Categories > Celebrities > Guns n' Roses > I think About You

Trying Not to think

by Y2marmar 2 reviews

Izzy wants Axl but won't admit it. His pride won't let him. Slash wants Axl but like Izzy, his pride won't let him admit it. Axl wants Izzy. But realizing that Izzy won't admit his feelings he tu...

Category: Guns n' Roses - Rating: PG-13 - Genres: Erotica,Humor,Romance - Warnings: [X] - Published: 2008-05-22 - Updated: 2008-05-22 - 2352 words

Back in the van, Axl and Izzy sat staring at each other as Slash snored next to them.
'I chose him' Izzy thought to himself, once more. 'How could he do this?' Axl returned his gaze momentarily and grinned almost as if to say, 'you had your chance Isbell and you blew it,'
Axl closed his eyes. He couldn't bear Izzy being so close to him. He wanted Izzy to hold him, to kiss him. He wanted to rip off all of Izzy's clothes and kiss him all over. He opened his eyes to see Izzy still staring at him. He grinned at him, teasingly and then looked at Slash. He wanted Izzy more than anything, but who was to stop him from having fun with Slash while he waited? The fun being in the fact that Slash was clearly attracted to him and was fighting a losing battle in trying to deny it. In the front Steven and Duff were completely wasted and were singing along loudly to Duff's whiny music.
Axl moved over and sat beside Izzy. They sat quietly for a while before Axl spoke.
"Ok, I give up," he said quietly, "What do you want me to do?"
"You could disappear and let me be happy," Izzy suggested.
"But you're not," Axl whispered in his ear, "Are you?"
Izzy closed his eyes. He could feel Axl's hot breath on his neck as he whispered and it was almost too much for Izzy to bear.
"I am," he insisted, sounding unconvinced, "I'm happy with Steven,"
"Who ya tryin' to convince?" Axl asked teasingly, "Me or you?"
"You can't do this," Izzy hissed, "You can't do this the minute I find someone I'm happy with,"
"But you're not,"Axl replied, "I know you're still in love with me,"
"So?" Izzy asked, "What does it matter? I'm with Steven now. I'll get over you. I did before. I can do it again. I don't care about you,"
Axl smiled and stroked Izzy's leg. Izzy tried, unsuccessfully to move further to the equipment, away from Axl.
"If you don't care," Axl began softly, "Why are you so annoyed about me and Slash?"
Izzy opened his mouth to reply but found he couldn't.
"Are we nearly there?" he asked, for need to of something else to say.
Duff shrugged.
"Dunno," he said, "Probably,"
Izzy sighed deeply and closed his eyes, willing Axl to go away.
"Thought so," Axl whispered in his ear, "You ain't fooling anyone, Isbell,"
He smiled. Izzy kept his eyes shut. Axl slipped over next to Slash. He was in the mood for some fun.
He moved in close to him and began playing with his hair. He ran a finger down Slash's chest. and across his stomach, while playfully blowing in his ear. Slash shifted a bit. Axl grinned and gently bit Slash's ear. Slash moaned slightly in pleasure and opened his eyes.
"Hey," he turned to smile at whoever was nibbling at him like that and came face to face with Axl.
"Hey sexy," Axl purred, moving in to kiss him on the lips "You were enjoying that weren't you?"
Slash hesitated. Torn between the desire to punch Axl in the nose and keep his promise to make Izzy jealous. Duff interrupted his thoughts.
"Holy fuck," he exclaimed, "Don't tell me you two are at it as well?"
"What can I say man?" Axl grinned, running a finger down Slash's thigh, "It's contagious."
Slash bit his lip as Axl ran a finger teasingly up and down his thigh. He could feel his cock beginning to twitch and was terrified of getting another erection in front of Axl. He tried to think of something un-sexy. But all he could focus on was Axl's fingers. Axl slowly brought a finger up near Slash's cock and quickly dragged it down Slash's leg again. He continued this for a few minutes while conducting a conversation with Steven about drums.
Slash was biting down hard on his lip, watching Axl's fingers travel up his leather-clad thigh, teasingly close to his cock and then slide back down. Deep down a part of him wished Axl would just touch it and get it over with. He wanted Axl to stroke it and wank it and...holy crap, what was he thinking? He wasn't a faggot. He didn't want Axl near him.
"Dude..."Slash began, but noticed Izzy looking at him and remembered their deal. He'd made a promise.
"Later man," he smiled and winked, praying Axl still remembered it was all an act.
"If you say so lover boy," Axl smiled knowingly.
"Where are we staying?" Izzy asked, unable to bear it any longer.
"Some motel," Duff shrugged, "It's been booked for us. Two in one room, three in another,"
"Me and Steve will take the double," Izzy said, looking at Axl.
"Suits me" Axl smiled and shrugged, "That leaves me and Slash,"
"And Duff," Izzy reminded him.
"Yeah but you know what he's like once he's had enough drinks," Axl smiled knowingly, "Out cold. A brass band wouldn't wake him,"
Izzy pressed his lips together. He didn't need this. Axl put a hand around Slash's neck and started playing with his curls, and blowing in his ear.
"Will you fuck off?" Slash hissed.
"No, " Axl answered, smiling, "I'm in love,"
Slash opened his mouth to comeback but couldn't. A deal was a deal.
"Be that as it may," Slash said finally, "Have some restraint,"
"I'm trying," Axl teased, "But dude, you drive me wild,"
Axl bit his lip in glee, seeing Slash clench his fists. He was driving him wild and wanted to see how far he could push the guitarist before he flipped.
Slash bit his lip. He wasn't gay. Nowhere near it. So why did he want Axl to touch him so badly? He stole a glance at Axl who had recommenced playing with his curls. He wished he'd disappear. It would make things easier. Slash lit a cigarette and inhaled deeply, willing Axl to stop stroking his chest. Izzy closed his eyes and silently begged Axl to do the same thing.
Finally, the van pulled to a stop outside a small grotty looking bar. Duff stumbled out of the front and vomited beside the van. Izzy climbed out of the back and watched him with his arms folded.
"I've warned you about mixing vodka, beer, nighttrain and coke," he said, watching Duff retching. He knew it wasn't helping. But he didn't care. He was bitter and he wanted to take it out on someone.
Duff finally raised his head and looked at him.
"Are you for real?" he asked, before retching again.
"You shouldn't mix alcohol, thats all I'm saying,"
"Gee, sorry mother," Duff answered sarcastically.
Axl, tiring of the scene, went up and rapped on the door. A small fat, sweaty man opened it slightly and peeked out.
"If yer selling, I'm not interested, if yer looking for money I haven't got it. I'll pay you next week. If yer looking for the stuff i promised, I'll have it later."
Axl raised an eyebrow and looked to Steven, who was beside him.
"No, dude, we're the band," Steven told him. The man looked at him suspiciously, disappeared for a minute and returned.
"You're Guns and Roses?" he asked.
Guns N Roses," Axl corrected, emphasising the 'N'
"Whatever," the man said, opening the door wider, "I'm Bob Delaware. Come in and set up. you play in there."
He indicated the bar, before entering a room entitled private. They watched him for a moment before going into the bar. It was small, dark and stank of stale beer and vomit. There was a small clearing at the front that obviously supposed to be a stage.
"Shit," Duff said, feeling his stomach turning again, "This stinks, literally. I have to go outside."
"Will we fit all the equipment?" Steven asked.
Izzy shrugged,
"We can try. Let's get started."
As the band headed out to the van, Izzy held Axl back.
"What the hell was that?" he demanded.
"What was what?" Axl asked innocently.
"You know what I'm talking about,"
"I really don't man," Axl shrugged.
"I'm talking about that show you put on in the van" Izzy snapped, "Do you really think I care about you trying it on with Slash,"
"You think that was a show?" Axl scoffed, "Dude, that wasn't a show. I don't care about what you feel,"
"Good," Izzy spat as the band came back in hauling equipment.
"Dude, if this gets too much for you, let us know," Slash remarked sarcastically.
Izzy and Axl remained where they were glaring at each other. Duff and Slash glanced at each other.
"We're gonna go for a walk," Duff said, as they left, dragging a reluctant Steven behind them.
When they'd left, Axl spoke again. As he spoke he circled Izzy.
"I don't care how you feel because I KNOW that you are crazily in love with me,"
Izzy turned and glared him in the eye.
"Listen to me and listen well. I am not in love with you. I am in love with Slash. Deal with it,"
He turned on his heel and stormed out. Leaving Axl alone, smiling. Izzy wanted him so badly.

Later on, Axl was sitting in his room alone. Next door, he could hear Steven and Izzy having sex. Duff peeped his head into the room.
"Gigs cancelled," he said, "We're playing tomorrow night. Long story I have a hot date, pass on the message,"
He went out again, high fiving Slash who stumbled in the door.
"Are you wasted?" Axl asked as Slash fell onto the bed. Slash mumbled something incoherently. Axl smiled to himself. This could be interesting.The walls were like paper. You could hear everything. Izzy gave a loud moan of pleasure in the next room.
"Sounds like fun," Axl remarked.
"I'm horny," Slash mumbled into the pillow.
Axl ran a finger down Slash's back and over his ass.
"You're hot, really hot," he said, "Why don't you take off some of your clothes."
Slash nodded.
"Think I'll take off...stuff," he mumbled.
Axl smiled to himself. This was fun. Slash was completely inebriated. When he was like this, you could convince him to do anything and make him believe it was his own idea. Axl raised his eyebrow as Slash stripped off completely. Not quite what Axl had expected, but very, very sexy. Axl swallowed, feeling his cock twitching, as he looked at Slash's tanned naked body. His eyes travelled down to Slash's cock. Slash was very well endowed.
"Tired," Slash slurred, lying on the bed.
"Aren't you horny?" Axl asked.
Axl lay beside him and began began stroking Slash's chest slowly, he let his finger run down to Slash's stomach. Slash was watching him with interest. Axl let his finger travel lower, tracing the inside of Slash's thigh. He looked up.
"Want me to stop?" he asked. Slash shook his head.
"Want you to fuck me," he mumbled.
Had Axl been a gentleman, he would have stopped, realising that Slash was wasted and had no idea where he was or what he was doing. But since when was Axl a gentleman?
"If thats what you want my pretty," Axl smiled, kissing Slash's stomach.
Axl kissed, Slash's stomach and stood up. He wasted no time taking his clothes off and in seconds was lying beside Slash again. He reached a hand down and began stroking Slash's already hard cock. His own cock was rock hard too. He traced Slash's collar bone and kissed the hollow underneath it. He sucked it hard. He kissed Slash's chest and sucked Slash's nipples.
"Can't wait," Slash moaned, "Fuck me now. I'm horny, do it,"
His voice had become whiney, and his cock was leaking pre cum already. Axl smiled as he took some lube out of his back and applied it to his cock.
"Not unless you beg," he said.
"Please," he whined, "Do it,"
Axl needed no further persuading. He lifted Slash's legs up and pushed himself inside Slash. Slash moaned loudly as Axl pushed himself right in. He'd never been taken up the ass and it hurt like hell, but he was oh so horny and the pain felt so good. He cried out as Axl thrust himself in. Axl pumped harder and Slash's moans got louder. Slash was so tight, so wet, so hot. Axl couldn't hold back he thrust himself in roughly, pulling back out and pushing back in as hard as he could until he could take it no longer and shot a load of cum inside Slash's ass. He cried out loud pumping as hard as he could. Slash let out a shout as he came. Shooting cum onto Axl's stomach.
Finally Axl pulled out and collapsed beside Slash, sweating. He looked at Slash, who had fallen into a drunken sleep as soon as he climaxed. Axl looked at him, wondering if he'd remember this in the morning. Slash was beautiful, he thought, watching his chest rise and fall as he slept. He could be happy with Slash, he thought. He'd prefer Izzy. But he could make do with Slash.

In the next room, Izzy lay awake in Steven's arms. Steven was fast asleep. Izzy had heard everything between Slash and Axl. Why hadn't he admitted Axl was right. He had so many opportunities and he couldn't do it. His pride wouldn't let him admit Axl was right. He sighed loudly. He needed to talk to Axl. He looked at Steven. He was in love with Steven but who said it had to be exclusive? Who had said you could only be in love with one person at a time?
Izzy knew that it was more than possible to be truly, madly in love with two people at one time. He loved Steven but he needed Axl too. He had to talk to him. Tomorrow. he decided. Tomorrow would be the day he'd talk to Axl. Unless of course his pride got in the way again.
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