodka, I don't care about Night-train and I REALLY don't care that I walked in on you making out with Slash,"
"I only made out with him because you clearly weren't interested," Axl said.
"Yes I was," Izzy shouted, "That's why I came to your room. To tell you I'd changed my mind. But you're with Slash now. So I don't care. Forget it,"
Izzy handed Axl the food and money and began to leave the shop.
"Oh and Axl?" he turned momentarily, "Vodka. I fucking hate night-train,"
Izzy turned on his heel and stormed out of the shop and down the road. Axl watched him leave and smiled to himself.
"Jeff Isbell, you'll be mine before this trip is out," he muttered, bringing the food to the counter.
Izzy was right where Axl wanted him. Axl could have him any time he wanted. He smiled to himself and whistled as he made his way back to the van.
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